Kotlin 通道

Deferred 值提供了一种在协程之间传递单个值的方便手段, 而 Channel 提供一种传递一系列值(即 Stream 流)的方法.

Channel 基础

Channel 概念上与Java的 BlockingQueue 很相似, 但有一个重要的不同点, BlockingQueue 的 put 和 take 方法是阻塞的, 而Channel对应的 send 和 receive 方法是可挂起.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val channel = Channel<Int>()
    launch {
        // this might be heavy CPU-consuming computation or async logic, we'll just send five squares
        for (x in 1..5) channel.send(x * x)
    // here we print five received integers:
    repeat(5) { println(channel.receive()) }

关闭与迭代 Channel

不像队列, 通道关闭意味着不会再有数据到来, 接收端可以使用 for 循环来接收通道的数据. 概念上, close 方法像是发送了一个关闭标记, 然后循环将停止.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val channel = Channel<Int>()
    launch {
        for (x in 1..5) channel.send(x * x)
        channel.close() // we're done sending
    // here we print received values using `for` loop (until the channel is closed)
    for (y in channel) println(y)


生产者-消费者模式很常见, 使用 produce 协程构建器可以轻松地实现生产者. 消费端可以使用 consumeEach 扩展函数 , 它可以取代 for 循环迭代.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun CoroutineScope.produceSquares(): ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce { //注意返回的类型
    for (x in 1..5) send(x * x)
// 注意: produceSquares() 是定义在 CoroutineScope 上的扩展方法

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val squares = produceSquares()
    squares.consumeEach { println(it) }

管道 (Pipelines)

管道是一种模式, 它有一个生产者协程, 可能生产出无限的一系列的值. 另外有一个或多个消费协程, 消费值, 然后也可能生产出另外一些值.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val numbers = produceNumbers() // produces integers from 1 and on
    val squares = square(numbers) // squares integers
    for (i in 1..5) println(squares.receive()) // print first five
    println("Done!") // we are done
    coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel children coroutines

fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
    var x = 1
    while (true) send(x++) // infinite stream of integers starting from 1

fun CoroutineScope.square(numbers: ReceiveChannel<Int>): ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
    for (x in numbers) send(x * x)

注意生产者和消费者都是定义在 CoroutineScope 上的扩展函数, 这样我们可以依赖结构化并发保证取消或结束时没有泄漏.

扇出 (Fan-out) - 一对多生产消费模式

多个消费者协程可能消费同一个管道, 如下:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val producer = produceNumbers()
    repeat(5) { launchProcessor(it, producer) }
    producer.cancel() // cancel producer coroutine and thus kill them all

fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
    var x = 1 // start from 1
    while (true) {
        send(x++) // produce next
        delay(100) // wait 0.1s

fun CoroutineScope.launchProcessor(id: Int, channel: ReceiveChannel<Int>) = launch {
    for (msg in channel) {
        println("Processor #$id received $msg")
Processor #2 received 1
Processor #4 received 2
Processor #0 received 3
Processor #1 received 4
Processor #3 received 5
Processor #2 received 6
Processor #4 received 7
Processor #0 received 8
Processor #1 received 9
Processor #3 received 10

注意: 取消生产者协程会关闭管道, 最终终止在其上迭代的消费者协程. launchProcessor 方法内, 在 Channel 迭代的 for 循环与前面介绍的 consumeEach 不同, 即使在多协程模式下, 它也是完全安全的, 如果一个消费者协程失败了, 其他的仍然可以正确迭代Channel, 而使用 consumeEach 则会在异常结束时会取消 Channel, 这样会影响其他消费协程.

