x265中计算RD Cost的几种方式

x265中除了传统的RD Cost外,还有Psy-RdCost和SSIM-RdCost,这三种RD Cost的使用是通过命令行参数控制的,如果不设置,则默认使用的是Psy-RDCost,相关命令行参数如下:

  • –[no-]psy-rd <0…5.0> Strength of psycho-visual rate distortion optimization, 0 to disable. Default 2.0
  • –[no-]psy-rdoq <0…50.0> Strength of psycho-visual optimization in RDO quantization, 0 to disable. Default 0.0
  • –[no-]ssim-rd Enable ssim rate distortion optimization, 0 to disable. Default disabled
  • –dynamic-rd <0…4.0> Strength of dynamic RD, 0 to disable. Default 0.00

一、Psycho-visual Rate Distortion

x265中计算Psy-RD Cost的公式如下:

RD = D + \lambda _{1}*psyRD*psyCost + \lambda _{2} * Rate


 inline uint64_t calcPsyRdCost(sse_t distortion, uint32_t bits, uint32_t psycost) const
#if X265_DEPTH < 10
        X265_CHECK((bits <= (UINT64_MAX / m_lambda2)) && (psycost <= UINT64_MAX / (m_lambda * m_psyRd)),
                   "calcPsyRdCost wrap detected dist: %u, bits: %u, lambda: " X265_LL ", lambda2: " X265_LL "\n",
                   distortion, bits, m_lambda, m_lambda2);
        X265_CHECK((bits <= (UINT64_MAX / m_lambda2)) && (psycost <= UINT64_MAX / (m_lambda * m_psyRd)),
                   "calcPsyRdCost wrap detected dist: " X265_LL ", bits: %u, lambda: " X265_LL ", lambda2: " X265_LL "\n",
                   distortion, bits, m_lambda, m_lambda2);
        return distortion + ((m_lambda * m_psyRd * psycost) >> 24) + ((bits * m_lambda2) >> 8);

即psy-RD Cost比传统的RD Cost计算多了一项m_lambda * m_psyRd * psycost,其中m_lambda和QP有关,m_psyRd由命令行参数psy-rd控制,表示Psy-RD Cost的强度

 /* Scale PSY RD factor by a slice type factor */
static const uint32_t psyScaleFix8[3] = { 300, 256, 96 }; /* B, P, I */
m_psyRd = (m_psyRdBase * psyScaleFix8[slice.m_sliceType]) >> 8;
void setPsyRdScale(double scale)                { m_psyRdBase = (uint32_t)floor(65536.0 * scale * 0.33); }


这里的psyRD表示重建块的AC energy和原始块的AC energy之差,即AC_{energy} = SATD(block,0) - SAD(block,0)(这里不理解为什么像素块和0的SATD减去下其和0的SAD表示AC能量)

template<int size>
int psyCost_pp(const pixel* source, intptr_t sstride, const pixel* recon, intptr_t rstride)
    static pixel zeroBuf[8] /* = { 0 } */;

    if (size)
        int dim = 1 << (size + 2);
        uint32_t totEnergy = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i += 8)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j+= 8)
                /* AC energy, measured by sa8d (AC + DC) minus SAD (DC) */
                int sourceEnergy = sa8d_8x8(source + i * sstride + j, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(source + i * sstride + j, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
                int reconEnergy =  sa8d_8x8(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);

                totEnergy += abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);
        return totEnergy;
        /* 4x4 is too small for sa8d */
        int sourceEnergy = satd_4x4(source, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) - (sad<4, 4>(source, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        int reconEnergy = satd_4x4(recon, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) - (sad<4, 4>(recon, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        return abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);

二、SSIM Rate Distortion

x265中计算SSIM RD Cost的公式如下:

