Multi-AP Specification V2.0 中文翻译 第8章

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    Multi-AP control messages enable the configuration of a Multi-AP Agent with parameters for channel selection.

Multi-AP 控制消息可以通过channel选择参数配置Multi-AP Agent。

8.1 Channel Preference Query and Report(首选信道查询与报告)

    Channel Preference Query and Channel Preference Report messages enable a Multi-AP Controller to query operating channel preferences for AP radios of a Multi-AP Agent.

信道首选项查询和信道首选项报告消息使Multi-AP Controller能够查询Multi-AP Agent的AP radios的运行信道首选项。

    If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Channel Preference Query message per section 17.1.9 to a Multi-AP Agent.

如果触发该功能,Multi-AP Controller必须按照第17.1.9节格式发送一个信道首选查询信息给Multi-AP Agent.

    If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Preference Query message, then it shall respond within one second with a Channel Preference Report message per section 17.1.10. The Channel Preference Report message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Channel Preference Query message. The Channel Preference Report message shall contain information regarding all the channels that a given radio of the Multi-AP Agent transmitting the report is temporarily unable to operate in, or prefers not to operate in, for each supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent (per Operating Classes field in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV in section 17.2.7). Additionally, the Channel Preference Report message shall contain information regarding the channel separation (if any) that a given radio of the Multi-AP Agent requires between each of its own potential operating channels and the operating channel of another radio of the Multi-AP Agent, where the two radios may have one transmitting and the other receiving or transmitting simultaneously.

如果Multi-AP收到一个信道首选项查询消息,则它必须在一秒钟之内按照17.1.10节格式以一个信道首选项报告消息做出响应。信道首选项报告消息中的MID信息应该和收到的信道首选项查询消息的MID相同。信道首选项报告消息必须包含Multi-AP代理中指定radio的所有信道的信息:暂时无法使用的channel或者 不希望的使用的channel,对于多AP代理指定的每个受支持的操作类(在第17.2.7节中的“ AP无线电基本功能TLV”中的“每个操作类别”字段中)。此外,信道首选项报告消息必须包含有关Multi-AP代理中给定radio的信道隔离信息,隔离信息是指给定的radio与Multi-AP代理中的其它radios之间的channel,其中两个无线电可能有一个正在发射,而另一个则同时在接收或发射。 ???

    Note: Channels for which the Multi-AP Agent’s radio is statically (permanently) unable to operate are reported in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV. A Channel Preference Report message does not include information on operating classes that are not supported by the corresponding radio of the Multi-AP Agent per the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV.

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   在AP无线电基本功能TLV中报告中包含了Multi-AP Agent的radio静态(永久)无法运行的信道信息。 信道首选项报告消息的AP无线电基本功能TLV中,不包括Multi-AP Agent中相应radio不支持的功能。

    If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Channel Preference Report message from a Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Controller shall delete all (if any) previously stored channel preference information from the Multi-AP Agent pertaining to all radios of that Multi-AP Agent and replace it with the information contained within the Channel Preference Report message.


    If a Channel Preference Report does not specify a preference for a particular channel within a supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent for a given radio, the Multi-AP Controller shall infer that the Multi-AP Agent is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for the channel in that operating class on the corresponding radio.

对于一个Multi-AP代理指定的radio,如果信道首选项报告未针对特定信道指定首选项信道,Multi-AP控制器应推断Multi-AP Agent在相应radio上指示该操作类中的信道的最高优先级(优先级得分15)。

If a Channel Preference Report contains zero Channel Preference TLVs and zero Radio Operation Restriction TLVs, the Multi-AP Controller shall infer that the Multi-AP Agent is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for all channels and operating classes supported by all of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.


    The mechanism by which a Multi-AP Agent determines and reevaluates its channel preferences is implementation specific. However, a Multi-AP Agent shall indicate a channel is operable when indicating preferences in a Channel Preference Report with the following exceptions:

    • If a radio cannot operate on a channel in an operating class due to detection of radar,       that channel shall be indicated as a Non-operable channel

    • If conditions exist whereby normal operation of a BSS by the radio on a channel would      be unsuccessful (e.g. due to strong interference), the channel shall be indicated as a    Non-operable channel.

