higher-order organization of complex networks摘要

  给定一个网络模块 M M M,寻找一种聚类 S S S以满足两种目标。首先,节点应参与尽量多的模块 M M M,其次集合 S S S应避免破坏模块 M M M。即,给定模块 M M M,高阶聚类方法的目标是最小
(1) ϕ M ( S ) = c u t M ( S , S ‾ ) / m i n [ v o l M ( S ) , v o l M ( S ‾ ) ] \phi_M(S)=cut_M(S,\overline{S})/min[vol_M(S),vol_M(\overline{S})]\tag{1} ϕM(S)=cutM(S,S)/min[volM(S),volM(S)](1)
c u t M ( S , S ‾ ) cut_M(S,\overline{S}) cutM(S,S)是被分割开来的 M M M的个数, v o l M ( S ) vol_M(S) volM(S) S S S M M M的节点数。算法借鉴谱聚类的方法,算法流程是
  1.给定一个网络和一种模块 M M M,算出矩阵 W M W_M WM,其中元素 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)表示节点 i , j i,j i,j共现于 M M M中的次数。
  2.计算由 W M W_M WM产生的拉普拉斯谱排序 σ \sigma σ
  3.找到 σ \sigma σ排序的前 r r r个组成的集合作为 S r = { σ 1 , … , σ r } S_r=\{\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_r\} Sr={ σ1,,σr},依据是 S : = a r g m i n r ϕ M ( S r ) S:=argmin_r\phi_M(S_r) S:=argminrϕM(Sr)
  考虑无向图 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E) ∣ V ∣ = n |V|=n V=n,进一步假设没有独立点, W W W记为图的权重,对角矩阵 D D D记为 D i i = ∑ j = 1 n W i j D_{ii}=\sum_{j=1}^nW_{ij} Dii=j=1nWij,拉普拉斯矩阵为 L = D − W L=D-W L=DW。对于集合 S S S,则 ϕ ( G ) ( S ) \phi^{(G)}(S) ϕ(G)(S)
(3) ϕ ( G ) ( S ) = c u t ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) / m i n ( v o l ( G ) ( S ) , v o l ( G ) ( S ‾ ) ) \phi^{(G)}(S)=cut^{(G)}(S,\overline{S})/min(vol^{(G)}(S),vol^{(G)}(\overline{S}))\tag{3} ϕ(G)(S)=cut(G)(S,S)/min(vol(G)(S),vol(G)(S))(3)
(4) c u t ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = ∑ i ∈ S , j ∈ S ‾ W i j cut^{(G)}(S,\overline{S})=\sum_{i\in S,j\in\overline{S}}W_{ij}\tag{4} cut(G)(S,S)=iS,jSWij(4)
(5) v o l ( G ) ( S ) = ∑ i ∈ S D i i vol^{(G)}(S)=\sum_{i\in S}D_{ii}\tag{5} vol(G)(S)=iSDii(5)
(6) c u t ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = w e i g h t e d   s u m   o f   e d g e s   t h a t   a r e   c u t cut^{(G)}(S,\overline{S})=weighted\ sum\ of\ edges\ that\ are\ cut\tag{6} cut(G)(S,S)=weighted sum of edges that are cut(6)
(7) v o l ( G ) ( S ) = w e i g h t e d   n u m b e r   o f   e d g e   e n d   p o i n t s   i n   S vol^{(G)}(S)=weighted\ number\ of\ edge\ end\ points\ in\ S\tag{7} vol(G)(S)=weighted number of edge end points in S(7)
x x x表示集合 S S S的向量, x i = 1 x_i=1 xi=1表示节点 i i i S S S中, x i = 0 x_i=0 xi=0表示节点 i i i S ‾ \overline{S} S中,若边 ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j)被分开,则 ( x i − x j ) 2 = 1 (x_i-x_j)^2=1 (xixj)2=1,反之 ( x i − x j ) 2 = 0 (x_i-x_j)^2=0 (xixj)2=0,于是