RD = D + \lambda _{1}*ssimCost + \lambda _{2} * Rate


    inline uint64_t calcSsimRdCost(uint64_t distortion, uint32_t bits, uint32_t ssimCost) const
#if X265_DEPTH < 10
        X265_CHECK((bits <= (UINT64_MAX / m_lambda2)) && (ssimCost <= UINT64_MAX / m_lambda),
                   "calcPsyRdCost wrap detected dist: " X265_LL " bits: %u, lambda: " X265_LL ", lambda2: " X265_LL "\n",
                   distortion, bits, m_lambda, m_lambda2);
        X265_CHECK((bits <= (UINT64_MAX / m_lambda2)) && (ssimCost <= UINT64_MAX / m_lambda),
                   "calcPsyRdCost wrap detected dist: " X265_LL ", bits: %u, lambda: " X265_LL ", lambda2: " X265_LL "\n",
                   distortion, bits, m_lambda, m_lambda2);
        return distortion + ((m_lambda * ssimCost) >> 14) + ((bits * m_lambda2) >> 8);



uint64_t Quant::ssimDistortion(const CUData& cu, const pixel* fenc, uint32_t fStride, const pixel* recon, intptr_t rstride, uint32_t log2TrSize, TextType ttype, uint32_t absPartIdx)
    static const int ssim_c1 = (int)(.01 * .01 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64 + .5); // 416
    static const int ssim_c2 = (int)(.03 * .03 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64 * 63 + .5); // 235963
    int shift = (X265_DEPTH - 8);

    int trSize = 1 << log2TrSize;
    uint64_t ssDc = 0, ssBlock = 0, ssAc = 0;

    // Calculation of (X(0) - Y(0)) * (X(0) - Y(0)), DC
    ssDc = 0; //ssDc 表示整个块内所有4x4为块的左上角像素差值的平方和
    for (int y = 0; y < trSize; y += 4)
        for (int x = 0; x < trSize; x += 4)
            int temp = fenc[y * fStride + x] - recon[y * rstride + x]; // copy of residual coeff
            ssDc += temp * temp;

    // Calculation of (X(k) - Y(k)) * (X(k) - Y(k)), AC
    ssBlock = 0; //ssBlock 表示整个块内的原始像素-重建像素的差值的平方和
    uint64_t ac_k = 0; //ac_k表示整个块内原始像素的平方和
    primitives.cu[log2TrSize - 2].ssimDist(fenc, fStride, recon, rstride, &ssBlock, shift, &ac_k);
    ssAc = ssBlock - ssDc;

    // 1. Calculation of fdc'
    // Calculate numerator of dc normalization factor 计算dc归一化因子的分子
    uint64_t fDc_num = 0;

    // 2. Calculate dc component
    uint64_t dc_k = 0; //表示整个块内所有4x4为块的左上角像素平方和
    for (int block_yy = 0; block_yy < trSize; block_yy += 4)
        for (int block_xx = 0; block_xx < trSize; block_xx += 4)
            uint32_t temp = fenc[block_yy * fStride + block_xx] >> shift;
            dc_k += temp * temp;

    fDc_num = (2 * dc_k)  + (trSize * trSize * ssim_c1); // 16 pixels -> for each 4x4 block
    fDc_num /= ((trSize >> 2) * (trSize >> 2));

    // 1. Calculation of fac'
    // Calculate numerator of ac normalization factor
    uint64_t fAc_num = 0;

    // 2. Calculate ac component
    ac_k -= dc_k;

    double s = 1 + 0.005 * cu.m_qp[absPartIdx];

    fAc_num = ac_k + uint64_t(s * ac_k) + ssim_c2;
    fAc_num /= ((trSize >> 2) * (trSize >> 2));

    // Calculate dc and ac normalization factor
    uint64_t ssim_distortion = ((ssDc * cu.m_fDc_den[ttype]) / fDc_num) + ((ssAc * cu.m_fAc_den[ttype]) / fAc_num);
    return ssim_distortion;

三、Rd SATD Cost

RD SATD Cost主要是用于帧内预测模式粗选的时候,为了降低复杂度,使用残差的哈达玛变换近似代替失真,这种方法省去了变换、量化、反量化、反变换等过程,可以大大降低复杂度。其计算公式如下:

RD = SATD(s,p) + \lambda_{mode}*R_{mode}


    inline uint64_t calcRdSADCost(uint32_t sadCost, uint32_t bits) const
        X265_CHECK(bits <= (UINT64_MAX - 128) / m_lambda,
                   "calcRdSADCost wrap detected dist: %u, bits %u, lambda: " X265_LL "\n", sadCost, bits, m_lambda);
        return sadCost + ((bits * m_lambda + 128) >> 8);

