Eigen, NumCpp, NumPy, CuPy计算时间成本对比

对于矩阵运算,著名的C++库有Eigen与C++版本的Numpy——NumCpp,Python库有NumPy与带GPU加速的Numpy版本CuPy博客园|Eigen vs Numpy时间对比中对Eigen与Numpy的效率进行了比较,但是比较时忽略了C++的编译模式[DeBug与Release]对结果的影响,对比出的结果是不够准确的。本篇对Eigen、NumCpp、NumPy以及CuPy四种主流矩阵运算库的计算效率进行比较,以备实战时作为考量的一点依据。




2.1 测试数据与函数

假定有向量集 D = { d ⃗ 1 ∈ R M × 1 , . . . , d ⃗ N ∈ R M × 1 } D=\{\vec{d}_{1}\in R^{M\times 1},...,\vec{d}_{N}\in R^{M\times 1}\} D={ d 1RM×1,...,d NRM×1}与向量 x ⃗ ∈ R M × 1 \vec{x}\in R^{M\times 1} x RM×1,测试计算以下函数为:

y i = exp ⁡ ( − ∣ ∣ x ⃗ − d ⃗ i ∣ ∣ 2 2 δ 2 ) , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , 2000 y_{i}=\exp(\frac{-||\vec{x}-\vec{d}_{i}||^{2}}{2\delta^2}),i=1,2,...,2000 yi=exp(2δ2x d i2)i=1,2,...,2000

1)小型矩阵与向量计算, N = M = 20 N=M=20 N=M=20
2)中型矩阵与向量计算, N = M = 200 N=M=200 N=M=200;
3) 大型矩阵与向量计算, N = M = 2000 N=M=2000 N=M=2000

2.2 测试程序

  • double型
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include "iomanip"
#include <Eigen/Dense>

#include "NumCpp.hpp"
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int M = 2000;  // 20 200 2000
int N = 2000;  // 20 200 2000

Eigen::RowVectorXd construct_Phi2eigen(Eigen::Vector2d x, Eigen::Matrix2Xd ALD_mat)
	double delta = 1.2;
	Eigen::Matrix2Xd dmat = ALD_mat.colwise() - x;
	Eigen::Matrix2Xd dmat2 = dmat.array().pow(2);
	Eigen::RowVectorXd dmat2sum = -dmat2.colwise().sum()/(2.0*delta*delta);
	Eigen::RowVectorXd y = dmat2sum.array().exp();
	return y;

nc::NdArray<double> contruct_Phi2numcpp(nc::NdArray<double> x, nc::NdArray<double> ALD_buf)
	double delta = 1.2;
	nc::NdArray<double> c = ALD_buf - nc::tile(x, {
    ALD_buf.shape().rows , 1});
	nc::NdArray<double> e = nc::exp(-nc::sum(nc::power(c, 2), nc::Axis::COL)/(2.0*delta*delta));	
	return e;

int main()
	Eigen::Matrix2Xd X_mat = Eigen::Matrix2Xd::Random(M, N);
	Eigen::Vector2d x = Eigen::Vector2d::Random(M, 1);	
	struct timeb startTime, endTime;
	std::cout<<"test the time cost for Eigen with matrix"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		auto phi2 = construct_Phi2eigen(x, X_mat);
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;

	nc::NdArray<double> D_arr = nc::random::rand<double>({
    N, M});
	nc::NdArray<double> x1 = nc::random::rand<double>({
    1, M});

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for numcpp"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		auto phi3 = contruct_Phi2numcpp(x1, D_arr);
		// std::cout<<phi3<<std::endl;
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;
  • float型
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>


using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int M = 2;  // 2 20 200
int N = 2;  // 2 20 200

Eigen::RowVectorXf construct_Phi2eigen(Eigen::VectorXf x, Eigen::MatrixXf ALD_mat)
	float delta = 1.2;
	Eigen::MatrixXf dmat = ALD_mat.colwise() - x;
	Eigen::MatrixXf dmat2 = dmat.array().pow(2);
	Eigen::RowVectorXf dmat2sum = -dmat2.colwise().sum()/(2.0f*delta*delta);
	Eigen::RowVectorXf y = dmat2sum.array().exp();
	return y;

nc::NdArray<float> contruct_Phi2numcpp(nc::NdArray<float> x, nc::NdArray<float> ALD_buf)
	float delta = 1.2;
	nc::NdArray<float> c = ALD_buf - nc::tile(x, {
    ALD_buf.shape().rows , 1});
	nc::NdArray<float> e = nc::exp(-nc::sum(nc::power(c, 2), nc::Axis::COL)/(2.0f*delta*delta));	
	return e;

int main()
	Eigen::MatrixXf X_mat = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(M, N);
	Eigen::VectorXf x = Eigen::VectorXf::Random(M, 1);

	struct timeb startTime, endTime;

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for Eigen with matrix"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		auto phi2 = construct_Phi2eigen(x, X_mat);
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;

	nc::NdArray<float> x1 = nc::random::rand<float>({
    1, M});
	nc::NdArray<float> D_arr = nc::random::rand<float>({
    N, M});

