
思路:提交时间 作业截止时间涉及到Submmission表和homework表,Score在Subbmmision,俩表的关联是No

update Submission set Score=30 where SID in(
select SID from Subbssion sub,Homework h where sub.No=h.No and
sub.Submit_time >h.Deadline)这样写会导致所有的都会改为30


update submission a set score = 30 where exists (
select 1 from homework b where a.cid = b.cid and a.no = b.no 
and  a.submit_time > b.deadline)



select cid,no,avg(Score) avg_score,No from Submission group by cid,No 把这当做个表
注意:cid和no为非聚集的,所以都要group by


with ta as (select cid,no,avg(score) avg_score from submission 
group by cid,no)
select cid,no,title from homework a,ta 
where a.cid = ta.cid and a.no = ta.no
and ta.avg_score = (select min(avg_score) from ta )

思路:select cid,no,avg(score) avg_score from submission group by cid,no(查询每个作业的平均分作为子查询)

然后ta.score=(select min(avg_score) from ta)



如何判断提交了所有作业呢? 都用not exists来实现 这个是重点啊,必须掌握

select sid,name,department from student a
where not exists(select 1 from homework b where b.cid = ‘CS001’
and not exists (select 1 from submission c where a.sid = c.sid and c.cid = b.cid and c.no = b.no)

注意:顺序不能出问题,CS001必须在第一个not exists中,后面的是连接表的

CS001 是条件,必须放在前面一个exists中的

4:已知CS001课程有4次作业,序号从1-4,请统计所有提交过CS001课程作业的学生这4次作业的得分情况,显示列名分别为SID Name HW1,HW2 HW3

思路:这里用到了子查询操作 这里的序号是No

select SID,Name,
max(case No when 1 then score else null end) HW1,
max(case No when 2 then score else null end) HW2,
max(case No when 3 then score else null end) HW3,
max(case No when 4 then score else null end) HW4,
FROM Submission natural left outer join homework 
where No in(1,2,3,4) and CID=”CS001”
group by SID,Name

这题完全没思路啊?? 用到分页查询好像 只是针对一个表的Users 注意是User表

select school,uid,name,rating from(
select uid,name,rating,school,
(select count(*)+1 from users b where a.rating < b.rating 
and   a.school = b.school) rk
 from users a
)            这里体现的是标量子查询把??下面那种应该不符合要求
where a.rk <= 5 
order by rating desc
group by school


with ta as(
select school,uid,name,rating from Users group by school   )
select school,uid,name,rating,(select x.*,select(count(*)+1 from ta y 
where x.rating<y.rating) rk from ta  x) where rk<=5;
order by rating desc
group by school    这样操作也是可以的,但是不属于标量子查询

6:统计所有用户,比赛号为1-4比赛的比赛得分,如果没参加比赛,则为空值,UID,NAME,C1,C2,C3,C4,其中,C1 C2 C3 C4依次表示比赛1-4的用户


select uid,name,
max(case cid when 1 then score else null end) C1,
max(case cid when 2 then score else null end) C2,
max(case cid when 3 then score else null end) C3,
max(case cid when 4 then score else null end) C4
from users natural left outer join take
where cid in (1,2,3,4)
group by uid,name



with ta as    问题:with as是什么操作?  ta做为子查询在后面用到
select year,semester,stu_id,name,grade
from section a natural join takes b natural join Student c natural join course d
where a.teacher =’Eric’ and c.title=’Databaseselect year,semester,stu_id,name ,grade
from (select x.*,(select count(*)+1 from ta y where x.grade<y.grade) rk
from ta x) where rk<=10;

8:查询修过’Eric’老师教过的所有课程的学生学号和姓名(设计到Student Section Takes表)一样的解题方法

select stu_id,name from student a
where not exists(select 1 from section  b  where b.teacher=’Ecic’ 
and not exists (select 1 from takes c where a.stu_id =c.stu_id  
and b.sec_id=c.sec_id)

not exists是在哪里用得较多呢??

9:求教授过不同课程最少的老师的信息 (问 题:不同课程最少的不知道如何表示)

with ta as(
select tid,name,dept_name,salary,count(distinct cid) num 
from teacher natural left outer join section
group by tid,name,dept_name,salary
select tid,name,dept_name,salary 
from ta
where num = (select min(num) from ta) 

10:查询教过所有课程以”CS”开头的课程的教师姓名。(问题:这里的所有课程该如何表示呢?用到exists语法吗??) 涉及了3个表

select name from Teacher t
where not exists(select 1 from Course c  where  c.name like  'CS%' 
and not exists(select 1 from section b where  C.cid=s.cid and 
s.tid=t.tid )


with  ta  as
select  name,salary  from  Teacher 
group by dept_name

select name,salary from (select x.*,(select count(*)+1 from ta y 
where x.salary<y.salary) rk from ta x)  where rk <=3;

exists和not exists的区别


select 姓名 from 学生
where exists(select * from 选课 where 学生.学号=学号)

④查询选修了全部课程的学生的学号;这个是重点啊,知道了exists和not exists的用处和区别

select 学号
from 学生
where not exists(select * from 课程  where not existsi(
            select * from 选课 where 学生.学号=学号 and 课程.课程号=课程号