(9) x T L x = c u t ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = ∑ ( i , j ) ∈ E w i j ( x i − x j ) 2 x^TLx=cut^{(G)}(S,\overline{S})\tag{9}=\sum_{(i,j)\in E}w_{ij}(x_i-x_j)^2 xTLx=cut(G)(S,S)=(i,j)Ewij(xixj)2(9)
  在这里定义 ( B , A ) (B,\mathcal{A}) (B,A),其中 B B B是一个 k × k k\times k k×k的二值矩阵, A \mathcal{A} A是一个节点集合, B B B编码连边模式, A \mathcal{A} A表示模块的子集,在很多时候 A 表 示 节 点 的 整 个 集 合 \mathcal{A}表示节点的整个集合 A s e t ( ⋅ ) set(\cdot) set()将有序元组变成无序元组, s e t ( ( v 1 , v 2 , … , v k ) ) = { v 1 , v 2 , … , v k } set((v_1,v_2,\dots,v_k))=\{v_1,v_2,\dots,v_k\} set((v1,v2,,vk))={ v1,v2,,vk}
(10) M ( B , A ) = { ( s e t ( v ) , s e t ( χ A ( v ) ) ) ∣ v ∈ V k , v 1 , … , v k } M(B,\mathcal{A})=\{(set(v),set(\chi_\mathcal{A}(v)))|v\in V^k,v_1,\dots,v_k\}\tag{10} M(B,A)={ (set(v),set(χA(v)))vVk,v1,,vk}(10)
χ A ( v ) = v \chi_\mathcal{A}(v)=v χA(v)=v,则为simple motifs,否则为anchored motifs。
(17) c u t M ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = ∑ ( v , χ A ( v ) ) ∈ M 1 ( ∃ i , j ∈ χ A ( v ) ∣ i ∈ S , j ∈ S ‾ ) cut_M^{(G)}(S,\overline{S})=\sum_{(v,\chi_A(v))\in M}1(\exists i,j\in\chi_\mathcal{A}(v)|i \in S,j\in\overline{S})\tag{17} cutM(G)(S,S)=(v,χA(v))M1(i,jχA(v)iS,jS)(17)
(18) v o l M ( G ) ( S ) = ∑ ( v , χ A ) ∈ M ∑ i ∈ χ A ( v ) 1 ( i ∈ S ) vol_M^{(G)}(S)=\sum_{(v,\chi_\mathcal{A})\in M}\sum_{i\in\chi_\mathcal{A}(v)}1(i\in S)\tag{18} volM(G)(S)=(v,χA)MiχA(v)1(iS)(18)
(20) ( W M ) i j = ∑ ( v , χ A ) ∈ M 1 ( { i , j } ) ⊂ χ A ( v ) ) (W_M)_{ij}=\sum_{(v,\chi_\mathcal{A})\in M}1(\{i,j\})\subset\chi_\mathcal{A}(v))\tag{20} (WM)ij=(v,χA)M1({ i,j})χA(v))(20)
( D M ) i i = ∑ j = 1 n ( W M ) i j (D_M)_{ii}=\sum_{j=1}^n(W_M)_{ij} (DM)ii=j=1n(WM)ij L M = D M − W M L_M=D_M-W_M LM=DMWM,最后 L M = D M − 1 / 2 L M D M − 1 / 2 = I − D M − 1 / 2 W M D M − 1 / 2 \mathcal{L}_M=D_M^{-1/2}L_MD_M^{-1/2}=I-D_M^{-1/2}W_MD_M^{-1/2} LM=DM1/2LMDM1/2=IDM1/2WMDM1/2,使用特征向量 L M \mathcal{L}_M LM进行分类。
引理1.令 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E)为一个无权重有向图, G M G_M GM是基于模块的有权重图, ∣ A ∣ ≥ 2 |\mathcal{A}|\geq 2 A2则对于任意 S ⊂ V S\subset V SV,有
v o l M ( G ) ( S ) = 1 ∣ A ∣ − 1 v o l ( G M ) ( S ) vol_M^{(G)}(S)=\frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}|-1}vol^{(G_M)}(S) volM(G)(S)=A11vol(GM)(S)
