LoRaWAN ADR (自适应速率) 算法简介及最新研究方向


1. 背景:

一晃已经很多年没接触Lora了,也多年没有学习和写过这方面文章了 (上一篇还是2018年),所以最近有兴趣研究下近几年最新的Tech,简单检索了下Lora ADR相关的最新研究和发展,在这里汇总一下分享给大家~

LoRaWAN ADR (自适应速率 Adaptive Data Rate )

1.1 ADR简介

Q: 什么是ADR (Adaptive Data Rate) ,什么是自适应速率?


To maximize the battery life of your devices, LoRA uses the adaptive data rate (ADR) scheme. The ADR manages individual speeds for each connected device. End devices can transmit over any available channel at any time using any available ADR speed subject to the following rules:

由此可见,ADR是LoRaWAN (https://lora-alliance.org/ )的核心功能之一。



1.2 LoRaWan NS


LoraWAN NS: A network server with all end devices that is configured as an integral part of the application (top-level Software) and connected to the base stations (LoRaWAN gateway). A network server can be embedded in a gateway or located on a dedicated server along with the Dispatcher SOFTWARE.


The network server receives messages from devices, manages their authentication, data routing, and gateway management. The network server independently selects the best gateway for routing data from the device, as well as eliminates duplicate messages and optimize the radio airwaves using ADR.


the network server can perform adaptive data transfer rate (ADR) settings based on the received SNR (signal-to-noise ratio). SNR is a dimensionless value equal to the ratio of the power of the useful signal to the noise power.) each device. When using ADR, devices spend less time on the air, increasing the efficiency of radio resources, as well as managing the reliability of message delivery.

ADR功能需要NS服务器来动态管理网络内所有节点的通信速率及功率。然而官方协议中只明确给出了MAC命令的帧格式,对于NS侧的ADR算法实现(即何时,以什么为标准,将终端速率及功率到怎样的水平)Semtech并没有具体给出。(官方有一份参考文档:“LoRaWAN – simple rate adaptationrecommended algorithm”,仅针对EU868频段给出了简单的ADR算法建议)


1.3 ADR目标


  • 降低丢包率,增加物理层-应用层通信包成功率,增加通信稳定性、系统鲁棒性
  • 降低功耗,gw和nodes速率均衡,射频TOA时间
  • 更优的速率通信选择,占用更少的信道资源
  • 减小信号碰撞概率,提升网络容量,充分利用网络带宽
  • 降低nodes电池消耗, 延长nodes使用寿命

1.4 ADR应用场景



2. ADR实现方式、原理:

上面简介提到了,ADR 的实现中,最关键的是可以通过NS(Network Server)对于终端设备通信速率/功率进行控制,

这一块LoraWAN具体是通过MAC命令-LinkADR(CID-0x03) 来实现,该指令帧格式及通信协议在官方文档中给出了详细描述:

详情可参见LoraWAN specification



  1. LinkADRReq命令,


  1. LinkADRAns命令,
    节点用以回复NS的Req命令,包含Power ACK(功率确认)、Data rate ACK(速率确认)、Channel maskACK(信道掩码确认)三个字段

3. ADR算法研究方向:

我检索了 最近这几年ADR算法相关的国际论文(期刊/会议)、网络文献、官网等参考资料,目前找到的主要研究方向有下面几个:

3.1:ADR Algorithm optimization

主要是基于现有ADR算法的改进,包括无损自适应ADR,动态ADR,防冲突ADR ,


  1. ND-ADR: Nondestructive adaptive data rate for LoRaWAN Internet of
    Things, 2022.3


[论文核心]:无损自适应算法,增强通讯稳定性,降低丢包率 和传输功耗

  1. A New-Dynamic Adaptive Data Rate Algorithm of LoRaWAN in Harsh
    Environment, 2021.10


[论文核心]:动态无损自适应, 进一步提高信道利用率、降低网络功耗, New-Dynamic ADR。

  1. RM-ADR: Resource Management Adaptive Data Rate for Mobile Application in LoRaWAN, 2021


Resource Management ADR (RM-ADR) at both ED and Network Sides (NS) by considering the packet transmission information and received power to address this issue.



  1. A Novel Collision-Aware Adaptive Data Rate Algorithm for LoRaWAN Networks, 2020


[论文核心]:collision-aware ADR (CA-ADR), which tries to minimize the collision probability when assigning data rates by considering the entire set of EDs in the network and keeping the link-level performance under control.

  1. Optimizing Power Allocation in LoRaWAN IoT Applications , 2021


[论文核心]:A novel game-theoretic framework for LoRaWAN named best equal LoRa (BE-LoRa), to jointly optimize the packet delivery ratio and the energy efficiency (bit/Joule).

3.2:LoraWAN ADR Evaluation

主要研究LoraWAN ADR算法模型的评估测试,以及Simulator 网络模拟方法:


  1. Analysis and Enhancement of the LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate Scheme, 2020


[论文核心]:extend the LoRaWAN module in ns-3 by adding ADR, enabling the simulation of realistic LoRaWAN networks, and add the implementation of the new enhancements in this module.

  1. Empirical Analysis of LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate for Mobile Internet of Things Applications, 2021


[论文核心]:chose four proposed algorithms that focused on improving the ADR in terms of data extraction rate (DER) and evaluated them to study and critically analyze their performances by LoRaSim

  1. Modeling the Energy Consumption of LoRaWAN in ns-3 Based on Real World Measurements, 2019


[论文核心]:analysis of the energy consumption of different states in a LoRa transmission by the SX1272 in ns-3

  1. Evaluating the Scalability of LoRaWAN Gateways for Class B Communication in ns-3, 2018

LoRaWAN in ns-3 to explore the limits of scale at which this form of bi-directional communication remains feasible in large networks

[论文核心]:chose four proposed algorithms that focused on improving the ADR in terms of data extraction rate (DER) and evaluated them to study and critically analyze their performances by LoRaSim

3.3:Data Analysis in LoRAWAN


  1. LoRaWAN Behaviour Analysis through Dataset Traffic Investigation, 2022


[论文核心]:analyse LoRa and LoRaWAN by looking at its transmission characteristics and network behaviour, respectively, explaining the role of its components and showing the message exchange. This analysis is performed through the exploration of a dataset taken from the literature collecting real LoRaWAN packets.


  1. Towards a Rigorous Evaluation of Time-series Anomaly Detection, 2021.11


[论文核心]:the comparison of TAD methods after applying the PA protocol can lead to misguided rankings

  1. Deep unsupervised methods towards behavior analysis in ubiquitous sensor data, 2022


[论文核心]:clustering technique for BA which can find hidden routines in ubiquitous data and also captures the pattern in the routines. Our approach efficiently works on high dimensional data for BA without performing any computationally expensive reduction operations. We evaluate three different techniques namely Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), the Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and the Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) for comparative study.


  1. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/2/664

studying the number of packets generated for a use case of REST-based IoT over LPWAN, specifically the Swarm OS over LoRaWAN. The work also presents an analysis of the impact of using promising schemes for lower communication load.



3.4:Others Optimization

  1. LoRaWAN Versus NB-IoT: Transmission Performance Analysis Within Critical Environments, 2021


[论文核心]:comparison of transmission performances within critical environments (i.e., underwater, within metal enclosures and underground) for two of the most adopted enabling technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT):

  1. the long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) protocol and
  2. the narrowband IoT (NB-IoT)



  • https://github.com/signetlabdei/lorawan
  • https://github.com/brocaar/chirpstack-concentratord

ChirpStack NS:

  • https://www.chirpstack.io/network-server/features/adaptive-data-rate/



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