








require (
	github.com/aimjianzhang/helm v0.0.0-20220411123222-8d7d0eade5d5


var helmInstallReleaseParams model.HelmInstallReleaseParams
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(cmd.Payload), helmInstallReleaseParams)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())

	chartPathOptions := action.ChartPathOptions{
		RepoURL:  helmInstallReleaseParams.RepoURL,
		Version:  helmInstallReleaseParams.ChartVersion,
		Username: helmInstallReleaseParams.RepoUserName,
		Password: helmInstallReleaseParams.RepoPassword,
	// 获取helm配置信息
	actionConfiguration, settings := getCfg(helmInstallReleaseParams.Namespace)

	// 创建install客户端,可以设置helm install支持的参数
	instClient := action.NewInstall(actionConfiguration)
	// 设置chart仓库地址及版本、认证信息等
	instClient.ChartPathOptions = chartPathOptions
	// 设置安装chart包等待所有pod起好
	instClient.Wait = true
	// 设置安装chart包等待所有job运行完成
	instClient.WaitForJobs = true
	// 设置安装是原子的,如果安装失败会回滚到上一个正常版本
	instClient.Atomic = true
	// 需要在那个命名空间下安装
	instClient.Namespace = helmInstallReleaseParams.Namespace
	// release的名称
	instClient.ReleaseName = helmInstallReleaseParams.ReleaseName

	// 查找chart返回完整路径或错误。如果有配置验证chart,将尝试验证
	cp, err := instClient.ChartPathOptions.LocateChart(helmInstallReleaseParams.ChartName, settings)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())

	valuesOptions := getValuesOptions(helmInstallReleaseParams.Values)
	getters := getter.All(settings)
	vals, err := valuesOptions.MergeValues(getters)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	// Check chart dependencies to make sure all are present in /charts
	chartRequested, err := loader.Load(cp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	if err = checkIfInstallable(chartRequested); err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	if chartRequested.Metadata.Deprecated {
		glog.Info("This chart is deprecated")
	if req := chartRequested.Metadata.Dependencies; req != nil {
		if err = action.CheckDependencies(chartRequested, req); err != nil {
			if instClient.DependencyUpdate {
				man := &downloader.Manager{
					ChartPath:        cp,
					Keyring:          instClient.ChartPathOptions.Keyring,
					SkipUpdate:       false,
					Getters:          getters,
					RepositoryConfig: settings.RepositoryConfig,
					RepositoryCache:  settings.RepositoryCache,
					Debug:            settings.Debug,
				if err = man.Update(); err != nil {
					return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
				if chartRequested, err = loader.Load(cp); err != nil {
					return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
			} else {
				return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	responseRelease, err := instClient.Run(chartRequested, vals)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	responseReleaseJson, err := json.Marshal(responseRelease)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, NewResponseReleaseError(cmd.Key, cmd.Type, err.Error())
	return nil, &model.Packet{
		Key:     cmd.Key,
		Type:    cmd.Type,
		Payload: string(responseReleaseJson),


  1. 判断是否开启wait-for-jobs配置,如果开启执行helm.pkg.kube.interface@WaitWithJobs方法,等待所有pod资源及job资源执行成功;如果只开启wait参数,则执行helm.pkg.kube.interface@Wait,等待所有pod资源执行成功

    if i.Wait {
        if i.WaitForJobs {
            if err := i.cfg.KubeClient.WaitWithJobs(resources, i.Timeout); err != nil {
                i.reportToRun(c, rel, err)
        } else {
            if err := i.cfg.KubeClient.Wait(resources, i.Timeout); err != nil {
                i.reportToRun(c, rel, err)
  2. helm.pkg.kube.interface@Wait方法需要传入部署的资源对象列表,但此处的资源对象列表不包括钩子资源,如果需要包括钩子资源需要修改源码。还需要传入超时时间,此超时时间可以在Install对象中通过Timeout参数,当然通过helm install命令指定–timeout参数值,也是这里所说的超时时间。此方法会在超时时间内轮询查看资源对象列表中的所有pod资源是否创建成功并到达就绪状态。如果在超时时间内,所有pod资源都到达就绪状态,则执行成功,否则安装失败给出具体原因。下面我们具体分析一下这个方法

    func (c *Client) Wait(resources ResourceList, timeout time.Duration) error {
    	cs, err := c.getKubeClient()
    	if err != nil {
    		return err
    	checker := NewReadyChecker(cs, c.Log, PausedAsReady(true))
    	w := waiter{
    		c:       checker,
    		log:     c.Log,
    		timeout: timeout,
    	return w.waitForResources(resources)
  • 首先获取kubectl客户端

