
1. 主语

1.1. 什么可以做主语?

1. I am a boy. =>代词

2. My hobby is playing football. =>名词

3. Playing football makes me robust. =>非谓语动词

4. That I like playing football is a secret. =>从句

1.2. 可以没有主语吗?

1. 祈使句

1. Get up!  

2. Don’t talk to me.

3. Get out of here.


2.  主语判断

1. 广东好热。

It is hot in Guangdong.

2. 8点了。

It is 8 o'clock.

3. 下雨了。

It is raining.

描述天气、温度、时间、速度等等,可以用 “It” 开头做为主语。

3. 字 的翻译

1. 很久很久以前,有一个小仙女。

There was a fairy.

2. 有很多人做运动。

There are many people doing sports.

3. 我有一只猫。

I have a cat.

4. 我的房间里有一只猫在玩球。

There is a cat playing a ball in my room.

主语是人或动物的时候,“有” 用 “have” 表示,其它的情况用 “There be” 句型。

4. 易错的翻译


Being smart and beautiful is my nature.

1.3. 主语 – 总结

可以做主语的有代词、名词、非谓语动词、从句,当句子表述和天气、温度、时间有关时,主语用 It,当需要表示有,却没有主语时,主语用 There be。

2. 宾语

2.1. 什么可以做宾语?

1. I like you. =>代词

2. I like Hong. =>名词

3. I like playing football. =>非谓语动词

4. I believe that you are right. =>从句

2.2. 可以没有宾语吗?


3. 表语

3.1. 什么可以做表语?

1. I am Xiaoku. =>名词

2. Xiaoku is me. =>代词

3. I am shy. =>形容词

4. I am in Foshan. =>介词短语

5. My job is to play football. =>非谓语动词

6. My suggestion is that we should study hard. =>从句

3.2. 可以没有表语吗?


4. 同位语

4.1. 什么可以做同位语?

1. My mother, a teacher, loves me very much. =>名语

2. I like Mary, an outstanding lawyer. =>名语

3. My habit, running in the morning , is good. =>非谓语动词

4.2. 可以没有同位语吗?


5. 课后作业

5.1. 分析下列句子的结构及成份

1. I like playing football. =>主谓宾:代词-实义动词-非谓语动词

2. My plan is to finish my homework.=>主系表:名词-系动词-非谓语动词

3. You seem right. =>主系表:代词-系动词-形容词

4. His smile is like a flower. =>主系表:名词-系动词-介词短语

5. My mother asks me to do the dishes. =>主谓宾宾补:名词-实义动词-代词-非谓语动词

6. I am from China. =>主系表:代词-系动词-介词短语

5.2. 翻译下列句子

1. 我早睡的习惯对我的健康有好处。

My habit,going to bed early,is good for my health。

2. 我的梦想是成为一名优秀的医生。

My dream is to become a good doctor.

3. 我有一支笔。

I have a pen.

4. 我们的学校有100个学生在考试。

There are 100 students taking a exam in our school.

5. 小明喜欢跑步,我喜欢打篮球。 

Ming liking running,I like playing basketball.

6. 有礼貌是他的优点。

Being polite is his virtue.

5.3. 翻译下列句子 并分析其结构

1. 为了通过考试,我的计划是每天读书。

To pass the examination, my plan is to read on a daily basis.

2. 他爸爸抽烟的习惯对他的健康不好。

His father's habit, smoking, is bad for his health.

3. 尊敬父母是中国的传统美德。

Showing respect to superiors is a Chinese traditional virtue.

4. 小明喜欢玩电脑游戏。

Ming enjoys playing PC games.

5. 八点了,操场上有3个人在跑步。

It is 8 PM, and there are 3 people running on the playground.

It is 8 PM, there being 3 people running on the playground.

6. 在妈妈的指导下,我的梦想是成为一名老师。

Guided by my mother, my dream proves to be a teacher.