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for numcpp"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		auto phi3 = contruct_Phi2numcpp(x1, D_arr);
		// std::cout<<phi3<<std::endl;
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;
  • python for numpy and cupy
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import time

delta = 1.2

M = 2 # 2 20 200
N = 2 # 2 20 200

x_cp = cp.random.rand(1,M)
D_arr_cp = cp.random.rand(N, M)

x_np = np.random.rand(1,M)
D_arr_np = np.random.rand(N, M)

def construct_Phi2_cp(x, ALD_buf):
    ALD_arr = cp.array(ALD_buf)
    x = cp.tile(x, (len(ALD_buf), 1))
    dX = ALD_arr - x
    return cp.exp(-cp.sum(cp.power(dX, 2), axis=1)/2*delta*delta)
def construct_Phi2_np(x, ALD_buf):
    ALD_arr = np.array(ALD_buf)
    x = np.tile(x, (len(ALD_buf), 1))
    dX = ALD_arr - x
    return np.exp(-np.sum(np.power(dX, 2), axis=1)/2*delta*delta)
def testtimecp():
    for i in range(1000):
        construct_Phi2_cp(x_cp, D_arr_cp)
def testtimenp():
    for i in range(1000):
        construct_Phi2_np(x_np, D_arr_np)
print("time cost for cupy:")        
%time testtimecp()

print("time cost for numpy")
%time testtimenp()


矩阵大小 M=2, N=2 M=20, N=20 M=200, N=200 M=200, N=400 M=400, N=200
Eigen f(6ms)、d(6ms) f(22ms)、d(30ms) f(685ms)、d(2.283s) f(2.222s)、d(4.845s)) f(1.567s)、d(4.843s)
NumCpp f(10ms)、d(11ms) f(38ms)、d(32ms) f(1.51s)、d(1.854) f(3.035s)、d(3.619s) f(3.255s)、d(7.278s)
NumPy 195ms 234ms 3.25s 6.32s 6.32s
CuPy 1.83s 1.75s 1.75s 1.71s 1.81s


3.1 测试程序

  • float cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>


using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int M = 200; // 2 20 200
int N = 200; // 2 20 200

int main()
	Eigen::Matrix2Xf X_mat = Eigen::Matrix2Xf::Random(M, N);
	Eigen::Vector2f x = Eigen::Vector2f::Random(M, 1);

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for Eigen with matrix"<<std::endl;
	struct timeb startTime, endTime;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		X_mat = (Eigen::MatrixXf(X_mat.rows(), X_mat.cols()+x.cols())<<X_mat, x).finished();
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;

	nc::NdArray<float> x1 = nc::random::rand<float>({
    M, 1});
	nc::NdArray<float> D_arr = nc::random::rand<float>({
    M, N});

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for numcpp"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		D_arr = nc::column_stack({
    D_arr, x1});
		// std::cout<<phi3<<std::endl;
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;
  • double cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>


using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

int M = 200; // 2 20 200
int N = 200; // 2 20 200

int main()
	Eigen::MatrixXd X_mat = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(M, N);
	Eigen::MatrixXd x = Eigen::VectorXd::Random(M, 1);

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for Eigen with matrix"<<std::endl;
	struct timeb startTime, endTime;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		X_mat = (Eigen::MatrixXd(X_mat.rows(), X_mat.cols()+x.cols())<<X_mat, x).finished();
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;

	nc::NdArray<double> x1 = nc::random::rand<double>({
    M, 1});
	nc::NdArray<double> D_arr = nc::random::rand<double>({
    M, N});

	std::cout<<"test the time cost for numcpp"<<std::endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
		D_arr = nc::column_stack({
    D_arr, x1});
		// std::cout<<phi3<<std::endl;
	std::cout << "time cost is:" << (endTime.time-startTime.time)*1000 + (endTime.millitm - startTime.millitm) << "ms" << std::endl;
  • python for numpy and cupy
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import time

M = 2 # 2 20 200
N = 2 # 2 20 200

x1_np = np.random.rand(M, 1)
D_arr_np = np.random.rand(M, N)

x1_cp = cp.random.rand(M, 1)
D_arr_cp = cp.random.rand(M, N)

def testtimecp():
    global D_arr_cp
    for i in range(10000):
        D_arr_cp = cp.column_stack((D_arr_cp, x1_cp))
def testtimenp():
    global D_arr_np
    for i in range(10000):
        D_arr_np = np.column_stack((D_arr_np, x1_np))
print("time cost for cupy:")        
%time testtimecp()

print("time cost for numpy")
%time testtimenp()   

3.2 测试结果

矩阵大小 M=2, N=2 M=20, N=20 M=200, N=200
Eigen f(203ms)、d(377ms) f(1.427s)、d(2.875s) f(20.29s)、d(42.458s)
NumCpp f(130ms)、d(144ms) f(1.416s)、d(1.319s) f(15.673s)、d(18.797s)
NumPy 54ms 324ms 8.36s
CuPy 308ms 312ms 3.03s


4.1 结论

  • 矩阵计算效率由高到低:Eigen>NumCpp>NumPy ;
  • 动态矩阵运算(此处不断增加一列)的效率由高到低:NumPy>NumCpp>Eigen;
  • CuPy在数据维数较低时,没有体现出加速,但是应对高维数据时,有明显的加速;
  • 一个有意思的现象,此处试验结果中数据为float型时,所需的计算成本越低。(最开始,我一直认为32位的float要比64位的double要省时,但是网上有人说:新版C++会将float转为double再处理,等于用float会增加额外的转换步骤,计算效率更低,但是本博客的试验结果又验证回最初的直觉。不知所以然,希望大神路过能给予解答。

4.2 建议

  • 当不存在大量动态矩阵扩展的算法,C++使用Eigen;
  • 当数据维数很高时,强烈建议GPU加速;
  • 当算法存在动态矩阵扩展时,需要通过试验确定合适的库,可能组合各种库为较合适的方案。

4.3 源起




方法 Eigen NumCpp NumPy
time cost f(2.575s)、d(1.355s) f(12.048s)、d(5.707s) 770ms


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