
Linux下的最爱, 小工具 dstat 0.7.2 发布了2010-06-18 14:33Dstat 0.7.2 released
Submitted by dag on Thu, 2010/06/17 - 22:11 After a fair share of improvements and plugins, including plugins to monitor Dstat's own performance, it was time to get another release out of the door. Last week I updated the documentation and manpage, and this week Dstat 0.7.2 saw the light.

Here is a list of the most important features:

Added support for CCISS and KVM virtio block devices
Various new plugins:
--disk-tps: I/O transactions per seconde
--squid: squid statistics
--top-bio-adv: advanced block I/O stats
--top-cpu-adv: advanced CPU stats
--top-io-adv: advanced I/O stats
--top-int: top interrupt
Best effort /proc integer overflow handling
Documentation improvements
Dstat performance improvements and plugins
--dstat-cpu: Dstat's CPU stats
--dstat-ctxt: Dstat's context switches
--dstat-mem: Dstat's memory usage
Dstat plugin infrastructure improvements
You can find the latest Dstat release at http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/dstat/

We welcome feedback and contributions !

# rpm -qa | grep dstat (是否有旧版本)


# rpm -e dstat (有旧版本则先卸载)

# cd /tmp

# rz  (上传安装包)

# tar jxvf dstat-0.7.2.tar.bz2 && cd dstat-0.7.2

# make install

# cd && which dstat



# dstat -h


安装完成后, 执行dstat命令, 默认情况它会收集-cpu-,-disk-,-net-,-paging-,-system-的数据, 一秒钟收集一次. 默认输入dstat等于输入了dstat -cdngy 1或dstat -a 1

我常使用的参数是dstat -t --proc-count --top-cpu --top-mem --net-packets -lpmsa, 分别显示统计时间/进程数量/占用cpu最多的进程名/占用内存最多的进程名/网络包发送量等等信息. 做个别名链接:

# alias dstat='dstat -t --proc-count --top-cpu --top-mem --net-packets -lpmsa 5'

# dstat