引理2.令 x i , x j , x k ∈ { − 1 , 1 } x_i,x_j,x_k\in\{-1,1\} xi,xj,xk{ 1,1},则
4 ⋅ 1 ( x i , x j x k   n o t   a l l   t h e   s a m e ) = x i 2 + x j 2 + x k 2 − x i x j − x j x k − x k x i 4\cdot1(x_i,x_jx_k\ not\ all\ the\ same)=x_i^2+x_j^2+x_k^2-x_ix_j-x_jx_k-x_kx_i 41(xi,xjxk not all the same)=xi2+xj2+xk2xixjxjxkxkxi
引理3.令 z ∈ { 0 , 1 } n z\in\{0,1\}^n z{ 0,1}n,若 z i = 1 z_i=1 zi=1 x i = 1 x_i=1 xi=1,若 z i = 1 z_i=1 zi=1 x i = − 1 x_i=-1 xi=1,则对于 L = D − W L=D-W L=DW,有 4 z T L z = x T L x 4z^TLz=x^TLx 4zTLz=xTLx
引理4.令 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E)有向无权重图, G M G_M GM是基于 ∣ A ∣ = 3 |\mathcal{A}|=3 A=3的模块的有权重图,对于 S ⊂ V S\subset V SV,有
c u t M ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = 1 2 c u t ( G M ) ( S , S ‾ ) cut^{(G)}_M(S,\overline{S})=\frac{1}{2}cut^{(G_M)}(S,\overline{S}) cutM(G)(S,S)=21cut(GM)(S,S)
定理5.令 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E)有向无权重图, W M W_M WM有权重邻接矩阵,且模块 ∣ A ∣ = 3 |\mathcal{A}|=3 A=3,则对于 S ⊂ V S\subset V SV,有
ϕ M ( G ) ( S ) = ϕ ( G M ) ( S ) \phi^{(G)}_M(S)=\phi^{(G_M)}(S) ϕM(G)(S)=ϕ(GM)(S)
定理6.假设使用算法1找到较好的集合 S S S,令 ϕ ∗ = m i n S ′ ϕ M ( G ) ( S ′ ) \phi_*=min_{S'}\phi^{(G)}_M(S') ϕ=minSϕM(G)(S)为最优集合,则
1. ϕ M ( G ) ≤ 4 ϕ ∗   a n d \phi^{(G)}_M\leq 4\sqrt{\phi^*}\ and ϕM(G)4ϕ  and
2. ϕ ∗ ≥ λ 2 / 2 \phi^*\geq\lambda_2/2 ϕλ2/2
引理7.令 x i , x j x k , x l ∈ { − 1 , 1 } x_i,x_jx_k,x_l\in\{-1,1\} xi,xjxk,xl{ 1,1},则有
(21) 8 ⋅ 1 ( x i , x j , x k , x l   n o t   a l l   t h e   s a m e ) = ( 7 − x i x j − x i x k − x i x l − x j x k − x j x l − x k x l − x i x j x k x l ) 8\cdot1(x_i,x_j,x_k,x_l\ not\ all\ the\ same)=(7-x_ix_j-x_ix_k-x_ix_l-x_jx_k-x_jx_l-x_kx_l-x_ix_jx_kx_l)\tag{21} 81(xi,xj,xk,xl not all the same)=(7xixjxixkxixlxjxkxjxlxkxlxixjxkxl)(21)
引理8.令 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E)有向无权重图, G M G_M GM基于 ∣ A ∣ = 4 |\mathcal{A}|=4 A=4模块有权重图,则对于 S ⊂ V S\subset V SV,有
c u t M ( G ) ( S , S ‾ ) = 1 3 c u t ( G M ) ( S , S ‾ ) − ∑ ( v , { i , j , k , l } ∈ M ) 1 3 ⋅ 1 ( e x a c t l y   t w o   o f   i , j , k , l   i n   S ) cut^{(G)}_M(S,\overline{S})=\frac{1}{3}cut^{(G_M)}(S,\overline{S})-\sum_{(v,\{i,j,k,l\}\in M)}\frac{1}{3}\cdot1(exactly\ two\ of\ i,j,k,l\ in\ S) cutM(G)(S,S)=31cut(GM)(S,S)(v,{ i,j,k,l}M)311(exactly two of i,j,k,l in S)
定理9.令 G = ( V , E ) G=(V,E) G=(V,E)有向无权重图, W M W_M WM基于 ∣ A ∣ = 4 |\mathcal{A}|=4 A=4模块邻接矩阵,则对于 S ⊂ V S\subset V SV,有
