



 SVM鸢尾花分类20210512 - 飞桨AI Studio (baidu.com)

  • 加载相关包
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
from sklearn import svm 
from sklearn import model_selection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
  • 加载数据、切分数据集
# ======将字符串转化为整形==============
def iris_type(s):
    it = {b'Iris-setosa':0, b'Iris-versicolor':1,b'Iris-virginica':2} 
    return it[s]
# 1 数据准备
# 1.1 加载数据
data = np.loadtxt('/home/aistudio/data/data2301/iris.data',  # 数据文件路径i
                  dtype=float,    # 数据类型
                  delimiter=',',  # 数据分割符
                  converters={4:iris_type}) # 将第五列使用函数iris_type进行转换
# 1.2 数据分割
x, y = np.split(data, (4, ), axis=1) # 数据分组 第五列开始往后为y 代表纵向分割按列分割
x = x[:, :2]
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test=model_selection.train_test_split(x, y, random_state=1, test_size=0.2)
  • 构建SVM分类器,训练函数 
# SVM分类器构建
def classifier():
    #############    在此处添加代码     ############
    return clf
# 训练模型
def train(clf, x_train, y_train):
    #############    在此处添加代码     ############
  • 初始化分类器实例,训练模型
# 2 定义模型 SVM模型定义
clf = classifier()
# 3 训练模型
train(clf, x_train, y_train)
  • 展示训练结果及验证结果

# ======判断a,b是否相等计算acc的均值
def show_accuracy(a, b, tip):
    acc = a.ravel() == b.ravel()
    print('%s Accuracy:%.3f' %(tip, np.mean(acc)))
# 分别打印训练集和测试集的准确率 score(x_train, y_train)表示输出 x_train,y_train在模型上的准确率
def print_accuracy(clf, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test):
    print('training prediction:%.3f' %(clf.score(x_train, y_train)))
    print('test data prediction:%.3f' %(clf.score(x_test, y_test)))
    # 原始结果和预测结果进行对比 predict() 表示对x_train样本进行预测,返回样本类别
    show_accuracy(clf.predict(x_train), y_train, 'traing data')
    show_accuracy(clf.predict(x_test), y_test, 'testing data')
    # 计算决策函数的值 表示x到各个分割平面的距离
    print('decision_function:\n', clf.decision_function(x_train))
def draw(clf, x):   
    iris_feature = 'sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width'
    # 开始画图
    x1_min, x1_max = x[:, 0].min(), x[:, 0].max()
    x2_min, x2_max = x[:, 1].min(), x[:, 1].max()
    # 生成网格采样点
    x1, x2 = np.mgrid[x1_min:x1_max:200j, x2_min:x2_max:200j]  
    # 测试点
    grid_test = np.stack((x1.flat, x2.flat), axis = 1)
    print('grid_test:\n', grid_test)
    # 输出样本到决策面的距离
    z = clf.decision_function(grid_test)
    print('the distance to decision plane:\n', z)
    grid_hat = clf.predict(grid_test)
    # 预测分类值 得到[0, 0, ..., 2, 2]
    print('grid_hat:\n', grid_hat)
    # 使得grid_hat 和 x1 形状一致
    grid_hat = grid_hat.reshape(x1.shape)
    cm_light = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['#A0FFA0', '#FFA0A0', '#A0A0FF'])
    cm_dark = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['g', 'b', 'r'])
    plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, grid_hat, cmap = cm_light) 
    plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=np.squeeze(y), edgecolor='k', s=50, cmap=cm_dark )
    plt.scatter(x_test[:, 0], x_test[:, 1], s=120, facecolor='none', zorder=10 )
    plt.xlabel(iris_feature[0], fontsize=20) # 注意单词的拼写label
    plt.ylabel(iris_feature[1], fontsize=20)
    plt.xlim(x1_min, x1_max)
    plt.ylim(x2_min, x2_max)
    plt.title('Iris data classification via SVM', fontsize=30)

