8.5 Polytopes (多面体)

本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记

This section studies geometric properties of an important class of compact convex sets(紧致凸集) called polytopes. These sets arise in all sorts of applications, including game theory (博弈论), linear programming (线性规划), and more general optimization problems, such as the design of feedback controls for engineering systems.


A polytope in R n \R^n Rn is the convex hull of a finite set of points. In R 2 \R^2 R2, a polytope is simply a polygon(多边形). In R 3 \R^3 R3, a polytope is called a polyhedron(多面体).

The following definitions provide terminology for higher dimensions as well as R 2 \R^2 R2 and R 3 \R^3 R3. Recall that the dimension of a set in R n \R^n Rn is the dimension of the smallest flat that contains it. Also, note that a polytope is a special type of compact convex set, because a finite set in R n \R^n Rn is compact and the convex hull of this set is compact, by the theorem in the topology terms and facts box in Section 8.4.


supporting hyperplane: 支撑超平面
k-face: k面
k-polytope: k面体
facet: 面

Suppose S S S is a cube in R 3 \R^3 R3. When a plane H H H is translated through R 3 \R^3 R3 until it just touches (supports) the cube but does not cut through the interior of the cube, there are three possibilities for H ∩ S H\cap S HS, depending on the orientation of H H H. (See Figure 1.)

H ∩ S H\cap S HS may be a 2-dimensional square face (facet) of the cube.
H ∩ S H\cap S HS may be a 1-dimensional edge of the cube.
H ∩ S H\cap S HS may be a 0-dimensional vertex of the cube.


Most applications of polytopes involve the vertices in some way, because they have a special property that is identified in the following definition.


extreme point: 极端点
profile: 轮廓

A vertex of any compact convex set S S S is automatically an extreme point of S S S. This fact is proved during the proof of Theorem 14, below. In working with a polytope, say P = c o n v { v 1 , . . . , v k } P=conv\{\boldsymbol v_1,...,\boldsymbol v_k\} P=conv{ v1,...,vk} for v 1 , . . . , v k \boldsymbol v_1,...,\boldsymbol v_k v1,...,vk in R n \R^n Rn, it is usually helpful to know that v 1 , . . . , v k \boldsymbol v_1,...,\boldsymbol v_k v1,...,vk are the extreme points of P P P. However, such a list might contain extraneous(多余的) points. For example, some vector v i \boldsymbol v_i vi could be the midpoint of an edge of the polytope. The following definition describes the property of the vertices that will make them all extreme points.


minimal representation: 最小代表元

Every polytope has a minimal representation. For if P = c o n v { v 1 , . . . , v k } P = conv \{\boldsymbol v_1,..., \boldsymbol v_k\} P=conv{ v1,...,vk} and if some v i \boldsymbol v_i vi is a convex combination of the other points, then v i \boldsymbol v_i vi may be deleted from the set of points without changing the convex hull. This process may be repeated until the minimal representation is left. It can be shown that the minimal representation is unique.

( a ) ⇒ ( b ) (a)\Rightarrow(b) (a)(b)
Suppose p ∈ M \boldsymbol p\in M pM and let Q = c o n v { v : v ∈ M   a n d   v ≠ p } Q = conv\{\boldsymbol v:\boldsymbol v\in M\ and\ \boldsymbol v \neq\boldsymbol p\} Q=conv{ v:vM and v=p}. It follows from the definition of M M M that p ∉ Q \boldsymbol p\notin Q p/Q, and since Q Q Q is compact, Theorem 13 implies the existence of a hyperplane H 0 H_0 H0 that strictly separates { p } \{\boldsymbol p\} { p} and Q Q Q. Let H H H be the hyperplane through p \boldsymbol p p parallel to H 0 H_0 H0. See Figure 2.


Then Q Q Q lies in one of the closed half-spaces H + H^+ H+ bounded by H H H and so P ⊆ H + P\subseteq H^+ PH+. Thus H H H supports P P P at p \boldsymbol p p. Furthermore, p \boldsymbol p p is the only point of P P P that can lie on H H H, so H ∩ P = { p } H\cap P=\{\boldsymbol p\} HP={ p} and p \boldsymbol p p is a vertex of P P P.

