
0: 获取地址栏参数 getUrlParams

function getUrlParam(name) {
      var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); //构造一个含有目标参数的正则表达式对象
      var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg);  //匹配目标参数
      if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; //返回参数值


var a = Array.apply( null, { length: 3 } );  //  [ undefined, undefined, undefined ]

var c = Array.from( { length: 4 } );  // 新增api

2: 在iframe的window 获取 iframe 原始链接(中台管理系统 iframe布局)



// return 'array', 'object', 'function', 'null', 'undefined', 'string', 'number'
export const typeOf = input => {
  return ({}).toString.call(input).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();

4: 数组滤重

var arr=[1,2,1,'1',null,null,undefined,undefined,NaN,NaN]
let res=Array.from(new Set(arr));//{1,2,"1",null,undefined,NaN}
let newarr=[...new Set(arr)]

// 数组对象

let person = [
     {id: 0, name: "小明"},
     {id: 1, name: "小张"},
     {id: 2, name: "小李"},
     {id: 3, name: "小孙"},
     {id: 1, name: "小周"},
     {id: 2, name: "小陈"},  
let obj = {};
let peon = person.reduce((cur,next) => {
    obj[next.id] ? "" : obj[next.id] = true && cur.push(next);
    return cur;
},[]) //设置cur默认类型为数组,并且初始值为空的数组

5: 将函数的实际参数转换成数组的方法

方法一:var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

方法二:var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);


x === Math.floor( x );


Number.isInteger( 4 ); // 新增api


JavaScript 不是强类型语言,对此我推荐的最佳解决方案是 TypeScript。但有时你只是想要一个简单的类型检查,这种时候 JavaScript 允许你使用“typeof”关键字。


const isOfType = (() => {
  // create a plain object with no prototype
  const type = Object.create(null);

  // check for null type
  type.null = x => x === null;
  // check for undefined type
  type.undefined = x => x === undefined;
  // check for nil type. Either null or undefined
  type.nil = x => type.null(x) || type.undefined(x);
  // check for strings and string literal type. e.g: 's', "s", `str`, new String()
  type.string = x => !type.nil(x) && (typeof x === 'string' || x instanceof String);
  // check for number or number literal type. e.g: 12, 30.5, new Number()
  type.number = x => !type.nil(x) 
    && (// NaN & Infinity have typeof "number" and this excludes that
      (!isNaN(x) && isFinite(x)
      && typeof x === 'number'
    ) || x instanceof Number);
  // check for boolean or boolean literal type. e.g: true, false, new Boolean()
  type.boolean = x => !type.nil(x) && (typeof x === 'boolean' || x instanceof Boolean);
  // check for array type
  type.array = x => !type.nil(x) && Array.isArray(x);
  // check for object or object literal type. e.g: {}, new Object(), Object.create(null)
  type.object = x => ({}).toString.call(x) === '[object Object]';
  // check for provided type instance
  type.type = (x, X) => !type.nil(x) && x instanceof X;
  // check for set type
  type.set = x => type.type(x, Set);
  // check for map type
  type.map = x => type.type(x, Map);
  // check for date type
  type.date = x => type.type(x, Date);

  return type;


有时你需要知道某些内容是否为空,并根据结果决定要使用的方法,例如检查长度、大小或是否包含任何子元素。下面这个工具打包了这些功能,你可以用它检查 String、Object、Array、Map 和 Set 的大小。

function isEmpty(x) {
    || typeof x === 'string'
    || x instanceof String
   ) {
    return x.length === 0;

  if(x instanceof Map || x instanceof Set) {
    return x.size === 0;

  if(({}).toString.call(x) === '[object Object]') {
    return Object.keys(x).length === 0;

  return false;


function randomNumber(max = 1, min = 0) {
  if(min >= max) {
    return max;

  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);

10: 深度克隆对象

const deepClone = obj => {
  let clone = obj;
  if (obj && typeof obj === "object") {
    clone = new obj.constructor();

      prop => (clone[prop] = deepClone(obj[prop]))
  return clone;

