
  在JS中 定义一个函数名字是export 会报错(ff不报错,ie会),修改成其他名字就行了。
  原因是,export是ECMA为将来保留的词(Words reserved for ECMA extensions)。
  下面把OReilly.JavaScript.The.Definitive.Guide.5th.Editio n  2.8. Reserved Words的内容:
  JavaScript has a number of reserved keywords. These are words that you cannot use as identifiers (variable names, function names, and loop labels) in your JavaScript programs. Table 2-1 lists the keywords standardized by ECMAScript v3. These words have special meaning to JavaScript; they are part of the language syntax itself. break do if switch typeof case else in this var catch false instanceof tHRow void continue finally new true while default for null try with delete function return Table 2-2 lists other reserved keywords. These words are not currently used in JavaScript, but they are reserved by ECMAScript v3 as possible future extensions to the language. abstract double goto native static boolean enum implements package super byte export import private synchronized char extends int protected throws class final interface public TRansient const float long short volatile debugger In addition to some of the formally reserved words just listed, current drafts of the ECMAScript v4 standard are contemplating the use of the keywords as, is, namespace, and use. Current JavaScript interpreters will not prevent you from using these four words as identifiers, but you should avoid them anyway. You should also avoid using as identifiers the names of global variables and functions that are predefined by JavaScript. If you create variables or functions with these names, either you will get an error (if the property is read-only) or you will redefine the existing variable or functionsomething you should not do unless you know exactly what you're doing. Table 2-3 lists global variables and functions defined by the ECMAScript v3 standard. Specific implementations may define other global properties, and each specific JavaScript embedding (client-side, server-side, etc.) will have its own extensive list of global properties.
  • [*] See the Window object in Part IV for a list of the additional global variables and functions defined by client-side JavaScript. arguments encodeURI Infinity Object String Array Error isFinite parseFloat SyntaxError Boolean escape isNaN parseInt TypeError Date eval Math RangeError undefined decodeURI EvalError NaN ReferenceError unescape decodeURIComponent Function Number RegExp URIError
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