Multi-AP代理确定并重新评估其通道首选项的机制是特定于实现的。 但是,当在信道首选项报告中指示首选项时,Multi-AP代理应指示信道可操作,但以下情况除外:

  • 如果radio在该channel上探测到了雷达信号,那么这个channel应该被标定为不可操作channel;
  • 如果一个radio上的BSS无法在某个channel上正常工作(比如强烈的干扰),这个channel必须被标记为不可操作channel。

    If a Multi-AP Agent’s channel preferences change, it shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report to the Multi-AP Controller indicating the Multi-AP Agent’s current preferences.

如果Multi-AP Agent的信道首选项发生更改,则它将向Multi-AP控制器发送未经请求的信道首选项报告,表明Multi-AP Agent的当前信道首选项。

    If a Multi-AP Agent detects a change in the DFS status of any channel, it shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report to the Controller setting the appropriate DFS related Reason Code for the channel per Table 23 of section 17.2.13.


    If a Multi-AP Controller receives an unsolicited Channel Preference Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.


8.2 Channel Selection Request and Report(频道选择请求和报告)

The Channel Selection Request message contains information regarding the Multi-AP Controller’s preferences and restrictions for the operating classes, channels and transmit power for each radio of a Multi-AP Agent.

信道选择请求消息包含有关Multi-AP控制器的偏好和对Multi-AP Agent的每个无线电的操作等级,信道和发射功率的信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Channel Selection Request message per section 17.1.11.


If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it shall specify an “operable” preference for at least one of the non-DFS channels that the Multi-AP Agent indicated as operable (i.e. that the Multi-AP Agent did not explicitly indicate the channel as a Non-operable channel) on each radio of the Multi-AP Agent per the most recently received Channel Preference Report message and AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV from the Multi-AP Agent.


If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it shall not specify preferences in which the only allowed channels for a given radio violate the radio operation restrictions indicated in the most recently received Channel Preference Report message from the Multi-AP Agent.

如果Multi-AP控制器发送了信道选择请求消息,则不应该指定一个Multi-AP 代理有最近有报告不可使用的channel,比如在最近的Multi-AP代理最近的报告中有标明108为不可操作channel,那么Multi-AP 控制器不应该在信道选择请求消息把108标明为可操作channel。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it should specify preferences that take into account the corresponding preference values indicated by the Multi-AP Agent in the most recent Channel Preference Report message. Except where necessary for load balancing or other network management requirements, the Multi-AP Controller should refrain from indicating a preference of Non-operable channel for a channel and operating class that the Multi-AP Agent has indicated is operable on a given radio.

如果Multi-AP控制器发送了信道选择请求消息,根据Multi-AP代理此前的信道首选项报告中指定一个优先级。除非有必要进行负载平衡或者其他网络管理要求,否则Multi-AP控制器应该避免把一个不可用channel和操作类型的优先级高于可用channel(Multi-AP 代理指明可以使用的channel)。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, the Multi-AP Agent shall delete all (if any) previously stored channel preference information from the Multi-AP Controller pertaining to all radios of the Multi-AP Agent and replace it with the information contained within the message. A Multi-AP Agent shall store the channel preference information in non-volatile storage. If a Multi-AP Agent reboots, it may either continue to use the most recent channel preference information received from the Multi-AP Controller prior to the reboot, or it may flush any previously received channel preference information and assume all supported channels are preferred until such time that new channel preference information is received from the Multi-AP Controller.

如果Multi-AP代理从Multi-AP控制器接收到信道选择请求消息,则Multi-AP代理应从Multi-AP控制器删除与Multi-AP的所有radio有关的所有(如果有的话)先前存储的信道偏好信息。Multi-AP代理将其替换为消息中包含的信息。 Multi-AP代理应将信道偏好信息存储在非易失性存储器中。 如果重新启动Multi-AP Agent,则它可能会继续使用在重新启动之前从Multi-AP Controller接收到的最新通道首选项信息,或者可能刷新任何以前收到的通道首选项信息并假定所有支持的通道都是首选的直到可以从Multi-AP Controller中接收到新的信道首选项信息。

If a Channel Selection Request message does not specify a preference for a particular channel within a supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent for a given radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall infer that the Multi-AP Controller is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for the channel in that operating class on the corresponding radio. If a Channel Selection Request message contains zero Channel Preference TLVs, the Multi-AP Agent shall infer that the Multi-AP Controller is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for all channels and operating classes supported by all of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.