( b ) ⇒ ( c ) (b)\Rightarrow(c) (b)(c)
Let p \boldsymbol p p be a vertex of P P P. Then there exists a hyperplane H = [ f : d ] H=[f :d] H=[f:d] such that H ∩ P = { p } H\cap P =\{\boldsymbol p\} HP={ p} and f ( P ) ≥ d f(P)\geq d f(P)d. If p \boldsymbol p p were not an extreme point, then there would exist points x \boldsymbol x x and y \boldsymbol y y in P P P such that p = ( 1 − c ) x + c y \boldsymbol p=(1-c)\boldsymbol x+c\boldsymbol y p=(1c)x+cy with 0 < c < 1 0 < c < 1 0<c<1. That is,


It follows that f ( y ) = 1 c f ( p ) − ( 1 c − 1 ) f ( x ) f(\boldsymbol y)=\frac{1}{c}f(\boldsymbol p)-(\frac{1}{c}- 1)f(\boldsymbol x) f(y)=c1f(p)(c11)f(x). But f ( p ) = d f(\boldsymbol p)= d f(p)=d and f ( x ) ≥ d f(\boldsymbol x)\geq d f(x)d, so


On the other hand, y ∈ P \boldsymbol y\in P yP, so f ( y ) ≥ d f(\boldsymbol y)\geq d f(y)d. It follows that f ( y ) = d f(\boldsymbol y) = d f(y)=d and that y ∈ H ∩ P \boldsymbol y\in H\cap P yHP. This contradicts the fact that p \boldsymbol p p is a vertex. So p \boldsymbol p p must be an extreme point. (Note that this part of the proof does not depend on P P P being a polytope. It holds for any compact convex set.)

( c ) ⇒ ( a ) (c)\Rightarrow(a) (c)(a)
It is clear that any extreme point of P P P must be a member of M M M.

Recall that the profile of a set S S S is the set of extreme points of S S S. Theorem 14 shows that the profile of a polygon in R 2 \R^2 R2 is the set of vertices. (See Figure 3.) The profile of a closed ball(闭球) is its boundary. An open set has no extreme points, so its profile is empty. A closed half-space has no extreme points, so its profile is empty.


It can be shown that a point p \boldsymbol p p in a convex set S S S is an extreme point of S S S if and only if, when p \boldsymbol p p is removed from S S S, the remaining points still form a convex set.
[Hint: The proof can be restated: Let v \boldsymbol v v be an element of the convex set S S S. Prove that v \boldsymbol v v is an extreme point of S S S if and only if the set { x ∈ S : x ≠ v } \{\boldsymbol x\in S :\boldsymbol x\neq \boldsymbol v\} { xS:x=v} is convex.]

It follows that if S ∗ S^* S is any subset of S S S such that c o n v S ∗ conv S^* convS is equal to S S S, then S ∗ S^* S must contain the profile of S S S.
(考虑从 S S S 中删去元素得到 S ∗ S^* S,如果删去极端点,那么剩下的元素集为一个凸集,但该凸集中已经没有该极端点了,此时 c o n v S ∗ ≠ S convS^*\neq S convS=S。类似地可以证明,每一次都只能删除一个非极端点,因此最终 S ∗ S^* S 包含所有极端点,即包含 S S S 的轮廓)

In general S ∗ S^* S may have to be larger than the profile of S S S. It is true, however, that when S S S is compact, we may actually take S ∗ S^* S to be the profile of S S S, as Theorem 15 will show. Thus every nonempty compact convex set S S S has an extreme point, and the set of all extreme points is the smallest subset of S S S whose convex hull is equal to S S S.

The proof is by induction on the dimension of the set S S S. (科学归纳法)


One important application of Theorem 15 is the following theorem. It is one of the key theoretical results in the development of linear programming(线性规划). Linear functionals are continuous, and continuous functions always attain their maximum and minimum on a compact set. The significance of Theorem 16 is that for compact convex sets, the maximum (and minimum) is actually attained at an extreme point of S S S.