扇入 (Fan-in) - 多对一生产消费模式

有时多个生产协程会往一个管道中生产数据, 而只有一个消费协程.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val channel = Channel<String>()
    launch { sendString(channel, "foo", 200L) }
    launch { sendString(channel, "BAR!", 500L) }
    repeat(6) { // receive first six
    coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel all children to let main finish

suspend fun sendString(channel: SendChannel<String>, s: String, time: Long) {
    while (true) {

缓冲 Channel

Channel 默认是不带缓存区的, 如果发送方先执行, 则需要挂起等待接收方消费后才会发送下一个数据, 反之亦然. Channel 的工厂方法以及 produce builder 方法有一个可选的 capacity 参数可以指定缓冲区的大小, 它使生产者在挂起等待前可以最多发送多少个数据, 与 BlockingQueue 的缓冲区大小参数类似, 如果 BlockingQueue 的缓冲区满了, 则发送操作会阻塞.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val channel = Channel<Int>(4) // create buffered channel
    val sender = launch { // launch sender coroutine
        repeat(10) {
            println("Sending $it") // print before sending each element
            channel.send(it) // will suspend when buffer is full
    // don't receive anything... just wait....
    sender.cancel() // cancel sender coroutine    
Sending 0
Sending 1
Sending 2
Sending 3
Sending 4

前4个元素发送到管道了, 但第5个只是打印出日志, 并没有发送成功, 而是挂起了.

Channel 是公平的

Channel 按调用的顺序来决定谁先发送或接收数据, 即 FIFO 算法.

data class Ball(var hits: Int)

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val table = Channel<Ball>() // a shared table
    launch { player("ping", table) }
    launch { player("pong", table) }
    table.send(Ball(0)) // serve the ball
    delay(1000) // delay 1 second
    coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // game over, cancel them

suspend fun player(name: String, table: Channel<Ball>) {
    for (ball in table) { // receive the ball in a loop
        println("$name $ball")
        delay(300) // wait a bit

        // 这里发送数据, 但即使在for循环内马上接收数据, 但另一个协程已经在他处等待, 优先接收了.
ping Ball(hits=1)
pong Ball(hits=2)
ping Ball(hits=3)
pong Ball(hits=4)

虽然 Channel 是公平的, 但因为执行器(executor)的原因, 可能看出来不公平.

时钟 Channel

有时需要一个信号发生器, 每隔一定的周期或者延迟发送一个信号, 以便做一些同步动作或者重复性的工作. Ticker Channel 就是这种信号生产器通道. 它可以使用 ticker 工厂方法创建. Ticker Channel只产生Unit类型的数值, 并且有两种产生信号的时机模式, 固定周期(FIXED_PERIOD)或者固定延迟(FIXED_DELAY), 固定延迟以消费者接收到数据时开始计时.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val tickerChannel = ticker(delayMillis = 100, initialDelayMillis = 0) // create ticker channel
    var nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(1) { tickerChannel.receive() }
    println("Initial element is available immediately: $nextElement") // initial delay hasn't passed yet

    nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(50) { tickerChannel.receive() } // all subsequent elements has 100ms delay
    println("Next element is not ready in 50 ms: $nextElement")

    nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(60) { tickerChannel.receive() }
    println("Next element is ready in 100 ms: $nextElement")

    // Emulate large consumption delays
    println("Consumer pauses for 150ms")
    // Next element is available immediately
    nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(1) { tickerChannel.receive() }
    println("Next element is available immediately after large consumer delay: $nextElement")
    // Note that the pause between `receive` calls is taken into account and next element arrives faster
    nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(60) { tickerChannel.receive() }
    println("Next element is ready in 50ms after consumer pause in 150ms: $nextElement")

    tickerChannel.cancel() // indicate that no more elements are needed
Initial element is available immediately: kotlin.Unit
Next element is not ready in 50 ms: null
Next element is ready in 100 ms: kotlin.Unit
Consumer pauses for 150ms
Next element is available immediately after large consumer delay: kotlin.Unit
Next element is ready in 50ms after consumer pause in 150ms: kotlin.Unit

Ticker 通道可以觉察可能暂停的消费者, 并且当消费者消费太慢时, 停止生产, 自我调整以维护一个固定的生产数据的频率.

