全能PDF:Pdfium.Net SDK 2023-03-18 Crack

Pdfium.Net SDK 是领先的 .Net 库,用于生成、操作和查看可移植文档格式的文件。我们提供高级 c# / VB.Net API,用于在 WEB 服务器或任何其他服务器系统上动态创建 pdf,并在现有桌面或 WEB 应用程序中实现“另存为 PDF”功能。

入门:C# 代码示例

  • 即时创建 PDF 文档
  • 从多个图像生成 PDF
  • 使用 C# 打印 PDF 文件
  • 在 C# 中从 PDF 中提取文本
  • 使用 C# 从 Pdf 中提取文本坐标
  • 使用 .Net C# 从 Pdf 文件中提取图像
  • 在 PDF 文件中搜索文本
  • 异步搜索文本
  • 在 C# 中拆分 PDF
  • 使用 C# 合并 PDF
  • 将 PDF 渲染为图像
  • 填写可编辑的 PDF 字段并从中提取数据

如何使用 C# 动态创建 PDF

/// <summary>
/// Create PDF Document on The Fly in C# using Pdfium.Net SDK Library
/// </summary>
public void CreatePdf()
    // The PDF coordinate system origin is at the bottom left corner of the page. 
    // The X-axis is pointing to the right. The Y-axis is pointing in upward direction.
    // The sizes and coordinates in this method are given in the inches.

    // Step 1: Initialize PDF library and create empty document
    // Return value: PdfDocument main class
    var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew();  // Create a PDF document

    // Step 2: Add new page
    // Arguments: page width: 8.27", page height: 11.69", Unit of measure: inches
    //  The PDF unit of measure is point. There are 72 points in one inch.
    var page = doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, 8.27f * 72, 11.69f * 72);

    // Step 3: Add graphics and text contents to the page
    // Insert image from file using standart System.Drawing.Bitmap class
    using (PdfBitmap logo = PdfBitmap.FromFile(@"e:\63\logo_square.png"))
        PdfImageObject imageObject = PdfImageObject.Create(doc, logo, 0, 0);
        //image resolution is 300 DPI and location is 1.69 x 10.0 inches.
        imageObject.Matrix = new FS_MATRIX(logo.Width * 72 / 300, 0, 0, logo.Height * 72 / 300, 1.69 * 72, 10.0 * 72);

    // Create fonts used for text objects
    PdfFont calibryBold = PdfFont.CreateFont(doc, "CalibriBold");
    // Insert text objects at 7.69"; 11.02" and font size is 25
    PdfTextObject textObject = PdfTextObject.Create("Sample text", 1.69f * 72, 11.02f * 72, calibryBold, 25);
    textObject.FillColor = FS_COLOR.Black;

    // Step 5: Generate page content and save pdf file
    // argument: PDF file name
    doc.Save(@"e:\63\sample_document.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental);

Pdfium.Net SDK Library 允许开发人员在 C# 中轻松创建 PDF 文档。此示例显示可以使用页面对象动态创建 PDF 文档。


如何使用 C# 以编程方式从一组图像生成 PDF

/// <summary>
/// Generate PDF document From Multiple Images in C# using PDF Library
/// </summary>
public void GeneratePdf()
    //Initialize C# PDF Library
    //Create a PDF document
    using (var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew())
        //Read images
        var files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\Images\", "*.*", 
        foreach (var file in files)
            //Create empty PdfBitmap
            using (PdfBitmap pdfBitmap = PdfBitmap.FromFile(file))
                //Create Image object
                var imageObject = PdfImageObject.Create(doc, pdfBitmap, 0, 0);
                //Calculate size of image in PDF points
                var size = CalculateSize(pdfBitmap.Width, pdfBitmap.Height);
                //Add empty page to PDF document
                var page = doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, size);
                //Insert image to newly created page
                //set image matrix
                imageObject.Matrix = new FS_MATRIX(size.Width, 0, 0, size.Height, 0, 0);
                //Generate PDF page content to content stream
        // Save  PDF document as "saved.pdf" in no incremental mode
        doc.Save(@"c:\test.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental);
/// <summary>
/// The function takes width and height of the bitmap in pixels as well as 
/// horizontal and vertical DPI and calculates the size of the PDF page. 
/// To understand the conversion you should know the following:
///     One inch contains exactly 72 PDF points;
///     DPI of the scanned image may vфry and depends on scanning resolution
/// <summary>
private FS_SIZEF CalculateSize(int width, int height, float dpiX=300, float dpiY=300)
    return new FS_SIZEF()
        Width = width * 72 / dpiX,
        Height = height * 72 / dpiY

此示例展示了如何使用简单的 C# 代码和 PDF 库从一堆扫描图像生成 PDF 文档。

如何在 C# 中打印 PDF 文件

/// <summary>
/// Printing PDF Files in C# using PDF Library
/// </summary>
public void PrintPdf()
    var doc = PdfDocument.Load("c:\test.pdf");  // Read PDF file
    var printDoc = new PdfPrintDocument(doc);

上面的代码将 PDF 文档打印到默认打印机。还显示带有打印进度的标准打印对话框。如果你想抑制进度窗口,请修改如下所示的代码。

public void PrintPdf()
    var doc = PdfDocument.Load("c:\test.pdf");
    var printDoc = new PdfPrintDocument(doc);
    PrintController printController = new StandardPrintController();
    printDoc.PrintController = printController;
    printDoc.Print(); // C# Print PDF document

PdfPrintDocument派生自标准PrintDocument类,因此您可以使用 .Net Framework 的打印对话框 (PrinterDialog) 根据用户输入配置 PrintDocument。

public void OnPrintClick()
	if (PdfViewer.Document.FormFill != null)

	//create an instance of PrintDocument class
	var printDoc = new PdfPrintDocument(PdfViewer.Document); // create an instance of Print document class that is used for printing PDF document.

