Open Notes: c++ template implementation of 10 common sorting algorithms

Open Notes: C++模板式实现的10个常用排序算法
by Max Z. C. Li ([email protected])

I’m not writing dedicated blog articles but trying to keep notes of my practices. This one is inspired by Top_Spirit’s 超详细十大经典排序算法总结(java代码)c或者cpp的也可以明白; many thanks.

Feel free to use any codes, but be warned: they work but are not well tested!!!
All corrections and criticisms are welcomed and you have my thanks in advance : )

I tried my best to use STL array whenever possible, but they are SUCH a bother.

There are some finer points mentioned in comments, and I’ll try to keep further notes of them when I have time.

And FYI, the bubble bursted, that’s why it’s not here.

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

#define DEBUG 0

template <typename T>
void swap_pos(T &a, T &b){
	/* xor method cannot handle alias
	#if DEBUG 
	cout << a << " " << b << endl; 

	a ^= b; 

	#if DEBUG 
	cout << a << " " << b << endl; 

	b ^= a;	

	#if DEBUG 
	cout << a << " " << b << endl; 

	a ^= b;	

	#if DEBUG 
	cout << a << " " << b << endl; 
	int temp = a;
	a = b;
	b = temp;

template <typename T>
void printArr(T const& arr){
	for(auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); it++){
		cout << *it << " ";
	cout << endl;

template <typename T>
void selectSort(T& arr){
	int nSize = arr.size();
	//add one elem as min_holder
	int min_pos = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		min_pos = i;
		for(int j=i+1; j<nSize; j++){
			if(arr[min_pos] > arr[j]){
				min_pos = j;
		if(i^min_pos) swap_pos(arr[i],arr[min_pos]); //bug at i=3, min_pos=3 for some reason
		#if DEBUG
		printArr(arr); cout << "\n";

template <typename T>
void insertSort(T& arr){
	int nSize = arr.size();
	int next;
	//ordered=>i, ordering=>j
	for(int i=0; i<nSize-1; i++){
    //there is no bext to [nSize]
		next = i+1;
		for(int j=i; j>=0; j--){
			#if DEBUG
    //insert arr[next] after arr[j]
				//either manual shift all elem, or use iterator insert(j+1, arr[next]), erase(next) ==> more costly than swap each time
			//swap method
     //cannot only use swap_pos(arr[next], arr[j]), which give new val to arr[next] and stop further ordering
				swap_pos(arr[next], arr[j]);
				//swap_pos(next,j); //wrong!!! the bookmark j cannot be changed !!!!!  
				next = j;
				#if DEBUG
				printArr(arr); cout << "\n";
			else break; //for O(n)

template <typename T>
void shellSort(T& arr){
	int nSize = arr.size();
	int gap = nSize / 2;
     //not gap >1 or when gap = 1, the last round will be sikpped
		for(int i=0; i<nSize-gap; i++){
     //same insert sort, using gap instead 1
			int next = i+gap;
			for(int j=i; j>=0; j-=gap){
					next = j;
				else break;
		gap /= 2;

template <typename L, typename R, typename T>
T& merge(L& l_arr, R& r_arr, T& arr){
	//merge sorted
	int N = arr.size();
	int l_len = l_arr.size();
	int r_len = r_arr.size();
	for(int i=0,l=0,r=0; i<N; i++){
     //int i,l,r=0 does not initialize the i,l properly!!!!
			#if DEBUG 
			cout << i << l << r << endl;;
		if(l>=l_len) arr[i] = r_arr[r++];
		else if(r>=r_len) arr[i] = l_arr[l++];
		else if(l_arr[l] < r_arr[r]) arr[i] = l_arr[l++]; 
		else arr[i] = r_arr[r++];

