Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario development – Part II

In the first part  (Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario – Part I), we have discussed about CIDX Message eStandards. Now let us discuss how to configure and design the objects to support the communication based on CIDX standards in XI.  This is achieved by designing the Message types in Integration Repository and configuring collaboration profiles using CIDX adapter in Integration Repository. CIDX Adapter: CIDX Adapter supports the chem eStandards described in PartI and facilitates to send the messages between Integration Server and Partner System by transforming the message format in XML to message format compliant to chem eStandard Business transaction (chem XML Message) and vice-versa. It supports Single-Action Asynchronous business transaction, in the sense, at a time it can send only single action message (for eg: Invoice) to partner system in asynchronous mode.  There is variety of chem eStandard business transactions described in the chem eStandard document {code:html}{code} that can be exchanged with partner participating in different roles such as buyer, seller and so on.  For eg: some of the transactions supporting Logistics execution is listed below; where in third column indicate Global Process Indicator code of chem XML Transactions.                      Fig: Sample Transaction Code List The messages when sent by Integration Engine to Adapter Engine, in Adapter Engine, the messages are enveloped as RNIF Action and Signal messages as specified in RNIF 1.1 specification. Find below the step by step procedure to design and configure the scenario to send a sample (Invoice) message to Partner system.   _Design time activities in Integration Repository_:  XI message based on chem. eStandards, must be compliant with message interface content in repository. This means that the DTDs/Schemas need to be downloaded from  ( and uploaded into Integration Repository through External Definitions as illustrated in the screenshot below: Version: Specify the selected version of the message chosen from the schemas available from  ( For understanding more about the parameters of CIDX adapter while configuring them, go through  (      

