
RR报文格式: fraction lost cumulative number of packets lost interarrival jitter extended highest sequence number received:

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
header |V=2|P|    RC   |   PT=RR=201   |             length            |
       |                     SSRC of packet sender                     |
report |                 SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source)                 |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  1    | fraction lost |       cumulative number of packets lost       |
       |           extended highest sequence number received           |
       |                      interarrival jitter                      |
       |                         last SR (LSR)                         |
       |                   delay since last SR (DLSR)                  |
report |                 SSRC_2 (SSRC of second source)                |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  2    :                               ...                             :
       |                  profile-specific extensions                  |


  1. 接收端维护两个计数器,每收到一个RTP包都更新:
  • transmitted,接收到的RTP包的总数;

  • retransmitted,接收到重传RTP包的数量;

    2.某时刻收到的有序包的数量Count = transmitted-retransmitte ,当前时刻为Count2,上一时刻为Count1;

    uint16_t exp_since_last = (received_seq_max_ - last_report_seq_max_);

    uint32_t rec_since_last = Count2 - Count1

    int32_t missing = exp_since_last - rec_since_last


  1. 接收端发送的RR包中包含两个丢包,一个是fraction_lost,是两次统计间隔间的丢包率(以256为基数换算成8bit),一个是cumulative_lost,是总的累积丢包。


void StreamStatisticianImpl::UpdateCounters(const RTPHeader& header,
                                            size_t packet_length,
                                            bool retransmitted) {
  rtc::CritScope cs(&stream_lock_);
  receive_counters_.transmitted.AddPacket(packet_length, header);
  if (!in_order && retransmitted) {
    receive_counters_.retransmitted.AddPacket(packet_length, header);
  // New max.
  received_seq_max_ = header.sequenceNumber;
  // Count only the new packets received. That is, if packets 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6
  // are received, 4 will be ignored.
  if (in_order) {
    last_received_timestamp_ = header.timestamp;
    last_receive_time_ntp_ = receive_time;
    last_receive_time_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();

更新transmitted, retransmitted

RtcpStatistics StreamStatisticianImpl::CalculateRtcpStatistics() {
  RtcpStatistics stats;

  if (last_report_inorder_packets_ == 0) {
    // First time we send a report.
    last_report_seq_max_ = received_seq_first_ - 1;

  //last_report_seq_max_ 上一次发送rr时的seq_max
  //received_seq_max_ 当前的seq_max
  //exp_since_last 期望能收到多少包
  // Calculate fraction lost.
  uint16_t exp_since_last = (received_seq_max_ - last_report_seq_max_);

  // 当前实时刻收到的有序包的数量receive_counters_.transmitted.packets - receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets
  // 上一次发送rr时收到包的数量 last_report_old_packets_
  // 实际收到包的数量 rec_since_last
  // Number of received RTP packets since last report, counts all packets but
  // not re-transmissions.
  uint32_t rec_since_last =
      (receive_counters_.transmitted.packets -
       receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets) - last_report_inorder_packets_;

  // With NACK we don't know the expected retransmissions during the last
  // second. We know how many "old" packets we have received. We just count
  // the number of old received to estimate the loss, but it still does not
  // guarantee an exact number since we run this based on time triggered by
  // sending of an RTP packet. This should have a minimum effect.

  // With NACK we don't count old packets as received since they are
  // re-transmitted. We use RTT to decide if a packet is re-ordered or
  // re-transmitted.
  uint32_t retransmitted_packets =
      receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets - last_report_old_packets_;
  rec_since_last += retransmitted_packets;

  // 计算丢包数:期望收到的包总数exp_since_last - 实际收到的包总数rec_since_last
  int32_t missing = 0;
  if (exp_since_last > rec_since_last) {
    missing = (exp_since_last - rec_since_last);
  //丢包率 = 255 * 丢包数 / 预期收到的包总数
  uint8_t local_fraction_lost = 0;
  if (exp_since_last) {
    // Scale 0 to 255, where 255 is 100% loss.
    local_fraction_lost =
        static_cast<uint8_t>(255 * missing / exp_since_last);
  stats.fraction_lost = local_fraction_lost;

  // We need a counter for cumulative loss too.
  // TODO(danilchap): Ensure cumulative loss is below maximum value of 2^24.
  // 累加丢包总数
  cumulative_loss_ += missing;
  stats.cumulative_lost = cumulative_loss_;    




抖动(i, j) = |(Rj - Ri) - (Sj - Si)| = |(Rj - Sj) - (Ri - Si)|

WebRTC为了统一抖动,并且为了很好的降噪、降低突发抖动的影响,把上面的抖动(i, j)定义为D(i, j)抖动J(i)定义为:
J(i) = J(i-1) + (|D(i-1, i)| - J(i - 1)) / 16

