Effective Java知识点整理

Effective Java(第2版)学习笔记

Chapter 2 Creating and Destroying Objects

Item 1: Consider static factory methods instead of constructors

Item 2: Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters


Item 3: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type

可以参考这篇文章: Java设计模式–单例模式

Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor

Item 5: Avoid creating unnecessary objects

String s = new String("abcdefg");   //bad

String s = "abcdefg";               //good

Item 6: Eliminate obsolete object references


public Object pop(){
    if(size == 0){
        throw new EmptyStackException();
    Object result = elments[--size];
    elements[size] = null;   //删除不再需要的引用
    return result;

Item 7: Avoid finalizers

Chapter 3 Methods Common to All Objects

Item 8: Obey the general contract when overriding equals

1. Reflexive(自反性):x.equals(x) 必须返回true
2. Symmetric(对称性):x.equals(y)返回true,当且仅当y.equals(x)返回true
3. Transitive(传递性):x.equals(y)返回true,且y.equals(z)返回true,那么x.equals(z)也返回true
4. Consistent(一致性):多次调用x.equals(y)后,要么都返回true,要么都返回false

Item 9: Always override hashCode when you override equals

Item10: Always override toString

Item 11: Override clone judiciously


public Yum(Yum yum);


public static Yum newInstance(Yum yum);

Item 12: Consider implementing Comparable


Chapter 4 Classes and Interfaces

Item 13: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members


  • 子类中方法的可访问性必须大于等于父类中所覆盖(override)的方法
  • 如果一个类实现了一个接口,则与接口中同名的方法必须为public

Item 14: In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields

accessor methods: getters
mutators: setters

Item 15: Minimize mutability


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Item 16: Favor composition over inheritance

Item 17: Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it

Item 18: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes

Item 19: Use interfaces only to define types

Item 20: Prefer class hierarchies to tagged classes

Item 21: Use function objects to represent strategies

Item 22: Favor static member classes over nonstatic


Chapter 5 Generics

Item 23: Don’t use raw type in new code

用List< E>而不是List。
List< String>是List的子类,但不是List< Object>的子类。

Item 24: Eliminate unchecked warnings

Item 25: Prefer lists to arrays

  • array(数组)是协变类型,如果Sub是Super的子类,那么Sub[]也是Super[]的子类。

  • Generics(泛型)是非协变类型,List< Type1>gen Listt< Type2>没有任何关系。

    Object[] objectArray = new Long[1];
    objectArray[0] = "abc";                   //运行时才报错
    List<Object> ol = new ArrayList<long>();  //编译时就报错

Item 26: Favor generic types

Item 27: Favor generic methods

如果函数的返回类型是泛型,则需要在函数修饰符返回类型之间加上< E>:

public static <E> Set<E> union(){
    Set<E> set = new HashSet<E>();
    return set;

Item 28: Use bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility

public void pushAll(Iterable<? extends E> src){
public void popAll(Collection<? super E> des){

<? extends E>和<? super E>都是限界通配符(bounded wildcard),extends用于指定上界,super用于指定下界


  • PECS:生产者(producer)用extends,消费者(consumer)用super

  • 所有的comparable和comparator都是消费者

Item 29: Consider typesafe heterogeneous containers


//Typesafe heterogeneous container pattern - API
public class Favorites{
    public <T> void putFavorite(Class<T> type, T instance);
    public <T> T getFavorite(Class<T> type);

Chapter 6 Enums and Annotations

Item 30: Use enums instead of int constants

Item 31: Use instance fields instead of ordinals

Item 32: Use EnumSet instead of bit fields

Item 33: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing

Item 34: Emulate extensible enums with interfaces

Item 35: Prefer annotations to naming patterns

Item 36: Consistently use the Override annotation

Item 37: Use marker interfaces to define types

Chapter 7 Methods

Item 38: Check parameters for validity

Item 39: Make defensive copies when needed

Item 40: Design method signatures carefully

Item 41: Use overloading judiciously


Item 42: Use varargs judiciously

Item 43: Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls

Item 44: Write doc comments for all exposed API elements

Chapter 8 General Programming

Item 45: Minimize the scope of local variables

Item 46: Prefer for-each loops to traditional for loops

Item 47: Know and use the libraries

Item 48: Avoid float and double if exact answers are required


Item 49: Prefer primitive types to boxed primitives


Item 50: Avoid strings where other types are more appropriate

Item 51: Beware the performance of string concatenation


Item 52: Refer to objects by their interfaces

Item 53: Prefer interfaces to reflection

Item 54: Use native methods judiciously

Item 55: Optimize judiciously

Strive to write good programs rather than fast ones.

Item 56: Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions

Chapter 9 Exceptions

Item 57: Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions

Item 58: Use checked exceptions for reconverable conditions and runtimeexceptions for programming errors


  1. checked exceptions
  2. runtime exceptions
  3. errors

调用者如果能恢复,应该使用checked exceptions
用runtime exceptions来提示编程错误

Item 59: Avoid unneccessary use of checked exceptions

Item 60: Favor the use of standard exceptions

Item 61: Throw exceptions appropriate to the abstraction

Item 62: Document all exceptions thrown by each method

Item 63: Include failure-capture information in detail messages

Item 64: Strive for failure atomicity

Item 65: Don’t ignore exceptions

Chapter 10 Concurrency

Item 66: Synchronize access to shared mutable data

Item 67: Avoid excessive synchronization

Item 68: Prefer executors and tasks to threads

Item 69: Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify

Item 70: Document thread safety

Item 71: Use lazy initialization judiciously

Item 72: Don’t depend on the thread scheduler

Item 73: Avoid thread groups

Chapter 11 Serialization

Item 74: Implement Serializable judiciously


Item 75: Consider using a custom serialized form

Item 76: Write readObject methods defensively

Item 77: For instance control, prefer enum types to readResolve

Item 78: Consider serialization proxies instead of serialized instances

