云服务案例分析 BB平台 Quiz5

问题 1
What’s the significant problem with traditional business networks?
a. Every participant has a separate copy of the ledger and updates it for their transactions
b. There are several contracts involved
c. The participants in a network can never be known
d. No one person can oversee the entire network
问题 2
In the Bitcoin network, everyone knows who is participating.
a. Possible
b. True
c. False
d. Nonsense
问题 3
What is the core requirement for a business blockchain?
a. Technical services, business services and solution
b. Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy and trust
c. A new cryptocurrency
d. Optimized cryptographic mining
问题 4
How can a blockchain business network help the diamond wholesale and retail industry?
a. Can use cognitive tools to analyze customer preferences
b. Can prevent the injection of illicit diamonds in the supply chain
c. Can cut diamonds for studying more thoroughly
d. Can trace diamond history
问题 5
Which of the following statements is false?
a. Blockchain provides a smart contract feature that can be used to model assets of any description
b. Blockchain adds a cognitive analytics capability to the asset supply chain
c. Blockchain captures a record of every committed transaction in chronological order
d. Blockchain can help provide provenance for an asset
问题 6
What is the appropriate use of business blockchain?
a. A more efficient transaction processing system across a business network
b. To make low value, high volume micro payment systems more efficient
c. Modern, cognitive and transformational fabric for the 21st century and beyond
d. None of these
问题 7
Which one is NOT a key concept of Blockchain?
a. Distributed shared ledger
b. Smart contracts
c. Error sensitiveness
d. Cryptography
问题 8
The components of a VR (Virtual Reality) System do not include ( ).
a. Simulation Processor
b. Accelerating Processor
c. Rendering Processor
d. World Database
问题 9
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that layers computer-generated enhancements atop an existing reality in order to make it more meaningful through the ability to interact with it.
a. True
b. Possible
c. False
d. Nonsense
问题 10
Comparing real and virtual world, light entering the eyes is the result of natural reflection from all angles.
a. True
b. Possible
c. False
d. Nonsense
问题 11
How can a blockchain business network help the diamond wholesale and retail industry?
a. Can use cognitive tools to analyze customer preferences
b. Prevents the injection of ilit diamonds in the supply chain
c. Cuts of diamonds can be studied more thoroughly
d. Diamond history can be traced

