


  1. 简历CV(Curriculum Vitae)
  2. 个人陈述PS(Personal Statement)
  3. 目的陈述SOP(Statement of purpose)
  4. 推荐信(Letter of Reference)


  1. 简历CV(Curriculum Vitae)
  2. 个人陈述PS(Personal Statement)
  3. 目的陈述SOP(Statement of purpose)
  4. 推荐信(Letter of Reference)
  5. 套磁
  6. 研究计划(Research of Proposal)


  • A curriculum vitae(CV) provides a short-written account of the main experience and skills of one’s life.
  • When you compose your CV, be factual but also try to give the information that will show you in the best possible light.
CV Resume
履历(人生的成绩单) 简历
全面性(completeness) 简介性(brevity)
long(2-4 pages) short(1-2 pages)
  • CV:集中说明学术工作,更重视与文化程度和学习成绩直接相关的资料
  • Resume:概述了与求职有关的教育准备和精力,是对经验技能的摘要


  • Personal Data
  • Research Field/Interests
  • Educationcation
  • Awards and Honors
  • Research experience
  • Teaching experience
  • Publications(books, articles, projects, etc.)
  • Others(language skills, interests, etc.)
  • Parts of Dissertation
    • May also included: Internship Experience/ Extra-curriculum Activity

Personal Data

  • The Contact Information Section
  • Personal Data may include name, address, telephone number. Sometimes it may also include data of birth, place of birth, marital status , health, gender & memberships.
  • Name: To avoid misunderstanding, you may either put a comma after your surname.(eg. Wang, Ming) or capitalize every letter of it. (eg. Wang Ming)
  • Health: excellent

Research Field/Interests

  • A short section immediately below your contact information
  • An “at a glance” picture of the programs you are interested


Education-“Bare bone” style

  • fit for applicants with strong research background and/or plentiful experience
  • University you have attended; Location; Date of graduation, actual or anticipated; Degree(s) earned or pursued; GPA

Education-“Flesh-added” style

  • suitable for those with little or no research background and experience
  • Extra information about your degree(major, minor or selective GPAs, funding sources, honors, etc.)-usually listed or included in parentheses
  • Specializations and special projects-usually listed or described briefly
  • Other relevant skills and training(relevant coursework, computer skill, language proficiency, certifications, license, etc.)-may be subsections or separate sections

Internship Experience/ Extra-curriculum Activity

  • Included positions both paid and volunteer
  • Included information such as company name and location, job titles, dates, and duties performed.
  • Make this section easy to read by using spacing and bullets
  • Use action phrases to highlight the duties you have performed
  • Be creative with this section of your CV by describing and emphasizing your experience in the most relevant way

Exercise 1: Action Phrases(to make it relevant)

working experience

  • Answer the phone and related messages
  • Planned activities
  • Made change(money)
  • Talked to customers

working experience

  • Took orders and verified their correctness with customers (function)
  • Planned arts and crafts activities for preschool aged children (details)
  • Handled large sums of money, balanced the cash drawer (skills)
  • Gave quality customer service while promoting the sale of products (significant)

Exercise 2:(to make it easy to read)

Six of our classmates founded a company called United Express, we worked together to analysis the strategy and structure of it and gained the teacher’s appreciation

  • founded a company called United Express with five classmates to fulfill the course project of “…”
  • worked together with the team members to analyze the strategy and structure of the company and gained the teacher’s appreciation

Exercise 3:(Action verbs and Parallel language-1)

  • We study in Tsinghua University and join the summer class with local students. There we study for some leading edge optical knowledge in the world, such as Photoelectric Spectrography Measurement…
  • Learn how to cooperate with each other to work out a problem together
  • Selected to present in a summer class organized by Tsinghua University
  • Participated actively in the training program of leading edge optical knowledge, such as Photoelectric Spectrography Measurement…
  • Cooperated with team-members to solve the problem of…

Awards and Honors/ Interests and Skills

  • Limit your discussion of activities and honors to those most recent, most important, or most relevant to the program for which they are applying
  • This section can easily be customized for specific programs since applicants will not include all their activities and honors but only those that make their CV stronger
  • 生活/体育/宣传/文娱/学习委员
    Student in charge of general affairs/ physical education/ propaganda work/ recreational work/ studies
  • 三好学生
    Merit Student
  • 优秀学生
    Excellent Student
  • 优秀学生干部
    Excellent Student Cadres/ Leadership
  • 优秀共青团员
    Excellent League Member
  • 优秀毕业生
    Outstanding Graduates
  • 优秀志愿者
    Outstanding Voluteer
  • 优秀团干
    Excellent League Cadres/ Leadership
  • 学生协会优秀干部
    Outstanding Cadres of Student Association
  • 社会实践优秀个人
    Advanced Individual of Social Practice