# 4 模型评估
print('-------- eval ----------')
print_accuracy(clf, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test)
# 5 模型使用
print('-------- show ----------')
draw(clf, x) 


-------- eval ----------
training prediction:0.808
test data prediction:0.767
traing data Accuracy:0.808
testing data Accuracy:0.767
 [[-0.24991711  1.2042151   2.19527349]
 [-0.30144975  1.25525744  2.28694265]
 [-0.24281146  2.24318221  0.99502737]
 [-0.27672959  1.2395788   2.23333857]
 [-0.23718563  2.21927504  1.11750062]
 [ 2.24124823 -0.20327106  0.82871773]
 [-0.24916991  2.25488962  0.92530871]
 [ 2.2222485   0.86479883 -0.18955173]
 [-0.28036071  1.24228023  2.24154874]
 [-0.29229603  1.26471537  2.25517554]
 [-0.28446963  1.23293167  2.25928719]
 [ 2.24433312  0.82415773 -0.20653214]
 [-0.28058919  2.2680431   1.18280403]
 [-0.2685366   1.22653818  2.22306948]
 [-0.28088362  1.23636902  2.24824728]
 [-0.3051288   1.27363886  2.28725744]
 [ 2.19125377 -0.19835874  1.03664074]
 [ 2.25909278  0.7973515  -0.21992546]
 [ 2.23082124  1.05792561 -0.23704919]
 [ 0.9071986   2.20602139 -0.18401877]
 [ 2.23542016  0.85310906 -0.20593739]
 [ 2.17688585 -0.13662868  0.89878446]
 [-0.2901959   1.13009006  2.28629999]
 [-0.2849149   1.2256961   2.26370915]
 [-0.29702633  1.25351358  2.277823  ]
 [-0.27672959  1.2395788   2.23333857]
 [-0.26773664  1.23366473  2.21155174]
 [-0.18376448  1.04634559  2.17207981]
 [-0.3034019   1.26567438  2.28710058]
 [-0.19335707  2.1789894   1.06048442]
 [ 2.26111102  0.82507149 -0.23839539]
 [-0.25175432  2.24568274  1.07353366]
 [-0.27612009  1.24511631  2.22395753]
 [ 2.23082124  1.05792561 -0.23704919]
 [ 2.2564785   0.88137735 -0.24525952]
 [-0.27392297  1.22235345  2.24092419]
 [ 2.27186349  0.81063773 -0.25217964]
 [-0.24991711  1.2042151   2.19527349]
 [-0.26570402  1.19126129  2.24029108]
 [-0.27848257  1.2178274   2.2538024 ]
 [-0.22451542  2.21500409  1.06585832]
 [-0.27155037  1.18375822  2.2533339 ]
 [-0.24054376  1.19871464  2.17582039]
 [ 2.26342438 -0.22589317  0.79171647]
 [-0.28058919  2.2680431   1.18280403]
 [-0.27325118  1.23002938  2.23296907]
 [-0.27392297  1.22235345  2.24092419]
 [ 0.83829222  2.24377366 -0.21341635]
 [-0.24516302  1.14882472  2.2212494 ]
 [-0.23166652  2.24053482  0.92047491]
 [ 2.22969047 -0.19768814  0.85619186]
 [ 2.22880454  0.99577113 -0.22838164]
 [ 2.27145869 -0.24964429  0.80531071]
 [-0.27155037  1.18375822  2.2533339 ]
 [ 2.26483527  0.94178326 -0.26172128]
 [-0.26110752  2.23705292  1.1785139 ]
 [-0.27982727  1.24751212  2.23370536]
 [-0.22879722  1.19272468  2.14998616]
 [ 2.23358198  0.83241849 -0.19030886]
 [ 2.22452335  0.89510197 -0.20533704]
 [-0.2457942   2.23080526  1.1192022 ]
 [ 2.22880454  0.99577113 -0.22838164]
