metabase query-processor 过程


;; ▼▼▼ POST-PROCESSING ▼▼▼  happens from TOP-TO-BOTTOM, e.g. the results of `f` are (eventually) passed to `limit`
(def default-middleware
  "The default set of middleware applied to queries ran via `process-query`."
  [#'mbql-to-native/mbql->native ;; call driver's sql execution
   #'check-features/check-features ;; "Middleware that checks that drivers support the `:features` required to use certain clauses, like `:stddev`."
   #'limit/limit  ;; "Add an implicit `limit` clause to MBQL queries without any aggregations, and limit the maximum number of rows that can be returned in post-processing."
   #'cache/maybe-return-cached-results ;;Middleware for caching results of a query if applicable
   #'optimize-datetime-filters/optimize-datetime-filters ;;Middlware that optimizes equality (`=` and `!=`) and comparison (`<`, `between`, etc.) filter clauses against
  bucketed datetime fields
   #'auto-parse-filter-values/auto-parse-filter-values ;;Automatically parse String filter clause values to the appropriate type
   #'wrap-value-literals/wrap-value-literals ;;wraps ran value literals in `:value` (for integers, strings, etc.) or `:absolute-datetime` (for
  datetime strings, etc.)
   #'annotate/add-column-info ;;Middleware for adding type information about the columns in the query results (the `:cols` key)
   #'perms/check-query-permissions ;;check that the current user has permissions to run the current query. This only applies if
  `*current-user-id*` is bound
   #'pre-alias-ags/pre-alias-aggregations ;;Middleware that generates aliases for all aggregations anywhere in a query, and makes sure they're unique.
   #'cumulative-ags/handle-cumulative-aggregations ;;Middleware that implements `cum-count` and `cum-sum` aggregations. These clauses are replaced with `count` and `sum`
   ;; yes, this is called a second time, because we need to handle any joins that got added
   (resolve 'ee.sandbox.rows/apply-row-level-permissions) ;;enterprise feature ,add row permissions of non-native query
   #'resolve-joined-fields/resolve-joined-fields ;;Wrap field references in `:joined-field` clauses where needed.
   #'resolve-joins/resolve-joins ;;Add any Tables and Fields referenced by the `:joins` clause to the QP store.
   #'add-implicit-joins/add-implicit-joins ;;Fetch and store any Tables other than the source Table referred to by `fk->` clauses in an MBQL query, and add a
  `:join-tables` key
   #'large-int-id/convert-id-to-string ;;Converts any ID (:type/PK and :type/FK) in a result to a string 
   #'format-rows/format-rows ;;Format individual query result values as needed.  Ex: format temporal values as ISO-8601 strings w/ timezone offset.
   #'desugar/desugar ;;uses MBQL lib functions to replace high-level 'syntactic sugar' clauses like `time-interval` and   
  `inside` with lower-level clauses like `between`.
   #'binning/update-binning-strategy ;;When a binned field is found, it might need to be updated if a relevant query criteria affects the min/max value of
  the binned field
   #'resolve-fields/resolve-fields ;;Fetch the Fields referenced by `:field-id` clauses in a query and store them in the Query Processor Store for the
  duration of the Query Execution.
   #'add-dim/add-remapping ;;Delgates to
  `add-fk-remaps` for making remapping changes to the query (before executing the query). Then delegates to
  `remap-results` to munge the results after query execution
   #'implicit-clauses/add-implicit-clauses ;;Add an implicit `fields` clause to queries with no `:aggregation`, `breakout`, or explicit `:fields` clauses.
   Add implicit `:order-by` clauses for fields specified in a `:breakout`
   (resolve 'ee.sandbox.rows/apply-row-level-permissions) ;;enterprise feature ,add row permissions of non-native query
   #'add-source-metadata/add-source-metadata-for-source-queries ;;Middleware that attempts to recursively add `:source-metadata`, if not already present, to any maps with a
   (resolve 'ee.sandbox.columns/maybe-apply-column-level-perms-check) ;; enterprise feature 
   #'reconcile-bucketing/reconcile-breakout-and-order-by-bucketing ;;Replace any unwrapped Field clauses (`:field-id`, `:field-literal`, or `:fk->`) in the `order-by` clause with
  corresponding wrapped clauses (`:datetime-field` or `:binning-strategy`) used for the same Field in the `breakout`
   #'bucket-datetime/auto-bucket-datetimes ;; Applies to any unbucketed Field in a breakout, or fields in a filter clause being compared against `yyyy-MM-dd`
  format datetime strings
   #'resolve-source-table/resolve-source-tables ;;take any `:source-table`s (integer IDs) anywhere in the query and fetch and save the
  corresponding Table in the Query Processor Store
   #'parameters/substitute-parameters ;;Substitute Dashboard or Card-supplied parameters in a query, replacing the param placeholers with appropriate values
   #'resolve-referenced/resolve-referenced-card-resources ;;Resolves tables and fields referenced in card query template tags.
   #'expand-macros/expand-macros ;;Middleware that looks for `:metric` and `:segment` macros in an unexpanded MBQL query and substitute the macros for
  their contents.
   #'add-timezone-info/add-timezone-info ;;Add `:results_timezone` and `:requested_timezone` info to query results.
   #'splice-params-in-response/splice-params-in-response ;;Splice prepared statement (or equivalent) parameters directly into the
  native query
   #'resolve-database-and-driver/resolve-database-and-driver ;;resolves the Database referenced by the query under that `:database` key and stores it in the QP
   #'fetch-source-query/resolve-card-id-source-tables ;;assocs the `:source-query` for this query if it was specified using the shorthand `:source-table`
  `card__n` format
   #'store/initialize-store ;;initialize the QP Store (resolved objects cache) for this query execution
   #'validate/validate-query ;;Compiled schema validator for an [outer] Metabase query. (Pre-compling a validator is more efficient; use this
  instead of calling `(s/validate Query query)` or similar
   #'normalize/normalize ;;converts a query into a normalized, canonical form, including things like converting all identifiers
  into standard `lisp-case` ones
   #'add-rows-truncated/add-rows-truncated ;;Add `:rows_truncated` to the result if the results were truncated because of the query's constraints. Only affects QP
  results that are reduced to a map
   (resolve 'ee.audit/handle-internal-queries);;sql audit , enterprise feature
   #'results-metadata/record-and-return-metadata!]) ;;records metadata about the columns returned when running the query.
;; ▲▲▲ PRE-PROCESSING ▲▲▲ happens from BOTTOM-TO-TOP, e.g. the results of `expand-macros` are passed to
;; `substitute-parameters


(defn- base-qp [middleware]
  (letfn [(qp []
            (qp.reducible/async-qp (qp.reducible/combine-middleware middleware)))]
    (if config/is-dev?
      (fn [& args]
        (apply (qp) args))