Assume that f f f attains its maximum m m m on S S S at some point v ′ \boldsymbol v' v in S S S. We wish to show that there exists an extreme point in S S S with the same property. By Theorem 15, v ′ \boldsymbol v' v is a convex combination of the extreme points of S S S. That is, there exist extreme points v 1 , . . . , v k \boldsymbol v_1,...,\boldsymbol v_k v1,...,vk of S S S and nonnegative c 1 , . . . , c k c_1,..., c_k c1,...,ck such that

If none of the extreme points of S S S satisfies f ( v ′ ) = m f(\boldsymbol v')= m f(v)=m, then

But then, because f f f is linear,

This contradiction implies that some extreme point v ^ \hat\boldsymbol v v^ of S S S must satisfy f ( v ^ ) = m f(\hat\boldsymbol v)= m f(v^)=m.

The proof for w ^ \hat\boldsymbol w w^ is similar.

Given points


in R 2 \R^2 R2, let S = c o n v { p 1 , p 2 , p 3 } S=conv\{\boldsymbol p_1,\boldsymbol p_2,\boldsymbol p_3\} S=conv{ p1,p2,p3}. For each linear functional f f f , find the maximum value m m m of f f f on the set S S S, and find all points x \boldsymbol x x in S S S at which f ( x ) = m f(\boldsymbol x)= m f(x)=m.


By Theorem 16, the maximum value is attained at one of the extreme points of S S S. So to find m m m, evaluate f f f at each extreme point and select the largest value.

f 3 ( p 1 ) = − 1 , f 3 ( p 2 ) = 5 f_3(\boldsymbol p_1)=-1, f_3(\boldsymbol p_2)= 5 f3(p1)=1,f3(p2)=5, and f 3 ( p 3 ) = 5 f_3(\boldsymbol p_3)= 5 f3(p3)=5, so m 3 = 5 m_3 = 5 m3=5. Graph the line f 3 ( x 1 , x 2 ) = m 3 f_3(x_1, x_2)=m_3 f3(x1,x2)=m3,. Here, f 3 f_3 f3 attains its maximum value at p 2 \boldsymbol p_2 p2, at p 3 \boldsymbol p_3 p3, and at every point in the convex hull of p 2 \boldsymbol p_2 p2 and p 3 p_3 p3. See Figure ( c ) (c) (c).

The situation illustrated in Example 3 for R 2 \R^2 R2 also applies in higher dimensions. The maximum value of a linear functional f f f on a polytope P P P occurs at the intersection of a supporting hyperplane and P P P. This intersection is either a single extreme point of P P P, or the convex hull of 2 or more extreme points of P P P. In either case, the intersection is a polytope, and its extreme points form a subset of the extreme points of P P P.

By definition, a polytope is the convex hull of a finite set of points. This is an explicit representation of the polytope since it identifies points in the set. A polytope may also be represented implicitly as the intersection of a finite number of closed half-spaces. Example 4 illustrates this in R 2 \R^2 R2.


and let S = c o n v { p 1 , p 2 , p 3 } S= conv \{\boldsymbol p_1,\boldsymbol p_2,\boldsymbol p_3\} S=conv{ p1,p2,p3}. The line through p 1 \boldsymbol p_1 p1 and p 2 \boldsymbol p_2 p2 is given by x 1 + x 2 = 1 x_1+x_2 =1 x1+x2=1, and S S S is on the side of this line where

Similarly, the line through p 2 \boldsymbol p_2 p2 and p 3 \boldsymbol p_3 p3 is x 1 + x 2 = 1 x_1+x_2=1 x1+x2=1, and S is on the side where


Also, the line through p 3 \boldsymbol p_3 p3 and p 1 \boldsymbol p_1 p1 is − x 1 + 3 x 2 = 3 -x_1+3x_2=3 x1+3x2=3, and S S S is on the side where


See Figure 5.


It follows that S S S can be described as the solution set of the system of linear inequalities


This system may be written as A x ≤ b A\boldsymbol x\leq \boldsymbol b Axb, where


Note that an inequality between two vectors applies to each of the corresponding coordinates in those vectors.

