Eclipse 的数据库模型设计插件 Azzurri Clay

Clay markII 收费了,取消了直接下载的链接。我之前有用它开发,现在先不到了。用1.4.0的版本打不开。所有只好用在线安装的方法。具体如下:


  • From the Eclipse menu, select Help > Software Updates > Update Manager. This will cause Eclipse to switch to the Install/Update Perspective.
  • In the Feature Update view in the lower left, right-click to bring up the popup menu, and select New > Site Bookmark. This will start the New Site Bookmark wizard.
  • Enter the following information:
    • In the name text field, type Azzurri Plugins
    • In the URL text field, type
    • Make sure the Eclipse Update Site radio button is selected, and press OK
  • The Feature Update view in the lower left will now have the Azzurri Plugins site folder you just created. Expand the site folder to browse the features available for download.