	#if DEBUG 

	return arr;

template <typename T>
vector<T>& mergeSort(vector<T>& arr){
	int N = arr.size();
	if(N <= 1) return arr;
	const int l_len = N>>1;
	const int r_len = N - l_len;

	vector<T> l_arr(l_len,0);
	for(int i =0; i<l_len; i++){
		l_arr[i] = arr[i];

	vector<T> r_arr(r_len, 0);
	for(int i=l_len; i<N; i++){
		r_arr[i-l_len] = arr[i];

	return merge(mergeSort(l_arr), mergeSort(r_arr), arr);

template <typename T> 
int partition(T& arr, int head, int tail){
    //tail is last elem pos
	int nSize = tail - head + 1; 
	if(nSize == 0){
    perror("unchecked single element.\n"); exit(-1);}
	int pivot_pos = head + rand()%nSize; 
	//select the middle index to benefit from presorted array
	//int pivot_pos = nSize>>1;
	int small_end_pos = head - 1;
	//move pivot to last to simplify scan
	for(int i=head; i<=tail; i++){
		if(arr[i] <= arr[tail]){
    //==arr[tail] is crucial for putting pivot in place at the end
			if(i > small_end_pos)

	return small_end_pos;

template <typename T>
T& quickSort(T& arr, int head, int tail){
	if(tail - head < 1) return arr; //arr.size() is not changed!!!
 	int small_end_pos = partition(arr, head, tail);
 	return arr;

template <typename T>
void makeHeap(T& arr, int parent, int nSize){
		int child = 2*parent;//left child first
		int array_index_offset = 1;
		if(child <= nSize && arr[child - array_index_offset] > arr[parent - array_index_offset]){
    //left child exist and large than parent, swap
			swap_pos(arr[child - array_index_offset], arr[parent - array_index_offset]);
		//now parent is the larger of parent, l_child
		int r_child = child + 1;
		if(r_child <= nSize && arr[child] > arr[parent- array_index_offset]){
			swap_pos(arr[child],arr[parent - array_index_offset]);

template <typename T>
T& heapSort(T& arr, int size){
	//base case: return when only 1 elem
	if(size <= 1) return arr;

	//make heap
	for(int i = size/2; i>=1; i--){
    //here i is the node no. of the heap, starting from 1 !!!!!!!
	//move the top to the ordered zone
	return heapSort(arr,size-1);

template <typename T>
vector<T>& countSort(vector<T>& arr){
    //cannot sort float/double precisely
	//find min, max
	int nSize = arr.size();

	#if DEBUG
	cout << "in counting, arr size is: "<< nSize << endl;

	if(nSize<2) return arr; //always check your base case before accessing element outside bound check;
	T mini = arr[0], maxi = arr[0];
	for(int i=1; i < nSize; i++){
		if(arr[i] > maxi) maxi = arr[i];
		else if(arr[i] < mini) mini = arr[i];
	if(maxi == mini) return arr;
	int bias = round(mini);
	int record_len = ceil(maxi - mini) + 1; //constexpr int still can't be used in an array declaration

	#if DEBUG
	cout << "in counting, min, max, record lenth are: "<< mini << " " << maxi << " " << record_len << endl;

	//build record
	vector<T> record(record_len,0); //auto init to 0
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		record[round(arr[i])-bias]++; //record is shfted to base at 0 !!!

	#if DEBUG
	cout << "in counting, the record is: " << endl;

	int arr_index = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<record_len; i++){
			if(arr_index < nSize){
			arr[arr_index] = i+bias;
			else {
    cout << "mismatched record\n"; exit(-1);}

	return arr;

template <typename T>
int assignBucket(T& elem, vector<double> const& bucketBorder){
	if(elem < bucketBorder[0]){
    cout << "invalid input into buckets"; exit(-1);}
	for(int i=0; i<bucketBorder.size()-1; i++){
		if(elem>=bucketBorder[i] && elem <=bucketBorder[i+1])
			return i;
	return -1;

template <typename T>
vector<T>& bucketSort(vector<T>& arr, int num_bucket){
	int nSize = arr.size();
	//process input, find variance, mean, stdd
	T mini = arr[0], maxi = arr[0];
	T sum = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		if(mini > arr[i]) mini = arr[i];
		else if(maxi < arr[i]) maxi = arr[i];
		sum += arr[i];
	double mean = sum / nSize;//assign bucket as if the data is continous for conve.
	sum = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		sum += pow(arr[i]-mean,2);
	double stdd = pow(sum / nSize, 0.5);

	#if DEBUG
		cout << mean << " " << stdd << endl;