我虽然看不出J(i)和D(i)的关系,但是D(i-1, j)是唯一引起J(i)变化的因素,是需要重点关注的。


void StreamStatisticianImpl::UpdateCounters(const RTPHeader& header,
                                            size_t packet_length,
                                            bool retransmitted) {
  if (in_order) {

    // If new time stamp and more than one in-order packet received, calculate
    // new jitter statistics.
    if (header.timestamp != last_received_timestamp_ &&
        (receive_counters_.transmitted.packets -
         receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets) > 1) {
			UpdateJitter(header, receive_time);


void StreamStatisticianImpl::UpdateJitter(const RTPHeader& header,
                                          NtpTime receive_time) {
  //receive_time_rtp对应Rj last_receive_time_rtp对应Ri
  //header.timestamp对应Sj last_received_timestamp_对应Si
  //`抖动(i, j)` = `|(Rj - Ri) - (Sj - Si)|`
  uint32_t receive_time_rtp =
      NtpToRtp(receive_time, header.payload_type_frequency);
  uint32_t last_receive_time_rtp =
      NtpToRtp(last_receive_time_ntp_, header.payload_type_frequency);
  int32_t time_diff_samples = (receive_time_rtp - last_receive_time_rtp) -
      (header.timestamp - last_received_timestamp_);

  time_diff_samples = std::abs(time_diff_samples);

  // lib_jingle sometimes deliver crazy jumps in TS for the same stream.
  // If this happens, don't update jitter value. Use 5 secs video frequency
  // as the threshold.
  if (time_diff_samples < 450000) {
    // Note we calculate in Q4 to avoid using float.
    J(i) = J(i-1) + (|D(i-1, i)| - J(i - 1)) / 16
    int32_t jitter_diff_q4 = (time_diff_samples << 4) - jitter_q4_;
    jitter_q4_ += ((jitter_diff_q4 + 8) >> 4);



上面jitter计算存在的问题:每一帧的视频数据放进多个RTP包之后,这些RTP包的头部timestamp字段都是一样的(都是帧的capture time),但是实际发送时间不一样,到达时间也不同。

3) 如何正确计算抖动:

计算D(i, j)时,Si不能只使用RTP timestamp,而是应该使用该RTP实际发送到网络的时间戳。这种抖动被命名为jitter_q4_transmission_time_offset,意为考虑了transmission_time_offset的jitter。

  • a. transmission_time_offset是什么?

transmission_time_offset是一段时间间隔,该时间间隔代表属于同一帧的RTP的实际发送时间距离帧的capture time偏移量 。下图是对transmission_offset_time的解释:


其中,箭头代表一个RTP,发送端的竖线代表时间轴,虚线代表帧的capture time。

最开始三个RTP包在距离capture time offset1时间之后发送到网络,因此这三个RTP包的transmission_time_offset应该是offset1。同理第四个RTP包的transmission_time_offset应该是offset2,第五个RTP包的transmission_time_offset应该是offset3。

  • b. transmission_time_offset在RTP包的哪里放着?


下面的代码段是WebRTC中D(i, j)的计算:

void StreamStatisticianImpl::UpdateJitter(const RTPHeader& header,
                                          NtpTime receive_time) {  
// Extended jitter report, RFC 5450.
  // Actual network jitter, excluding the source-introduced jitter.
  int32_t time_diff_samples_ext =
    (receive_time_rtp - last_receive_time_rtp) -
    ((header.timestamp +
      header.extension.transmissionTimeOffset) -
     (last_received_timestamp_ +

  time_diff_samples_ext = std::abs(time_diff_samples_ext);

  if (time_diff_samples_ext < 450000) {
    int32_t jitter_diffQ4TransmissionTimeOffset =
      (time_diff_samples_ext << 4) - jitter_q4_transmission_time_offset_;
    jitter_q4_transmission_time_offset_ +=
      ((jitter_diffQ4TransmissionTimeOffset + 8) >> 4);


  • receive_time_rtp 代表当前RTP的到达时间戳;
  • last_receive_time_rtp 是上一个RTP到达时记录的时间戳;
  • header.timestamp + header.extension.transmissionTimeOffset 前者是capture time,后者是对应的transmission time offset,两者相加代表该RTP实际发送到网络的时间戳;
  • last_received_timestamp_ + last_received_transmission_time_offset_ 含义同上,但是代表的是上一个RTP的实际发送到网络的时间戳;