Let P P P be the set of points in R 2 \R^2 R2 that satisfy A x ≤ b A\boldsymbol x\leq\boldsymbol b Axb, where

and x ≥ 0 \boldsymbol x\geq \boldsymbol 0 x0. Find the minimal representation of P P P.

The condition x ≥ 0 \boldsymbol x\geq \boldsymbol 0 x0 places P P P in the first quadrant of R 2 \R^2 R2, a typical condition in linear programming problems. The three inequalities in A x ≤ b A\boldsymbol x\leq\boldsymbol b Axb involve three boundary lines:


All three lines have negative slopes, so a general idea of the shape of P P P is easy to visualize. Even a rough sketch of the graphs of these lines will reveal that ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 7 , 0 ) (0, 0), (7, 0) (0,0),(7,0), and ( 0 , 6 ) (0, 6) (0,6) are vertices of the polytope P P P.

What about the intersections of the lines (1), (2), and (3)? Sometimes it is clear from the graph which intersections to include. But if not, then the following algebraic procedure will work well:

  • When an intersection point is found that corresponds to two inequalities, test it in the other inequalities to see whether the point is in the polytope.

The intersection of (1) and (2) is p 12 = ( 3 , 5 ) \boldsymbol p_{12} =(3, 5) p12=(3,5). Both coordinates are nonnegative, so p 12 \boldsymbol p_{12} p12 satisfies all inequalities except possibly the third inequality. Test this:


This intersection point satisfies the inequality for (3), so p 12 \boldsymbol p_{12} p12 is in the polytope.

Similarly, the intersection of (2) and (3) p 23 = ( 5 , 3 ) \boldsymbol p_{23}=(5,3) p23=(5,3) is in the polytope and the intersection of (1) and (3) p 13 = ( 27 7 , 33 7 ) \boldsymbol p_{13}=(\frac{27}{7},\frac{33}{7}) p13=(727,733) is not in P P P. In conclusion, the minimal representation of the polytope P P P is


The remainder of this section discusses the construction of two basic polytopes in R 3 \R^3 R3 (and higher dimensions). The first appears in linear programming problems. Both polytopes provide opportunities to visualize R 4 \R^4 R4 in a remarkable way.

Simplex 单纯形

A simplex is the convex hull of an affinely independent finite set of vectors. To construct a k k k-dimensional simplex (or k k k-simplex), proceed as follows

The simplex S 1 S^1 S1 is a line segment. S 2 S^2 S2 is a triangle. S 3 S^3 S3 is a tetrahedron (四面体).


Before continuing, consider some of the patterns that are appearing. The triangle S 2 S^2 S2 has three edges. Each of these edges is a line segment like S 1 S^1 S1. Where do these three line segments come from? One of them is S 1 S^1 S1. One of them comes by joining the endpoint v 2 \boldsymbol v_2 v2 to the new point v 3 \boldsymbol v_3 v3. The third comes from joining the other endpoint v 1 \boldsymbol v_1 v1 to v 3 \boldsymbol v_3 v3. You might say that each endpoint in S 1 S^1 S1 is stretched out into a line segment in S 2 S^2 S2.

The tetrahedron S 3 S^3 S3 in Figure 6 has four triangular faces. One of these is the original triangle S 2 S^2 S2, and the other three come from stretching the edges of S 2 S^2 S2 out to the new point v 4 \boldsymbol v_4 v4. Notice too that the vertices of S 2 S^2 S2 get stretched out into edges in S 3 S^3 S3. The other edges in S 3 S^3 S3 come from the edges in S 2 S^2 S2. This suggests how to “visualize” the four-dimensional S 4 S^4 S4.