	//now use the stat to div bucket
	int num_1stdd = 0.68 * num_bucket;//num bucket under +-stdd
	int num_l1 = (num_bucket - num_1stdd)/2;//num bucket to the lest of -1 stdd
	int num_1r = num_bucket - num_1stdd - num_l1;//num to the right of 1 stdd
	//div up what's under +-1 stdd and both sides
	double bin_width = 2*stdd / num_1stdd;
	double l_stdd = mean - stdd;
	double r_stdd = mean + stdd;
	if(mini > l_stdd || maxi < r_stdd){
    cout << "something is seriously wrong *_*"; exit(-1);}
	double l_bin_width = (l_stdd - mini) / num_l1;
	double r_bin_width = (maxi - r_stdd) / num_1r;

	//now get limits for each bucket
	vector<double> bucketBorder(num_bucket+1,0);
	bucketBorder[0] = mini;
	int bias = 1;
	//bucketBorder[num_bucket] = maxi;
	for(int i=bias; i<bias+num_l1; i++){
    bucketBorder[i] = bucketBorder[i-1] + l_bin_width;}
	bias += num_l1;
	for(int i=bias; i<bias+num_1stdd; i++){
    bucketBorder[i] = bucketBorder[i-1] + bin_width;}
	bias += num_1stdd;
	for(int i=bias; i<bias+num_1r; i++){
    bucketBorder[i] = bucketBorder[i-1] + r_bin_width;}

	#if DEBUG
		cout << (maxi == bucketBorder[num_bucket]) << endl;

	//now fill the bucket and sort by mergeSort()
	vector<vector<T>*> buckets;
	for(int i=0; i<num_bucket; i++){
		buckets.push_back(new vector<T>);
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		buckets[assignBucket(arr[i], bucketBorder)]->push_back(arr[i]);

	#if DEBUG
	cout << "numbers per bucket: ";
	for(int i=0; i<num_bucket; i++){
		cout << buckets[i]->size() << " ";
	cout << endl;

	for(int i=0; i<num_bucket; i++){
	for(int i=0; i<nSize;){
		for(int j=0; j<num_bucket; j++){
			for(int k=0; k < buckets[j]->size(); k++){
				arr[i] = buckets[j]->at(k);
	for(int i=0; i<num_bucket; i++){
    delete buckets[i];} //delete [] buckets is not legal since 'buckets' is not regarded as a pointer
														//delete [] bucket[i] is not legel since 'buckets[i]' does not hold pointers
														//delete [] type**; delete type* for each 'new' called
	return arr;

template <typename T>
vector<T>& radixSort(vector<T>& arr){
	int nSize = arr.size();
	T maxi = arr[0];
	for(int i=0; i<nSize; i++){
		if(maxi < arr[i]) maxi = arr[i];
	int max_num_digit = 0;
		maxi /= 10;
	//now sort by digits
	//vector<vector<T>*> digit_count_arr(10,new vector<T>); does not work properly, only gives 1 new vec
	vector<vector<T>*> digit_count_arr(10);
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
    digit_count_arr[i] = new vector<T>;}

	int mod = 10, musk = 1, digit;
	for(int i=1; i<=max_num_digit; i++){
     //do counting sort for each digit
		//get all digits
		for(int j=0; j<nSize; j++){
			digit = (arr[j]%mod)/musk;
		//sort-print result
		for(int k=0; k<nSize;){
			for(int m=0; m<10; m++){
				int size = digit_count_arr[m]->size();
				for(int n =0; n<size; n++){
    cerr << "mismatched array when count-sorting digits.\n"; exit(-1);}
					arr[k] = digit_count_arr[m]->at(n);
		mod *= 10; musk *= 10;
		for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
    //clear out the buckets for next digit
			//delete digit_count_arr[i];//in conflict with digit_count_arr[i]->clear and delete the pointer itself, clear return ptr
			//digit_count_arr[i]->clear(); //A reallocation is not guaranteed to happen, and the vector capacity is not guaranteed to change due to calling this function. 
											//A typical alternative that forces a reallocation is to use swap:
	return arr;

int main(){
	array<int, 10> og_arr ={
	//array<int, 10> arr(og_arr);
	vector<int> arr = {


