vscode user snippets实现c语言自动填充

  "c file header": {
    "prefix": "H", //在新建立的页面中输入 H 就会有智能提示,Tab就自动生成好了
    "body": [
      "#ifndef _$0_H",
      "#define _$0_H",
      "#ifdef __cplusplus ///<use C compiler                                           ",
      "extern \"C\"",
      "#endif                                                                          ",
      "/** Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "#include <stdint.h> /**< need definition of uint8_t */                          ",
      "#include <stddef.h> /**< need definition of NULL    */                          ",
      "#include <stdbool.h>/**< need definition of BOOL    */                        ",
      "#include <stdio.h>  /**< if need printf             */                          ",
      "/** Private includes ---------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "                                                                                ",
      "/** Private defines ----------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "                                                                      ",
      "/** Exported typedefines -----------------------------------------------------*/",
      "                                                                        ",
      "/** Exported constants -------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "                                                                              ",
      "/** Exported macros-----------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "/** Exported variables -------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "/** Exported functions prototypes --------------------------------------------*/",
      "                                                                                ",
      "#ifdef __cplusplus ///<end extern c                                             ",
      "#endif                                                                          ",
      "#endif                                                                          ",
      "/******************************** End of file *********************************/"
    "description": "A c file template." //用户输入后智能提示的内容(你可以用中文写“生成C++模板”)
  "c file": {
    "prefix": "C",
    "body": [
      "/**                                                                             ",
      "*  @file",
      "*  @date ",
      "*  @author [email protected]",
      "*  @brief None.",
      "*  @details None",
      "*  @version V1.0",
      "#ifdef __cplusplus ///<use C compiler",
      "extern \"C\" {",
      "/** Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "#include <time.h>",
      "/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "/** Private typedef ----------------------------------------------------------*/",
      " ",
      "/** Private macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "#define LOG_TAG   \"$1\"",
      "/** Private constants --------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "/** Public variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/",
      "/** Private variables --------------------------------------------------------*/",
      " ",
      "/** Private function prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/",
      " ",
      "/** Private user code --------------------------------------------------------*/                                                                     ",
      " ",
      "/** Private application code -------------------------------------------------*/",
      "*       Static code                                                             ",
      "*/                                                                              ",
      "/** Public application code --------------------------------------------------*/",
      "*       Public code                                                             ",
      "#ifdef __cplusplus ///<end extern c                                             ",
      "}                                                                               ",
      "#endif                                                                          ",
      "/******************************** End of file *********************************/"
    "description": "A c header file comment."
  "multi-line comment": {
    "prefix": "mc",
    "body": "/*\n * ${1:多行注释}\n */$0"
  "single line comment": {
    "prefix": "sc",
    "body": "/* ${1:单行注释} */$0"
  "main()": {
    "prefix": "main",
    "body": "int main(int argc, char const *argv[])\n{\n\t$0\n\treturn 0;\n}"
  "For Loop": {
    "prefix": "for",
    "body": "for (${1:int} ${2:i} = ${3:0}; ${2:i} ${4:<} ${5:count}; ${2:i}${6:++}) {\n\t$0\n}"
  "Define and For Loop": {
    "prefix": "dfor",
    "body": "int ${1:i};\nfor (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${1:i} < ${3:count}; ${1:i}${4:++}) {\n\t$0\n}"
  "else if": {
    "prefix": "else if",
    "body": "else if ($0) {\n\t\n}"
  "case break": {
    "prefix": "case",
    "body": "case $0:\n\t\n\tbreak;\n"
  "printf": {
    "prefix": "printf",
    "body": "printf(\"${1:%s}\\n\", $2);$3"
  "array size": {
    "prefix": "asize",
    "body": "sizeof(${1:arrayName})/sizeof($1[0])"
  "define ARRAY_SIZE macro": {
    "prefix": "defas",
    "body": "#define ARRAY_SIZE(${1:arrayName}) (sizeof($1)/sizeof($1[0]))\n$0"
  "define MAX": {
    "prefix": "defmax",
    "body": "#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))"
  "define MIN": {
    "prefix": "defmin",
    "body": "#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))"
  "Header Include-Guard": {
    "prefix": "once",
    "body": "#ifndef ${1:SYMBOL}\n#define $1\n\n$0\n\n#endif /* $1 */"
  "Typedef": {
    "prefix": "typedef",
    "body": "typedef ${1:int} ${2:MyCustomType};"
  "#ifndef … #define … #endif": {
    "prefix": "def",
    "body": "#ifndef ${1:SYMBOL}\n#define $1 ${2:value}\n#endif\t// ${1:SYMBOL}"
  "#include <>": {
    "prefix": "Inc",
    "body": "#include <${1:.h}>"
  "#include \"\"": {
    "prefix": "inc",
    "body": "#include \"${1:.h}\""

  "#pragma mark": {
    "prefix": "mark",
    "body": "#if 0\n${1:#pragma mark -\n}#pragma mark $2\n#endif\n\n$0"
  "fprintf": {
    "prefix": "fprintf",
    "body": "fprintf(${1:stderr}, \"${2:%s}\\\\n\", $3);$4"
  "scanf": {
    "prefix": "scanf",
    "body": "scanf(\"${1:%s}\\n\", $2);$3"
  "void": {
    "prefix": "void",
    "body": "void ${1:func}($2) {\n\t$3\n}"
  "any function": {
    "prefix": "func",
    "body": "${1:int} ${2:func}($3) {\n\t$5\n\treturn ${4:0};\n}"
  "write file": {
    "prefix": "wf",
    "body": "FILE *${1:fp};\n${1:fp} = fopen (\"${2:filename.txt}\",\"w\");\nif (${1:fp}!=NULL)\n{\n\tfprintf(${1:fp},\"${3:Some String\\\\n}\");\n\tfclose (${1:fp});\n}"
  "read file": {
    "prefix": "rf",
    "body": "FILE *${1:fp};\n${1:fp} = fopen (\"${2:filename.txt}\",\"r\");\nif (${1:fp}!=NULL)\n{\n\tfscanf(${1:fp},\"${3:Some String\\\\n}\", ${3:&var});\n\tfclose (${1:fp});\n}",
    "description": "read file opeartion including fopen, fscanf and fclose."