 [-0.29975002  1.26103019  2.28055184]
 [-0.26301911  1.22280275  2.21100325]
 [-0.30016925  1.25327954  2.28493414]
 [-0.2813963   1.22963701  2.2540346 ]
 [-0.28697192  2.26788659  1.2256914 ]
 [-0.22353839  1.09045989  2.20818498]
 [-0.28117478  1.14500651  2.27402976]
 [-0.18956974  2.19344513  0.97988104]
 [ 2.25743255 -0.25828463  1.01583138]
 [-0.2457942   2.23080526  1.1192022 ]
 [ 2.17277768  1.22898718 -0.25528063]
 [-0.24124254  2.24831388  0.92286901]
 [-0.2849149   1.2256961   2.26370915]
 [ 2.24579933  0.84272184 -0.21897044]
 [-0.28890998  1.24952476  2.25968873]
 [ 2.25299223  0.81668128 -0.21944995]
 [ 2.26111102  0.82507149 -0.23839539]
 [-0.23642368  1.10779426  2.22078495]
 [-0.20799903  2.21040083  0.9835351 ]
 [-0.27904302  1.20814609  2.25888125]
 [ 2.23719183  0.87970197 -0.21848687]
 [ 2.25804076  0.78683693 -0.20770513]
 [-0.20036305  1.13877998  2.14747696]
 [ 2.2575743   0.91742515 -0.25144563]
 [-0.2457942   2.23080526  1.1192022 ]
 [ 2.24054953  0.9647293  -0.23738931]
 [-0.27392297  1.22235345  2.24092419]
 [ 1.04178458  2.22068685 -0.22589065]
 [ 2.26302243  0.86771692 -0.25169177]
 [-0.25967114  1.18457321  2.23184401]
 [ 2.27008204  0.91974964 -0.26603261]
 [-0.16478644  2.17106379  0.9763103 ]
 [ 2.25967478  1.03492895 -0.26153197]
 [-0.24124254  2.24831388  0.92286901]
 [-0.220911    2.26253025  0.78819329]
 [ 2.24433312  0.82415773 -0.20653214]
 [ 2.21629138  1.08000401 -0.22797453]
 [ 0.94499808  2.23194749 -0.22546394]
 [ 2.2787295   0.77880195 -0.25266172]
 [-0.22879722  1.19272468  2.14998616]
 [-0.25647454  1.21879654  2.1959717 ]
 [ 2.24579933  0.84272184 -0.21897044]
 [-0.27848257  1.2178274   2.2538024 ]
 [-0.21088734  2.19937515  1.06319809]
 [-0.28656383  2.27063398  1.2147421 ]
 [-0.28535213  1.21733665  2.26763273]
 [-0.2457942   2.23080526  1.1192022 ]
 [ 2.18136055  0.8932065  -0.13975588]
 [ 2.19696244  1.09880525 -0.21701131]
 [-0.27114143  2.24778105  1.1980246 ]
 [-0.26207613  1.23041878  2.19666289]
 [-0.29382184  1.2442528   2.27479662]
 [-0.24432781  2.23739126  1.07102463]
 [-0.27256402  1.23671218  2.2235153 ]
 [-0.26483213  1.20360155  2.23222183]
 [-0.28211449  2.25818853  1.22483139]
 [-0.27848257  1.2178274   2.2538024 ]
 [ 2.22880454  0.99577113 -0.22838164]]
-------- show ----------
 [[4.3       2.       ]
 [4.3       2.0120603]
 [4.3       2.0241206]
 [7.9       4.3758794]
 [7.9       4.3879397]
 [7.9       4.4      ]]
the distance to decision plane:
 [[ 1.15418548  2.24935988 -0.26432263]
 [ 1.15805875  2.2485129  -0.26434377]
 [ 1.16176809  2.24764867 -0.2643649 ]
 [-0.28260705  0.82993354  2.28954779]
 [-0.28228765  0.82682418  2.28953928]
 [-0.2819642   0.82383103  2.28953076]]
 [1. 1. 1. ... 2. 2. 2.]

