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  Summary: Writing the wrong type, write papers, and differences in the type of feedback principles that determine what is wrong priority need feedback. Time feedback and feedback depends on the standard of English, and English learners feedback to enhance awareness of the use of feedback can improve efficiency. Currently, in the country,Salvatore Ferragamo outlet, the study of English writing errors are basically stuck in the error analysis and the level of Teaching, it was also the feedback in the teaching of English writing in the role of empirical research. Learners and teachers should be how to deal with the English writing errors, the country is still lack of in-depth, systematic exposition. This paper on the need to determine the error feedback, feedback time, feedback and ways to enhance students' awareness of the role of feedback and other issues were discussed. First, determine the feedback error to determine the need for feedback of error include the following three stages: first, to understand the English language learners writing the most common type of error. From the perspective of the correctness of the language, the error can be divided into five: the first one is the morpheme errors, including verb tenses, word formation, verb and noun are the same articles, singular and plural, possessive, etc. in error; second is word error, such as choice of words, word,herve leger sale, usage, idioms, wrong pronouns, etc.; third is syntax errors, such as sentence structure, doubled words, sentences and other errors in the film; first four are technical errors, such as punctuation, spelling and other aspects of the error; fifth is other errors. The second is to understand the differences in the type of error. As the learner's academic background, native language (or dialect), the target language exposure, emotional factors, learning styles, different language levels, the type of error will be different. One of the wrong type of language change in the level of greatest impact. Between different levels of language learners, the same language learners of different levels at different stages of the learner's errors will affect the number of error types as well as the ability to handle feedback. Brown to the language level of learners in different stages of language errors committed are divided into four stages, namely the In the previous two stages, the structure of language learners in a non-system with full state, its performance is not typical of self-change error, even if teachers point out the error, he can not be modified. In the latter two stages, the learner's errors are systematic, learners can modify their own mistakes, or modify the teacher or peers pointed out the error. Understanding of these stages to provide feedback for teachers of great significance. If the first two stages, the teacher can not just point out the error, but also to help learners to change the error. Many studies have shown that this And to the latter two stages, teachers should point out errors, and guide the learner to modify errors or organization, learners gradually develop the ability to self-correct errors. Finally, the priority is to determine the error feedback principle. Provide feedback on which error can be determined by three criteria. The first mistake is to look at is the overall local error or error. Overall errors are those that affect the overall understanding of the errors, such as like errors, such as Of the overall error should be given priority feedback. The second is to look at the wrong frequency. Whether individual or collective high-frequency high-frequency error error, teachers should give priority to feedback, but feedback approach may be different. The third is to see whether the type of composition may lead to the grammar, vocabulary, technical and other aspects of the error. For example, learners to write an account of an event description text of the past, when the past situation is that most people would probably committed a syntax error. These errors, teachers should consider giving priority to give feedback, or even to provide Second, determine the time when the feedback of learners writing the error correction is a controversial issue. Many English teachers are writing to provide feedback that will interrupt early concept learners, and modify the process of writing, making writing and revision activities and later turned into a proofreading exercise rather than a manifestation of ideological content. For elementary English learners, the problem is more prominent. Because they know their own language is limited, and therefore even more concerned about the word, sentence-level accuracy, the results will overlook the ideological and writing fluency. However, Ferris and Ashwell, who in recent studies have shown that, for teachers in the language of form and content, etc. given immediate feedback, the learner is not only willing to accept and writing skills are thus improved. They believe that, if not to provide learners with feedback on the error, it will lose a good opportunity to correct the error. English learners often have more accuracy problems,tods shoes outlet, and therefore they are more willing to rely on teachers to provide more feedback input. If teachers have to wait until the students finished writing the final version was to provide feedback, the feedback received from students is significantly impaired. A compromise is in the early writing, teachers are more general, a universal feedback or tips to writing late, the more you can provide more specific feedback. In addition, learners have also feedback into the draft after it is a question worth considering. Studies have shown that teachers give students final text of the feedback does not cause too much concern about the learner, especially when the teachers to play the score after the essay. If teachers need students to pay attention to finalizing some feedback, you can use the evaluation, which can encourage students to cross-portfolio for teachers before the end of the feedback given attention. Third, the feedback method to determine the error feedback method of writing in English can be determined from a different perspective. Different perspectives, the approach is not the same. It should be noted that the methods discussed below is not from a single perspective, so these methods exists between the degree of interaction and overlap. 1. Direct and indirect feedback feedback feedback refers to the teacher directly to correct the student's writing error direct, indirect feedback is through symbols, language code, language, writing tips and other means that students in the wrong, but it does not give correct. People generally believe that direct feedback in most cases will reduce students' degree of concern for error feedback, and direct feedback from teachers will often be misleading, incorrect understanding of teachers to impose their own students. Indirect than direct feedback feedback has more advantages. Teachers that the student's essay is a mistake but it does not provide the right answer, so you can force students to think, and then modify. This will help students a sense of responsibility, and understanding the error, modify the error, and ultimately to avoid the mistakes of the writing process to develop good study habits and effective learning strategies. However, the indirect feedback can not completely substitute for direct feedback. In certain conditions,Beats By Dre Headphones, direct feedback seems to bring better results. If the English proficiency of students is still relatively low, they are difficult to correct their own mistakes, or some students can not handle the error, the direct feedback is very necessary. 2, suggesting that feedback and modify the label feedback in English composition teachers face when another option is to use the mark prompt feedback or feedback. Teachers by giving prompt feedback is error circle, draw lines, tick and other means to indicate there was an error, but does not clearly explain what is wrong, or what kind of error. Feedback is to use the mark symbols, codes or language tips and other methods to indicate the wrong location, but also pointed out what is wrong committed by students, or explain which type error. Clearly, prompt feedback can enhance students' sense of responsibility, enhance their level of awareness of errors. Although there is no prompt feedback to students that what is wrong type or wrong, but the composition changes to the feedback effect is not worse than the mark. Ferris and others, such as research results show that, for the prompt feedback reflected by the error, students are able to modify the 75% correct, but more interesting is that teachers in the experimental error by the error code to indicate when students Students are still able to correct the error correction of 62%. We can infer, students indicate what the error is committed, or what kind of error does not seem very important, it is important for students to know the error lies. 3 coded feedback (code identification) and language feedback (verbalcue) when teachers do need to point out the mistakes the nature of the students, when also faced with a choice, that is encoded by the language or prompts to indicate the type of error. For example, in the following example, the teacher used two different feedback methods: (1) Code identification: The students could go anywhere whey