如果信道选择请求消息未指定Multi-AP代理为给定无线电指定的支持的操作类别内的特定信道的优先级,则Multi-AP代理应推断Multi-AP控制器在相应的radio设备上指示该操作类信道的最高偏好(首选项得分15)。 如果信道选择请求消息包含零个信道首选项TLV,则Multi-AP代理应推断Multi-AP控制器指示所有Multi-AP代理支持的radio的所有信道和操作类别的最高优先级(优先得分15)。???

Multi-AP Agent shall not operate a radio on a channel and operating class for which the currently stored Multi-AP Controller preference information indicates as a Non-operable channel.

channel 已经被Multi-AP控制器标记为不可操作channel,并且该信息已经存储,那么Multi-AP 代理不应该工作在这个channel上。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, it shall attempt to operate each of its radios on one of the channels indicated as the highest preference for that radio per the Channel Selection Request message.


If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to operate, or is already operating, a radio on a channel and that channel becomes an Inoperable channel, the Multi-AP Agent should take into account the corresponding preference values indicated in the most recently received Channel Selection Request message (if any). The exact mechanism by which the Multi-AP Agent selects the operating channel(s) and operating class(es) is implementation-specific.

如果Multi-AP Agent尝试操作或已经在操作某个信道上的radio,并且该信道成为不可操作的信道,则Multi-AP Agent应该考虑最近接收到的Channel Selection Request中指示的相应优先级值消息(如果有)。 Multi-AP Agent选择操作通道和操作类别的确切机制是特定于实现的。


If a Multi-AP Agent performs Channel availability check (CAC), it should take into account the channel prioritization in the Channel Selection Request message when deciding which channels to check first.


A Multi-AP Agent should operate a radio at the maximum nominal transmit power the radio is capable of operating and is allowed to operate according to applicable regulatory rules. If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message containing a Transmit Power Limit TLV, it shall limit the nominal transmit power of the corresponding radio to the value specified in the TLV.

Multi-AP Agent应该以radio能够操作并允许其根据适用的法规运行的最大标称发射功率来操作无线电。 如果多AP代理收到包含发送功率限制TLV的信道选择请求消息,则它将相应无线电的标称发送功率限制为TLV中指定的值。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message, it shall within one second send a Channel Selection Response message (section 17.1.12) to the Multi-AP Controller indicating, for each radio, whether the Multi-AP Agent accepts or declines the request and, if appropriate, the reason for declining. The Channel Selection Response message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Channel Selection Request message.

如果Multi-AP代理接收到一个信道选择请求消息,则它应在一秒钟之内向Multi-AP控制器发送一个信道选择响应消息(第17.1.12节),以指示每个无线设备该Multi-AP代理是接受还是接收,如果有,需要附带拒绝请求原因。 信道选择响应消息应包含与接收到的信道选择请求消息中的MID相同。

If a Multi-AP Agent sent a Channel Selection Response message indicating acceptance of the Multi-AP Controller’s request for a given radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall make any necessary adjustments to the operating channel, operating classes and transmit power of its radios and then, irrespective of whether any adjustments have been made, send an Operating Channel Report message per section 17.1.13 containing information regarding the current operating parameters for each of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.

如果Multi-AP代理发送了一个信道选择响应消息,标明接受了Multi-AP控制器对给定radio的请求,则Multi-AP代理应对其radio的工作信道,工作等级和发射功率进行必要的调整,然后,无论是否进行了任何调整,均应按照第17.1.13节的要求发送操作信道报告消息,其中包含有关每个Multi-AP Agent radio的当前操作参数的信息。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives an Operating Channel Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.



If a Multi-AP Agent changes the operating channel, operating class and/or nominal transmit power of a radio of its own accord (i.e. not in response to reception of a Channel Selection Request message), then it shall send an unsolicited Operating Channel Report message per section 17.1.13 to the Multi-AP Controller indicating the new operating parameters for the corresponding radio.

如果Multi-AP Agent代理自行改变了无线电的工作信道,工作等级和/或标称发射功率(即不响应接收到的信道选择请求消息),则它应发送未经请求的工作信道报告 (根据第17.1.13节)给Multi-AP Controller的消息,指示相应radio新的操作参数。

Note: The operating classes specified in an Operating Channel Report TLV are equal to the values indicated in the Operating Classes field of the Supported Operating Classes element (per section of [1]), if the Supported Operating Classes element is transmitted by the AP operating in the BSS on the corresponding radio. This includes an operating class corresponding to each channel bandwidth in which the radio is currently operating (e.g. typically 20, 40 and 80 MHz Operating Classes for a VHT80 AP). When a primary channel is used, the 20 MHz Operating Class indicates that primary channel.