The construction of S 4 S^4 S4, called a pentatope (五边形), involves forming the convex hull of S 3 S^3 S3 with a point v 5 \boldsymbol v_5 v5 not in the 3-space of S 3 S^3 S3. A complete picture is impossible, of course, but Figure 7 is suggestive:

  • S 4 S^4 S4 has five vertices, and any four of the vertices determine a facet in the shape of a tetrahedron. For example, the figure emphasizes the facet with vertices v 1 , v 2 , v 4 \boldsymbol v_1, \boldsymbol v_2,\boldsymbol v_4 v1,v2,v4, and v 5 \boldsymbol v_5 v5 and the facet with vertices v 2 , v 3 , v 4 \boldsymbol v_2, \boldsymbol v_3,\boldsymbol v_4 v2,v3,v4, and v 5 \boldsymbol v_5 v5. There are five such facets. Figure 7 identifies all ten edges of S 4 S^4 S4, and these can be used to visualize the ten triangular faces. (each face is a tetrahedron)


S 4 S^4 S4 has 5 5 5 0-faces, ( 4 + 6 ) (4+6) (4+6) 1-faces, ( 6 + 4 ) (6+4) (6+4) 2-faces and 5 5 5 3-faces. (this can be verified by Euler’s formula)

Figure 8 shows another representation of the 4-dimensional simplex S 4 S^4 S4. This time the fifth vertex appears “inside” the tetrahedron S 3 S^3 S3. The highlighted tetrahedral facets also appear to be “inside” S3.


Hypercube 超立方

Let I i = 0 e i ‾ I_i=\overline{\boldsymbol 0\boldsymbol e_i} Ii=0ei be the line segment from the origin 0 \boldsymbol 0 0 to the standard basis vector e i \boldsymbol e_i ei in R n \R^n Rn. Then for k k k such that 1 ≤ k ≤ n 1\leq k \leq n 1kn, the vector sum

The vector sum of two sets A A A and B B B is defined by A + B = { c : c = a + b   f o r   s o m e   a ∈ A   a n d   b ∈ B } A+B=\{\boldsymbol c:\boldsymbol c=\boldsymbol a+\boldsymbol b\ for\ some\ \boldsymbol a\in A\ and\ \boldsymbol b\in B\} A+B={ c:c=a+b for some aA and bB}.


is called a k k k-dimensional hypercube.

To visualize the construction of C k C^k Ck, start with the simple cases. The hypercube C 1 C^1 C1 is the line segment I 1 I_1 I1. If C 1 C^1 C1 is translated by e 2 \boldsymbol e_2 e2, the convex hull of its initial and final positions describes a square C 2 C^2 C2. (See Figure 9.) Translating C 2 C^2 C2 by e 3 \boldsymbol e_3 e3 creates the cube C 3 C^3 C3.

A similar translation of C 3 C^3 C3 by the vector e 4 \boldsymbol e_4 e4 yields the 4-dimensional hypercube C 4 C^4 C4. Again, this is hard to visualize, but Figure 10 shows a 2-dimensional projection of C 4 C^4 C4. Each of the edges of C 3 C^3 C3 is stretched into a square face of C 4 C^4 C4. And each of the square faces of C 3 C^3 C3 is stretched into a cubic face of C 4 C^4 C4.


Figure 11 shows three facets of C 4 C^4 C4. Part (a) highlights the cube that comes from the left square face of C 3 C^3 C3. Part (b) shows the cube that comes from the front square face of C 3 C^3 C3. And part ( c ) (c) (c) emphasizes the cube that comes from the top square face of C 3 C^3 C3.

Figure 12 shows another representation of C 4 C^4 C4 in which the translated cube is placed “inside” C 3 C^3 C3. This makes it easier to visualize the cubic facets of C 4 C^4 C4, since there is less distortion.

Altogether, the 4-dimensional cube C 4 C^4 C4 has eight cubic faces. Two come from the original and translated images of C 3 C^3 C3, and six come from the square faces of C 3 C^3 C3 that are stretched into cubes. The square 2-dimensional faces of C 4 C^4 C4 come from the square faces of C 3 C^3 C3 and its translate, and the edges of C 3 C^3 C3 that are stretched into squares. Thus there are 2 × 6 + 12 = 24 2\times 6+ 12 = 24 2×6+12=24 square faces. To count the edges, take 2 times the number of edges in C 3 C^3 C3 and add the number of vertices in C 3 C^3 C3. This makes 2 × 12 + 8 = 32 2\times 12 + 8 = 32 2×12+8=32 edges in C 4 C^4 C4. The vertices in C 4 C^4 C4 all come from C 3 C^3 C3 and its translate, so there are 2 × 8 = 16 2\times 8 = 16 2×8=16 vertices.