	//Create a standard print dialog box
	var dlg = new PrintDialog();
	dlg.AllowCurrentPage = true;
	dlg.AllowSomePages = true;
	dlg.UseEXDialog = true;
	//sets the PrintDocument used to obtain PrinterSettings.
	dlg.Document = printDoc;
	//show PrinterDialog and print pdf document
	if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
		printDoc.Print();   // C# Print PDF

在 C# 中读取 PDF 文件并从中提取文本

/// <summary>
/// Read PDF File and Extract Text From it in C#
/// </summary>public void ExtractText()
    //Initialize the SDK library
    //You have to call this function before you can call any PDF processing functions.

    //Open and load a PDF document from a file.
    using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\test001.pdf")) // C# Read PDF File
        foreach (var page in doc.Pages)
            //Gets number of characters in a page or -1 for error.
            //Generated characters, like additional space characters, new line characters, are also counted.
            int totalCharCount = page.Text.CountChars;

            //Extract text from page to the string
            string text = page.Text.GetText(0, totalCharCount);


Pdfium.Net SDK 允许开发人员轻松地从几乎任何 PDF 文件中提取全文。

如何从 PDF 中提取文本坐标

/// <summary>
/// Extract Text Coordinates from Pdf in C# using PDF Library
/// </summary>
public void ExtractTextInfo()
    //Initialize the SDK library
    //You have to call this function before you can call any PDF processing functions.

    //Open and load a PDF document from a file.
    using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\test001.pdf")) // C# Read PDF File
        //Get second page from document
        using (var page = doc.Pages[1])
            //Extract text information structure from the page
            // 10 - Index for the start characters
            // 25 - Number of characters to be extracted
            var textInfo = page.Text.GetTextInfo(10, 25);

            //Gets text from textInfo strtucture
            string text = textInfo.Text;

            //Gets a collection of rectangular areas bounding specified text.
            var rects = textInfo.Rects;

Pdfium.Net SDK 还允许开发人员轻松地从任何 PDF 文件中提取文本坐标。

如何在 PDF 文件中搜索文本

/// <summary>
/// Search for a Text in a PDF File in C# With Pdfium.Net SDK Library
/// </summary>
public void Search()
    //Open PDF document
    using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"d:\0\test_big.pdf")) // Read PDF document and enumerate pages
	    //Enumerate pages
	    foreach(var page in doc.Pages)
		    var found = page.Text.Find("text for search", FindFlags.MatchWholeWord, 0);
		    if (found == null)
			    return; //nothing found
			    var textInfo = found.FoundText;
			    foreach(var rect in textInfo.Rects)
				    float x = rect.left;
				    float y = rect.top;
		    } while (found.FindNext());


此示例说明如何使用简单的 C# 代码和 PDF 库在 PDF 文档中搜索文本。


/// <summary>
/// Split PDF in C# using PDF Library
/// </summary>
public void SplitDocument()
    //Initialize the SDK library
    //You have to call this function before you can call any PDF processing functions.

    //Open and load a PDF document from a file.
    using (var sourceDoc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\test001.pdf")) // C# Read PDF File
        //Create one PDF document for pages 1-5.
        using (var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew())
            //Import pages from source document
            doc.Pages.ImportPages(sourceDoc, "1-5", 0);
            //And save it to doc1.pdf
            doc.Save(@"c:\doc1.pdf", SaveFlags.Incremental);

        //Create another PDF document for pages 5-10.
        using (var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew())
            //Also import pages
            doc.Pages.ImportPages(sourceDoc, "5-10", 0);
            //And save them too
            doc.Save(@"c:\doc2.pdf", SaveFlags.Incremental);

下面的代码示例演示了如何使用 C# PDF 库来拆分 PDF 文档。

在 C# 中将多个 PDF 文件中的选定页面合并为一个

/// <summary>
/// Merge PDFs in C# using PDF Library
/// </summary>
public void MergePdf()
    //Initialize the SDK library
    //You have to call this function before you can call any PDF processing functions.

    //Open and load a PDF document in which will be merged other files
    using (var mainDoc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\test001.pdf")) // C# Read source PDF File #1
        //Open one PDF document.
        using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\doc1.pdf")) //Read PDF File #2
            //Import all pages from document
                string.Format("1-{0}", doc.Pages.Count),

        //Open another PDF document.
        using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\doc2.pdf"))
            //Import all pages from document
                string.Format("1-{0}", doc.Pages.Count),

        mainDoc.Save(@"c:\ResultDocument.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental);


使用 C# PDF 库,您不仅可以将多个 PDF 文件合并为一个文件,还可以从源文件中选择特定页面并将它们组合在一个 PDF 文档中。


如何以编程方式从 PDF 字段填充和提取数据

/// <summary>
/// Filling Editable PDF Fields and Extracting Data From Them using .Net PDF Library
/// </summary>
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
	var forms = new PdfForms();
	var doc = PdfDocument.Load(@"c:\test.pdf", forms); // C# Read PDF Document
	//doc.FormFill is equal to forms and can be used to get access to acro forms as well;

	int i = 0;
	foreach(var field in forms.InterForm.Fields)
		if(field.FieldType == Patagames.Pdf.Enums.FormFieldTypes.FPDF_FORMFIELD_TEXTFIELD)
			field.Value = "This is a field #" + (++i);

此示例代码演示了如何使用 .Net PDF 库以编程方式填写 pdf 文档中的所有可编辑表单。

