参观阿拉斯加进行产品培训[My representation]

I  suggest to visit Alaska for product training. Alaska is one of the best places to spend a training whether by sea or by land.  It offers the unique adventures [ədˈventʃər 冒险], wildlife, and unforgettable scenery [ˈsin(ə)ri 风景].

1.            Firstly Alaska offers the unique adventures

Alaska is a destination of explorers  [ɪkˈsplɔrər 探险者]. Alaska is an outdoor paradise, especially during the summer, for kayaking[ˈkaɪˌæk 皮划艇], river rafting[ˈræftɪŋ 筏], hiking [远足], sport fishing [钓鱼运动]or flightseeing[空中观光].

People could create the spirits of collaboration after the adventures

2.            Secondly Alaska  is the best places for wildlife spotting[ˈspɑtɪŋ 发现].

 If we cruise [kruz 乘船游览] to Alaska, we will have many opportunities to see seals[si:l 海豹]   and sea lions, whales[hweɪl]  on the water .

If we traveling  by land, we could see hundreds of salmon swimming and jumping;  and bears, moose [mus 驼鹿] from the distance.

People could really relax themselves after spot these lovely animals.

3.            The third reason is the unforgettable scenery

Many visitors venture  [ˈventʃər 冒险去]  to Alaska to see the scenery of nature, mountains, glaciers [ˈɡleɪʃər 冰川], fjords [fjɔrd 峡湾], lakes, waterfalls and the National Parks.

The product training could also be unforgettable after people see the so many beautiful sceneries.

This is the reasons why I suggest people to visit Alaska for product training.

我建议参观阿拉斯加进行产品培训。阿拉斯加是一个最好的地方去培训, 无论是通过海上或土地。 它提供独特的冒险 [ədˈventʃər 冒险], 野生动物和难忘的风景 [#ˈsin (ə) ri 风景]。

1. 首先阿拉斯加提供独特的冒险

阿拉斯加是探险者的目的地 [ɪkˈsplɔrər 探险者]。阿拉斯加是一个户外乐园, 特别是在夏天, 独木舟 [#ˈkaɪˌæk 皮划艇], 漂流 [#ˈræftɪŋ筏], 徒步旅行 [远足], 体育捕鱼 [钓鱼运动] 或 flightseeing [空中观光]。

人们可以创造的合作精神后, 冒险

2. 其次, 阿拉斯加是野生动物发现 [#ˈspɑtɪŋ发现的最佳地点]。

 如果我们巡航 [kruz 乘船游览] 到阿拉斯加, 我们将有许多机会看到海豹 [si: l 海豹] 和海狮, 鲸鱼 [hweɪl] 在水上。

如果我们乘陆路旅行, 我们可以看到数以百计的鲑鱼游泳和跳跃; 熊, 驼鹿 [毛里求斯驼鹿] 从远处。

在发现这些可爱的动物之后, 人们真的可以放松自己了。

3. 第三个原因是令人难忘的风景

许多参观者冒险 [#ˈventʃər 冒险去] 到阿拉斯加看见自然、山、冰川 [#ˈɡleɪʃər 冰川]、峡湾 [fjɔrd 峡湾]、湖、瀑布和国家公园的风景。

在人们看到这么多美丽的风景之后, 产品培训也会令人难忘。


