

## 显示数据库
show databases;

## 创建数据库
# utf-8
  CREATE DATABASE database_name DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
  # gbk
  CREATE DATABASE database_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET gbk COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci;

## 打开数据库
use test;

## 用户管理
	# 创建用户
    create user '用户名'@'IP地址' identified by '密码';
	# 删除用户
    drop user '用户名'@'IP地址'; 
	# 修改用户
    rename user '用户名'@'IP地址'; to '新用户名'@'IP地址';;
  # 修改密码
    set password for '用户名'@'IP地址' = Password('新密码')
	# PS:用户权限相关数据保存在mysql数据库的user表中,所以也可以直接对其进行操作(不建议)

show grants for '用户'@'IP地址'                  -- 查看权限
grant  权限 on 数据库.表 to   '用户'@'IP地址'      -- 授权
revoke 权限 on 数据库.表 from '用户'@'IP地址'      -- 取消权限

## 数据表的创建
	# 显示数据表
		show tables;
	# 创建数据表
		# 设置可以为空
		# 设置默认值 not null
		# 设置自增 auto_increment
		# 设置主键 primary key
		# 设置外键 constraint fk_cc foreign key (color_id) references color(nid)
		# 设置注释 comment 'id'

create table color (
	nid int not null auto_increment primary key comment 'id',
	username varchar(16) not null default '张三' comment '名称'

create table fruit (
	fid int not null primary key,
	smt char(32) null,
	color_id int not null,
	constraint fk_cc foreign key (color_id) references color(nid)

## 删除表
drop table fruit;

## 清空表
delete from color;
truncate table color;

## 修改表
 # 添加列:
		alter table color add create_time date;

 # 删除列:
		alter table color drop column create_time;

 # 修改列:
    alter table color modify column username varchar(3);  
    alter table color change username usernames varchar(6); 

 # 添加主键:
    alter table color add primary key(nid);

 # 删除主键:
    alter table color drop primary key;
    alter table color  modify nid int, drop primary key;

 # 添加外键:
		alter table fruit add constraint fk_cc_fr foreign key fruit(color_id) references color(nid);
 # 删除外键:
		alter table color drop foreign key fk_cc_fr;

 # 修改默认值:
		alter table color alter username set default '李四';

 # 删除默认值:
		alter table color alter username drop default;

## 数据表的相关操作
	# 新增
		insert into color(nid, username) values(default, '王五');
		insert into color(nid, username) values(default, '王五'),(default, '李四');
		insert into color(username) select username from color;

	# 删除
		delete from color;
		delete from color where nid = 2;

	# 修改
		update color set username = '小明' WHERE nid = 3;

	# 查询
		# 普通查询
			select * from color;
			select * from color where nid > 3;
			select nid, username as name from color where nid > 2;

		# 排序查询
			# 根据 ‘nid’ 从大到小排列
			select * from color order by nid desc;
			# 根据 ‘nid’ 从小到大排列
			select * from color order by nid asc;
			# 先根据 ‘nid’ 排序, 如果相同, 再根据 ‘usernam’ 排序
			select * from color order by nid desc, username asc;

		# 模糊查询
			# ‘%’ 表示匹配多个字符
			select * from color where username like '%';
			# '_' 表示匹配一个字符
			select * from color where username like '王_';
		# 分组查询
			select username from color group by username;
			select nid, username from color group by nid, username;
			select nid, username from color where nid > 2 group by username order by nid desc;
			select nid, username, count(*), sum(nid), max(nid) from color group by username;
			select nid, username from color group by username having max(nid) > 5;

		# 多表查询
			# 表连接
				# 无对应关系不显示
					select C.nid, C.username, F.smt from color C, fruit F where C.nid = F.color_id;
				# 无对应关系不显示
					select C.username, F.smt from color C inner join fruit F on C.nid = F.color_id; 
				# C表所有显示,如果F表中无对应关系, 则为null
					select C.username, F.smt from color C left join fruit F on C.nid = F.color_id;
				# F表所有显示,如果F表中无对应关系,则值为null
					select C.username, F.smt from color C right join fruit F on C.nid = F.color_id;
			# 组合
				# 组合,自动处理重合
					select username from color union select smt from fruit;

				# 组合,不处理重合
					select username from color union all select smt from fruit;