注意:如果支持的运行类别元素是由相应radio中的BSS中运行的AP发送的,在“操作频道报告” TLV中指定的操作类别等于“支持的运行类别”元素的“运行类别”字段中指示的值(根据[1]的9.4.2.54节)。这包括radio当前正在其中操作的每个信道带宽相对应的操作类型(例如,对于VHT80 AP通常为20、40和80MHz的三种工作模式)。当工作在主channel时,radio会工作在20MHz。

8.2.1 Coordinated DFS CAC(协调DFS信道可用性检查 )

A Multi-AP network provides the ability for a Multi-AP Controller to request that Multi-AP Agents perform Channel Availability Checks (CACs), or provide their CAC status. The Multi-AP Agents report the result of the requested CACs and report their CAC status if requested. These features provide assistance in efficiently meeting the regulatory requirements in various geographies.

Multi-AP网络使Multi-AP控制器能够请求Multi-AP代理执行信道可用性检查(CAC)或提供其CAC状态。 Multi-A代理报告所请求的CAC的结果,并在需要时报告其CAC状态。 该功能可以有效地满足各个地区的法规(不同的国家,对于radar channel有不同的定义)。

8.2.2 DFS CAC Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Controller(Multi-AP控制器上的DFS CAC扫描要求)

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a CAC Request message to a Multi-AP Agent, requesting one or more CACs. The Multi-AP Controller should not send another CAC request to a given Radio Unique Identifier until the previous CAC request has completed or has been terminated.

如果被触发,则Multi-AP控制器应向Multi-AP代理发送CAC请求消息,以请求一个或多个CAC。Multi-AP控制器应在先前的CAC请求完成后或者终结后,再向给定的无线电唯一标识符发送另一CAC请求。(不允许同时给一个Multi-AP 代理发送两种CAC请求)

A Multi-AP Controller shall not send a CAC Request TLV of a method, operating class, or on an operating channel outside the Multi-AP Agent’s most recently received CAC Capabilities TLV (see section 17.2.46).


If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a CAC Termination message to a Multi-AP Agent.


If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Channel Preference Report message (see section 8.1) with a CAC Status Report TLV, it may consider spectrum available in one channel/class pair to be available in all channel/class pairs that include that spectrum.??


If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller may send a Channel Selection Request with a Controller DFS Channel Clear Indication.


8.2.3 DFS CAC Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Agent(Multi-AP代理上的DFS CAC扫描要求)

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, it shall respond within one second with a 1905.1 Ack.

如果Multi-AP代理从Multi-AP控制器接收到CAC请求消息,则它必须在一秒钟内以1905.1 Ack做出响应。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, it may decline to perform the CAC by sending a Channel Preference Report message (see section 8.1) with a CAC Completion Report TLV with the CAC Completion Status field indicating a CAC failure.

如果Multi-AP代理从Multi-AP控制器接收到CAC请求消息,则它可能会拒绝执行CAC,并发送带有CAC完成报告TLV的通道首选项报告消息(请参阅第8.1节),其中CAC完成状态字段指示 CAC失败。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, and does not decline the request, then it shall commence a CAC on the requested channel, using the requested CAC type and bandwidth, within 15 seconds.


If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message that contains more than one CAC request, and it is unable to perform them simultaneously, it may perform them sequentially, in any order it chooses.

如果Multi-AP代理收到一个包含多个CAC请求的CAC请求消息,并且无法同时执行它们,则可以按选择的任何顺序依次执行 它们。

If a Multi-AP Agent is performing a CAC and a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC request for a different CAC method, bandwidth, or channel, on a given radio unique identifier, then it shall terminate any current CAC and begin a new CAC according to the new request within 15 seconds. If a Multi-AP Agent terminates an ongoing CAC due to receiving a new CAC Request, the Multi-AP Agent shall not send a Channel Preference Report message for the terminated CAC.