One of the truly remarkable results in the study of polytopes is the following formula, first proved by Leonard Euler (1707–1783). It establishes a simple relationship between the number of faces of different dimensions in a polytope. To simplify the statement of the formula, let f k ( P ) f_k(P) fk(P) denote the number of k k k-dimensional faces of an n n n-dimensional polytope P P P.

In particular, when n = 3 , v − e + f = 2 n=3, v- e+ f= 2 n=3,ve+f=2, where v v v, e e e, and f f f denote the number of vertices, edges, and facets (respectively) of P P P.


A polyhedron(多面体) (3-polytope) is called regular (正多面体) if all its facets are congruent regular polygons(全等的正多边形) and all the angles at the vertices are equal. Supply the details in the following proof that there are only five regular polyhedra.
a. Suppose that a regular polyhedron has r r r facets, each of which is a k k k-sided regular polygon ( k k k 边正多面体), and that s s s edges meet at each vertex. Letting v v v and e e e denote the numbers
of vertices and edges in the polyhedron, explain why k r = 2 e kr =2e kr=2e and s v = 2 e sv=2e sv=2e.
b. Use Euler’s formula to show that


c. Find all the integral solutions of the equation in part (b) that satisfy the geometric constraints of the problem.

For your information, the five regular polyhedra are the tetrahedron (四面体) (4, 6, 4), the cube (8, 12, 6), the octahedron (八面体) (6, 12, 8), the dodecahedron (十二面体) (20, 30, 12), and the icosahedron(二十面体) (12, 30, 20). (The numbers in parentheses indicate the numbers of vertices, edges, and faces, respectively.)

c. 相邻顶点处各个面的角度之和一定小于 360 ° 360\degree 360°,即 ( k − 2 ) ⋅ 180 ° k ⋅ s < 360 ° \frac{(k-2)\cdot180\degree}{k}\cdot s<360\degree k(k2)180°s<360°,又因为 s ≥ 3 s\geq3 s3 ( k − 2 ) ⋅ 180 ° k ⋅ 3 < 360 ° \frac{(k-2)\cdot180\degree}{k}\cdot 3<360\degree k(k2)180°3<360°,得到 k < 6 k<6 k<6,即 k = 3 , 4 , 5 k=3,4,5 k=3,4,5

k = 3 k=3 k=3 时, s < 2 k k − 2 = 6 s<\frac{2k}{k-2}=6 s<k22k=6,即 s s s 可能为 3 , 4 , 5 3,4,5 3,4,5,依次代入 b 中等式得到 e e e 分别为 6 , 12 , 30 6,12,30 6,12,30,因此 k = 3 k=3 k=3 时对应三种正多面体:四面体 ( 4 , 6 , 4 ) (4,6,4) (4,6,4), 八面体 ( 6 , 12 , 8 ) (6,12,8) (6,12,8), 二十面体 ( 12 , 30 , 20 ) (12,30,20) (12,30,20)

k = 4 k=4 k=4 时, s < 2 k k − 2 = 4 s<\frac{2k}{k-2}=4 s<k22k=4,即 s s s 可能为 3 3 3,代入 b 中等式得到 e e e 12 12 12,因此 k = 4 k=4 k=4 时对应正多面体:立方体 ( 8 , 12 , 6 ) (8,12,6) (8,12,6)

k = 5 k=5 k=5 时, s < 2 k k − 2 = 10 3 s<\frac{2k}{k-2}=\frac{10}{3} s<k22k=310,即 s s s 可能为 3 3 3,代入 b 中等式得到 e e e 30 30 30,因此 k = 5 k=5 k=5 时对应正多面体:十二面体 ( 20 , 30 , 12 ) (20, 30, 12) (20,30,12)

