17、BDS B1I信号捕获和跟踪相关定义

\qquad 下面是HD-GR GNSS导航软件的BDS B1I信号捕获和跟踪相关定义:

// b1i_accum_task.h -- Header file for the b1i_accum_task.c file

 * Copyright (C) 2005 Andrew Greenberg
 * Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2 (June 1991).
 * See the "COPYING" file distributed with this software for more information.

/* Namuru GPS receiver project
 * Original : tracking.h
 * Modes    : modified for Namuru HW by Peter Mumford (December 2006)
 *            accum_status_a, accum_status_b removed 
 *            status, new_data declared for Namuru HW
 * version  : V1.0
 * date     : 21st/Dec/2006

 * HD-GR GNSS receiver project
 * Modes    : Inherited the definitions of tracking.h in the Namuru GPS receiver 
 *            project V1.0 and made necessary adjustments to adapt to the new HW, 
 *            RTOS and functions.
 * version  : V1.0
 * date     : xx/xx/2015

#ifndef __B1I_ACCUM_TASK_H__
#define __B1I_ACCUM_TASK_H__

#include "main_accum_task.h"

 * Definitions


// B1I频点上的D1导航电文
#define IS_D1_NAVMESSAGE(P)			(P>5)
// B1I频点D1信号上的二次编码矩阵: {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0}
#define D1_SECONDARY_CODE			0x4d4e

 * Structures

typedef struct {
	TRACKING_ENUM       state;
	unsigned short      prn;

	signed long         i_p_1, q_p_1;
	signed long         i_e, q_e;			// early arms
	signed long         i_p, q_p;			// Prompt arms
	signed long         i_l, q_l;			// late arms
	long                carrier_corr;
	long                carrier_freq;       // in DCO hex units
	long                code_freq;          // in DCO hex units
	signed short        n_freq;             // Carrier frequency search bin
	unsigned short      codes;              // Current code phase (in 1/2 chips, 0 - 2044)

	signed long         e_mag;				// sqrt(i_e^2 +q_e^2)
	signed long         p_mag;				// sqrt(i_p^2+q_p^2)
	signed long         l_mag;				// sqrt(i_l^2  +q_l^2)

	long                n_confirm;          //
	long                m_thresh;			//
	unsigned short      ch_time;
	long                th_rms;
	long                dcode_freq_1;		//
	long                dcarr_phase_1;		//
	long                dcarr_phase_2;
	unsigned short      epoch_codes;
	unsigned long       ms_sign;
	unsigned short		ms_count;
	unsigned short		ms_maxval;
	unsigned short		ms_count_20;

	// pull_in
	signed long			ef_out;				//
	signed long			ef_max;				//
	signed long			ef_min;				//

	signed long         i_p_20;
	signed long         q_p_20;
	signed long         i_e_20;
	signed long         q_e_20;
	signed long         i_l_20;
	signed long         q_l_20;
#endif // B1I_CODE_LOOP_20MS_RATE

	signed long			i_p_20_1;
	signed long			q_p_20_1;
	// False Phase Lock Detector (FPLD)
	signed long     c_fpld;
	signed long     d_fpld;
	signed long     cnt_fpld;
	signed long     tot_fpld;

	unsigned short      bit_sync;
//	unsigned short      bit;

	unsigned short      load_1ms_epoch_count;   // Flags to coordinate loading
	unsigned short      sync_20ms_epoch_count;  // the epoch counters.
	unsigned short      backto_pull_in;			// back to pull_in.

	unsigned long       time_in_bits;			// Time of week, in bits

	signed short      	tang;
} b1i_chan_t;

 * Prototypes (Globally visible functions)

void b1i_initialize_tracking( void) __attribute__ ((section(".isrcode.txt")));
inline void b1i_set_code_dco_rate( unsigned short ch, unsigned long freq) __attribute__ ((section(".isrcode.txt")));
inline void b1i_set_carrier_dco_rate( unsigned short ch, unsigned long freq) __attribute__ ((section(".isrcode.txt")));

void b1i_accum_newdata(unsigned long new_data) __attribute__ ((section(".isrcode.txt")));
void b1i_track_channels(unsigned long new_data) __attribute__ ((section(".isrcode.txt")));

 * Externs
extern b1i_chan_t m_B1I_CH[B1I_MAX_CHANNELS] __attribute__ ((section(".isrdata.rwdata")));
extern short m_B1iCarrSrchStep __attribute__ ((section(".isrdata.rwdata")));

#endif // __B1I_ACCUM_TASK_H__