ϕ M ( G ) ( S ) = ϕ ( G M ) ( S ) − ∑ ( v , { i , j , k , l } ) ∈ M 1 ( e x a c t l y   t w o   o f   i , j , k , l   i n   S ) v o l ( G M ) ( S ) \phi^{(G)}_M(S)=\phi^{(G_M)}(S)-\frac{\sum_{(v,\{i,j,k,l\})\in M}1(exactly\ two\ of\ i,j,k,l\ in\ S)}{vol^{(G_M)}(S)} ϕM(G)(S)=ϕ(GM)(S)vol(GM)(S)(v,{ i,j,k,l})M1(exactly two of i,j,k,l in S)

% function [S,Sbar,conductances]=MotifSpectralPartitionM6(A)
% Spectral partitioning for motif M_6
B = spones(A & A');%bidirectional links
U = A - B ; %unidirectional links
% Form motif adjacency matrix for motif M_6.
% For different motifs , replace this line with another matrix for mulation.
W = (B * U') .* U' + (U * B) .* U + (U' * U) .* B;
% Compute eigen vector of motif normalized Laplacian
Dsqrt = full(sum(W,2));
Dsqrt(Dsqrt ~= 0) = 1 ./ sqrt(Dsqrt(Dsqrt ~= 0));
[I , J , V] = find(W);
Ln = sparse(I , J , -V .* (Dsqrt(I) .* Dsqrt(J)) , size(A, 1) , size(A, 2));
[Z , lambdas] = eigs(Ln , 2 , 'sa');
% Matlab's eigs is sometimes out of order
[~ , eig_order] = sort(diag(lambdas));
% y = Dsqrt .* Z(: , eig_order(end));
y = Z(: , eig_order(end));
% Linear time sweep procedure
[~ , order] = sort(y);
C = W(order , order);
C_sums = full(sum(C , 2));
volumes = cumsum(C_sums);
volumes_other = full(sum(sum(W))) * ones(length(order) , 1) - volumes;
conductances = cumsum (C_sums - 2 * sum(tril(C) , 2)) ./ min (volumes , volumes_other);
[~ , split] = min(conductances);
S = order(1 : split);
Sbar = order((split + 1) : end);
% function [S,Sbar,conductances]=MotifSpectralPartitionM4(A)
% Spectral partitioning for motif M_4
% Compute eigen vector of motif normalized Laplacian
Dsqrt = full(sum(W,2));
Dsqrt(Dsqrt ~= 0) = 1 ./ sqrt(Dsqrt(Dsqrt ~= 0));
[I , J , V] = find(W);
Ln = sparse(I , J , -V .* (Dsqrt(I) .* Dsqrt(J)) , size(A, 1) , size(A, 2));
[Z , lambdas] = eigs(Ln , 2 , 'sa');
% Matlab's eigs is sometimes out of order
[~ , eig_order] = sort(diag(lambdas));
y = Dsqrt .* Z(: , eig_order(end));
% Linear time sweep procedure
[~ , order] = sort(y);
C = W(order , order);
C_sums = full(sum(C , 2));
volumes = cumsum(C_sums);
volumes_other = full(sum(sum(W))) * ones(length(order) , 1) - volumes;
conductances = cumsum (C_sums - 2 * sum(tril(C) , 2)) ./ min (volumes , volumes_other);
[~ , split] = min(conductances);
S = order(1 : split);
Sbar = order((split + 1) : end);

