



  • 附件目录用excle维护,主要是维护附件名称和唯一编码和关联的业务编码,更新业务记录。
  • 上传的附件打包成zip格式。
  • 在ftp服务器上生成目录,存放上传的文件。






  • 1.下载commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar源码包
  • 2.debug流程走起


  • 1.getStoreLocation() 返回空的文件
     * Returns the {@link java.io.File} object for the {@code FileItem}'s
     * data's temporary location on the disk. Note that for
     * {@code FileItem}s that have their data stored in memory,
     * this method will return {@code null}. When handling large
     * files, you can use {@link java.io.File#renameTo(java.io.File)} to
     * move the file to new location without copying the data, if the
     * source and destination locations reside within the same logical
     * volume.
     * @return The data file, or {@code null} if the data is stored in
     *         memory.
    public File getStoreLocation() {
        if (dfos == null) {
            return null;
        if (isInMemory()) {
            return null;
        return dfos.getFile();
  • 2.默认存储在文件中的,文件大小为10kb。
     * The threshold above which uploads will be stored on disk.
    private final int sizeThreshold;
     * The default threshold above which uploads will be stored on disk.
    public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 10240;
     * The threshold above which uploads will be stored on disk.
    private int sizeThreshold = DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD;
  • 3.临时文件的路径获取
     * Creates and returns a {@link java.io.File File} representing a uniquely
     * named temporary file in the configured repository path. The lifetime of
     * the file is tied to the lifetime of the {@code FileItem} instance;
     * the file will be deleted when the instance is garbage collected.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note: Subclasses that override this method must ensure that they return the
     * same File each time.</b>
     * @return The {@link java.io.File File} to be used for temporary storage.
    protected File getTempFile() {
        if (tempFile == null) {
            File tempDir = repository;
            if (tempDir == null) {
                tempDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));

            String tempFileName = format("upload_%s_%s.tmp", UID, getUniqueId());

            tempFile = new File(tempDir, tempFileName);
        return tempFile;
  • 2.临时文件删除
     * Deletes the underlying storage for a file item, including deleting any
     * associated temporary disk file. Although this storage will be deleted
     * automatically when the {@code FileItem} instance is garbage
     * collected, this method can be used to ensure that this is done at an
     * earlier time, thus preserving system resources.
    public void delete() {
        cachedContent = null;
        File outputFile = getStoreLocation();
        if (outputFile != null && !isInMemory() && outputFile.exists()) {

