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You’ll want to be meticulous when choosing web development stacks for your project. Depending on your choice, it could make or break the functionality and user experience of the web application.

In this guide, we’ll guide you through the different types of web dev stacks and how to choose the best stack for web development.

What is Web Development Stack

What you’re experiencing on a web browser is built through a set of frameworks, programming languages, databases, and tools. The combination of every piece of tools and technologies that result in a web application is called the web development stack. 

The technology stack for web development is then categorized into front-end and back-end. The tools that power both types of web components differ, yet synchronizes to function as a whole. Both front-end and back-end dev stacks are mandatory when you’re building a web app. 

Frontend Technology Stack

Frontend, which is also known as client-side, refers to the interface that users interacted with. An e-commerce store on the browser is the client-side of the web solution. Visuals, graphical layouts, and user-friendliness are important factors for a successful frontend. 

To develop the front end, developers use a combination of loosely termed tools as the frontend tech stack. Here are some commonly used stacks for front end development:

  • HTML - instructs the browser on how to display the underlying content. It forms the basic building block of a website. 
  • CSS - provides styles to format the HTML components on the browser. CSS determines the fonts, size, colors, and other static elements of the frontend. 
  • JavaScript - a programming language that turns HTML components into dynamic objects. It brings interactiveness to the front end. 
  • Frontend UI frameworks - React, Vue, and Angular are popular UI frameworks that allow you to build on top of existing structures and components. 
  • CSS preprocessors - Extension languages like SCSS, SASS, and LESS. They overcome the limit of CSS. 

Besides programming, you’ll also need tools for version controls, testing, and deployment when developing the frontend. 

Backend Tech Stack

The back end, which isn’t visible to the end-users, involves business logic, authentication, database management, and synchronizations with the client app. Also known as the server-side, it is made up of a server, database, and applications that run on it. 

Developing the backend requires these web development stacks components. 

  • Operating system - The OS that’s installed on the server before anything else. Usually, it’s either Windows or Linux. 
  • Web server - A component that synchronizes communication between browsers, mobile apps, and the backend server. It uses HTTP/HTTPS to transfer data between both ends. 
  • Databases - User information, transactions, products, and other data are stored in a database. MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB are commonly used in web dev. 
  • Storage - Documents and images require secure and reliable storage on the backend. This is where AWS S3 and Firebase Storage comes into play.
  • Hosting - A service that enables websites to be published on the internet. Reliability, security, and speed are vital in choosing the right hosting provider.
  • Programming language - Various programming languages have been used to develop the backend application. Popular ones are Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and Java. 
  • Web development frameworks - Backend frameworks reduce development time by providing templates, structures, and components to build on. 

Web Development Stack at Uptech

Each software developer may have their preferences of web stacks. At Uptech, we prefer the convenience of open technologies that come with a good ecosystem. 

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Our choice of web development stacks allows us to quickly implement an MVP, reduce time to market, validate ideas, and refine the app, thanks to the scalability of the technologies.

We’re using popular stacks, which allow our team to develop and maintain similar products that share the architecture.

Here’s a sneak peek into our web stack list:

  • Web Frontend: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, React
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Redis
  • Cloud: AWS Cloud, Google Cloud
  • CI/CD: Travis, Jenkins, Gitlab CI
  • Infrastructure: Terraform, Ansible

You can learn more about our tech stack here. 

How to Choose Web Development Stack for Startup

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for web development stacks, particularly when it comes to startups. You'll have to take the following factors into considerations when choosing a web stack.

  • Requirements of your project
  • Development and maintenance cost
  • Think about scalability
  • Time to market
  • Security of the tools.

Defining the Requirements of Your Projects

The nature of your project could define the web stack that you will be using. If you're developing a web solution that needs real-time data processing, you'll need to look for technologies that can do so economically. Applications that involve processing huge volumes of data will require technologies that enable a distributed system with little effort. 

It's essential to choose the tools based on what you're working for. The site builder used to build a simple blog may not help build a large e-commerce store. 

Development and Maintenance Cost

For startups, it is better to choose web stacks that are popular and proven to be effective. First of all, you'll have no issues finding developers who are proficient in popular tools. While an experienced specialist may cost more, it's still a better position than having trouble finding developers to build or maintain the solution.

For example, you can build a simple web server with JS and Rust. However, using JS will get the webserver up in a couple of days while it takes weeks for a developer using Rust to do so as there are limited tools available. Therefore, you'll save a significant cost of staff-hours rendered during development. 

Think about Scalability

It's always wise to build a web app with minimum features to test it out in the market. However, you'll still want to give a thought about scaling the application in the future. When you're choosing the web stacks, ensure that the components and frameworks are scalable.

The technologies that you're using to create an MVP may be sufficient to handle hundreds of users, but does it hold true when you have hundreds of thousands of users on the app? You don't want to end up switching core technologies when the app is growing, because the existing web stack isn't scalable.

Keep an eye on the current needs while having the other on growth. 

Time to Market

For startups, it's all about being the first to hit the market. Therefore, you'll want to consider popular and well-tested technologies. Usually, popular frameworks have a comprehensive ecosystem that helps to reduce development time. 

When creating the MVP, you'll want to choose a web stack that supports the app's primary features. It helps you to get the web solution to the market in the shortest time. At the same time, you'll want to consider future expansion where the stack can integrate with 3rd parties with little hiccups. 

The web stacks are only as good as the developers using them. As such, you'll want to ensure you're using technologies with a large pool of developers to choose from. 

Choose Secure Tools

Security is crucial for web applications. Be it a full-fledged e-commerce site or a simple blog; users expect their data to be managed and kept securely. Incidences of a data breach can result in legal issues, which tarnish the business reputation and causes financial losses.

Considering the grave implications of security risks, you'll want to ensure that you're using technologies with no known vulnerabilities. Start by establishing a clear policy of data access and processing. Developers should use services for checking dependencies, tools for static code analysis, and monitoring systems.

Our Success with Web Development Stacks

At Uptech, we have experience with popular tools and technologies that form the backbone of web development. Not only that, but we also have a knack of picking the right combinations that suit the requirements of the app.

Here are some of our best cases.


Plai is a free app that helps companies to manage remote teams. It does so by setting up OKR and keeping the team engaged.

web tech stack

Here’s the tech stack we’ve used.

  • React.js 
  • JavaScript  
  • JAVA + Spring
  • Redux
  • Recharts
  • RxJs
  • Webpack
  • AWS Cloud + Terraform


We’ve created Apprvl as an app to help photographers submit images for their client’s approval. Photographers upload their images with the app and share the links with their clients.

web development stack

The development involves these components as the tech stack for images.

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on rails 
  • database - postgresql
  • swagger (API documentation)
  • React.js
  • TypeScript
  • Redux


You don’t want to rush through the process of choosing the web development stacks when planning a new project. Choosing the wrong tools frustrates your team’s effort in getting the app to the market.

If you’re still wondering which tools, frameworks, or technologies work best for your app, drop us a message here. We’ll be happy to help.