



select s.stuName,c.className from t_student s left join t_class c on s.classId = c.id;

select s.stuName,c.className from t_student s 
left join t_class c on s.classId = c.id
where s.sex=0 and s.age>=18 and s.age<=30; 

select s.stuName,s.age,c.className from t_student s 
left join t_class c on s.classId = c.id
left join t_area a on s.areaId = a.id
where s.sex=0 and s.age>=18 and s.age<=30 and a.areaName='山东'
order by s.age asc;

select s.stuName,c.classname,s.age from t_student s 
left join t_class c on s.classid=c.id
where s.age>=18 and s.age<=30 and s.sex=0
and s.stuname like '张%'
order by s.age asc;

select sex,count(*),avg(age) from t_student group by sex;

select c.className,s.sex,count(*),avg(age) from t_student s 
left join t_class c on s.classId = c.id
group by c.className,s.sex;

select c.className,a.areaName,s.sex,count(*) from t_student s 
left join t_class c on s.classId = c.id
left join t_area a on s.areaId = a.id
group by s.sex,c.className,a.areaName;

delete from t_student where rowid not in 
select min(rowid) from t_student s 
left join t_area a on a.id = s.areaId
group by s.name,s.age,a.areaName


delete from t_student where id in(
select s.id from t_student s 
left join t_area a on s.areaId=a.id
where s.age<18 and a.areaName = '山西' and s.stuName like '李%' and s.sex = 1;


select * from
select t.* ,rownum rn from
select * from t_student 
where age < 18 and sex=1 
order by age desc
) t
where rownum <= 429
where rn >= 417;


select * from 
select * from t_student 
where age < 18 and sex = 1
order by age desc 
limit 416,13;

