message/uml 7

2.3 Analysis Model Views
An analysis model is a complex network of inter-related classes and instances derived
from concepts defined in the MESSAGE/UML metamodel.MESSAGE defines a
number of views that focus on overlapping sub-sets of entity and relationship
Organisation view(OV)–This shows ConcreteEntities(Agents,Organisations,
Roles,Resources)in the system and its environment and coarse-grained relationships
between them(aggregation,power,and acquaintance relationships).An acquaintance
relationship indicates the existence of at least one Interaction involving the entities
Goal/Task view(GTV)–This shows Goals,Tasks,Situations and the
dependencies among them.Goals and Tasks both have attributes of type Situation,so
that they can be linked by logical dependencies to form graphs that show e.g.
decomposition of high-level Goals into sub-goals,and how Tasks can be performed to
achieve Goals.Graphs showing temporal dependencies can also be drawn,and we
have found UML Activity Diagram notation useful here.
Agent/Role view(AV)–This focuses on the individual Agents and Roles.For
each agent/role it uses schemata supported by diagrams to its characteristics such as
what Goals it is responsible for,what events it needs to sense,what resources it
controls,what Tasks it knows how to perform,'behaviour rules',etc.
Interaction view(IV)–For each interaction among agents/roles,shows the
initiator,the collaborators,the motivator(generally a goal the initiator is responsible
for),the relevant information supplied/achieved by each participant,the events that
trigger the interaction,other relevant effects of the interaction( agent becomes
responsible for a new goal).Larger chains of interaction across the system(e.g.
corresponding to uses cases)can also be considered.
Domain view(DV)–Shows the domain specific concepts and relations that are
relevant for the system under development(e.g.for a system dealing with making
travel arrangements,this view will show concepts like trip,flight,ticket,hotel….).
Provisional ideas on notation,diagrams and schemas to visualize the views are
illustrated in the case study section below.
The purpose of Analysis is to produce a model(or collection of models)of the system
to be developed and its environment,that is agreed between the analyst and the
customer(and other stakeholders).It aids communication between the development
team and the customer,and provides a basis from which design can proceed with
confidence.The analysis models are produced by stepwise refinement.
Refinement Approach:The top level of decomposition is referred to as level 0.
This initial level is concerned with defining the system to be developed with respect
to its stakeholders and environment.The system is viewed as a set of organisations
that interact with resources,actors,or other organisations.Actors may be human users