如果Multi-AP代理正在执行CAC,并且Multi-AP代理在给定的radio唯一标识符上收到针对不同CAC方法,带宽或信道的CAC请求,则它将终止任何当前CAC并在15秒内开始新的CAC。 如果由于接收到新的CAC请求,Multi-AP代理终止正在进行的CAC,则Multi-AP代理不得为终止的CAC发送信道首选项报告消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent is performing a CAC and receives a CAC Termination message, it shall respond within one second with a 1905.1 ACK, terminate any ongoing CAC, and return the radio that was performing the CAC to its most recent operational configuration. The Multi-AP Agent shall not send a Channel Preference Report message for the terminated CAC.

如果Multi-AP代理正在执行CAC并收到CAC终止消息,则它应在190秒内用1905.1 ACK做出响应,终止任何进行中的CAC,并将正在执行CAC的无线电恢复到其最近的操作配置。 Multi-AP代理不得为终止的CAC发送信道首选项报告消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent performing a CAC encounters any of the following three conditions:

• The full time required for the CAC has elapsed

• An error occurs which prevents continuing the CAC

• Radar is detected

如果正在执行CAC的Multi-AP Agent遇到以下三个条件之一:




then within 15 seconds a Multi-AP Agent shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report, and include a CAC Completion Report TLV and a Channel Preference TLV for the radio that experienced one of the three conditions. If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Channel Preference Report with a CAC Completion Report TLV that indicates detection of radar has occurred, the Multi-AP Agent may indicate which sub-channel(s) the radar appeared in.

然后在15秒内,Multi-AP代理应发送未经请求的信道首选项报告,报告中包括经历了三种情况之一的无线电的CAC完成报告和信道首选项。 如果Multi-AP Agent发送带有CAC完成报告的信道首选项报告,报告指明发生了雷达检测,则Multi-AP Agent应该要指示雷达出现在哪个子信道中。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a CAC Channel Preference report with a CAC Completion Report TLV that indicates which sub-channel(s) the radar appeared in, the report may include indications only at the lowest bandwidth classes to which the radar could be isolated. Upon completion of a requested CAC, if a CAC was a Successful CAC, the Multi-AP Agent shall follow the CAC Completion Action specified in the CAC Request. If a CAC was an Unsuccessful CAC, the Multi-AP Agent shall return the radio that was performing the CAC to its most recent operational configuration.

如果Multi-AP Agent发送带有CAC完成报告TLV的CAC信道首选项报告,该报告指示雷达出现在哪个子信道中,则该报告可能包括仅在雷达可以隔离到的最低带宽级别的指示。 完成请求的CAC后,如果CAC是成功的CAC,则Multi-AP代理应遵循CAC请求中指定的CAC完成操作。 如果CAC是不成功的CAC,则Multi-AP代理应将执行CAC的radio返回到其原来的操作配置。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an unsolicited Channel Preference Report with a Reason Code "0111", this Channel Preference Report shall be sent within 15 seconds of detecting the radar or within 15 seconds of being re-connected to the network after detecting the radar.??

如果Multi-AP代理发送了原因代码为“ 0111”的未经请求的信道首选项报告,则此信道首选项报告应在检测到雷达的15秒内发送,或者在检测到雷达后的15秒内重新连接到网络。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Channel Preference Report message for any reason, the Multi-AP Agent shall include Channel Preference TLVs for all radios in the Multi-AP Agent, and a CAC Status Report TLV. The Channel Preference TLVs and CAC Status Report TLV shall include a list of the Available Channels. The Channel Preference TLVs and CAC Status Report TLV shall also include a list of the non-occupancy channels and the Non-Occupancy Duration remaining on those channels. The Multi-AP Agent should report Non-Occupancy Channels in the lowest bandwidth class to which the radar could be isolated.???

如果出于某种原因,Multi-AP代理发送了一个信道首选项报告消息,则报告中应包括Multi-AP代理中所有无线电的信道首选项TLV和CAC状态报告TLV。 信道首选项TLV和CAC状态报告TLV应包括可用信道的列表。 通道首选项TLV和CAC状态报告TLV还应包括非占用通道列表以及这些通道上剩余的非占用持续时间。 Multi-AP Agent应该报告雷达可以隔离到的最低带宽类别中的非占用信道。

The CAC status report shall include the status of any ongoing CAC for all radios within the Multi-AP Agent.

CAC状态报告应包括Multi-AP Agent中所有radio的任何正在进行的CAC的状态。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request with a Controller DFS Channel Clear Indication, it may change to that channel without performing a CAC on that channel.



