
1. 生成统计表数据SQL
select 'analyze table ' || table_name || ' compute statistics;' from user_tables where table_name like 'PR\_%\_%'  escape '\' and tablespace_name = 'PR_DATA1'

2. 统计企业和产品总数
select (select sum(NUM_ROWS)
          from (select t.TABLE_NAME, t.NUM_ROWS
                  from user_tables t
                 where table_name like 'PR_%_SHOP')) as 商家,
       (select sum(NUM_ROWS)
          from (select t.TABLE_NAME, t.NUM_ROWS
                  from user_tables t
                 where table_name like 'PR_%_PRODUCT')) as 产品
  from dual;

3. 统计表中的记录数
CREATE VIEW v_pr_sum as 
	SELECT t.table_name as 表名, SUM(t.num_rows) as 记录数
	FROM  user_tables t
	WHERE  (t.table_name LIKE 'PR\_%\_%' ESCAPE '\' and t.table_name not like '%_IMAGE')
	GROUP BY  t.table_name
	ORDER BY t.table_name

4. 查看数据库当前会话和最大会话
select to_number(value) from V$parameter where name='processes' union
select count(*) from V$process;

5. 建立数据库链路
create database link dl_temp connect to zq identified by zq using '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST='