  • 创建新的检查器,初始化client、log、 pausedAsReady属性值,注意这里并没有初始化checkJobs属性

    func NewReadyChecker(cl kubernetes.Interface, log func(string, ...interface{}), opts ...ReadyCheckerOption) ReadyChecker {
        c := ReadyChecker{
            client: cl,
            log:    log,
        if c.log == nil {
            c.log = nopLogger
        for _, opt := range opts {
        return c
  • 创建waiter对象并调用waitForResources等待资源达到预期效果


func (w *waiter) waitForResources(created ResourceList) error {
	w.log("beginning wait for %d resources with timeout of %v", len(created), w.timeout)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), w.timeout)
	defer cancel()

	return wait.PollImmediateUntil(2*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
		for _, v := range created {
			ready, err := w.c.IsReady(ctx, v)
			if !ready || err != nil {
				return false, err
		return true, nil
	}, ctx.Done())
  • 首先调用context.WithTimeout方法传入Context和超时时间,返回子Context和取消函数cancel。监听子Context的Done通道,当调用其cancel函数时,Context的Done通道会收到消息退出。当到达超时时间时会自动调用cancel方法

  • 方法执行结束后执行cancel方法退出

  • wait.PollImmediateUntil方法接收三个参数,第一个参数指定轮询时间,这里写死每隔两秒执行一次检查操作,第二个参数ConditionFunc就是要执行的检查操作,第三个参数是第一步创建的子Context的Done通道,当cancel方法触发时将收到消息

  • 我们看一下wait.PollImmediateUntil方法的第二个参数即检查操作,检查操作循环资源列表调用w.c.IsReady方法检查资源是否处于就绪状态及是否出错,如果自己做K8s管理功能,可以参考这个方法看就绪状态是如何判定的。如果没有处于就绪状态或者有异常信息,则直接返回false及错误信息。如果没有错误信息并且返回的是false,则继续循环检查,如果有错误信息,则结束检查返回错误信息。如果所有资源都已就绪则返回true,也会停止检查返回安装成功


func PollImmediateUntil(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	ctx, cancel := contextForChannel(stopCh)
	defer cancel()
	return PollImmediateUntilWithContext(ctx, interval, condition.WithContext())
  • 首先调用contextForChannel传入停止通道。完成对停止通道的监听,以及返回新的子context及cancel取消函数

      func contextForChannel(parentCh <-chan struct{}) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
        ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
        go func() {
            select {
            case <-parentCh:
            case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx, cancel
    • 调用context.WithCancel方法获取子context及取消函数

    • 并发执行select操作,监听传入的外出停止通道。当外层停止通道收到取消消息,将调用上步获取的取消函数,退出监听

    • 返回创建的子context及取消函数

  • 方法结束调用cancel取消函数

  • PollImmediateUntilWithContext方法将定时调用condition条件进行检查

      func PollImmediateUntilWithContext(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration, condition ConditionWithContextFunc) error {
        return poll(ctx, true, poller(interval, 0), condition)
    • 此方法调用了poll未公开方法及poller方法。poller方法将产生定时通道,poll将获取并监听定时通道并执行condition方法

poll方法接收四个参数。第一个参数是ctx context.Context,此参数可以接收Done通道消息,当cancel方法调用时将向Done通道发送消息;第二个参数immediate bool,此参数控制是否要立即调用condition方法检查;第三个参数wait WaitWithContextFunc,调用此参数返回一个通道,监听该返回通道将定时调用处理逻辑;第四个参数condition ConditionWithContextFunc,该参数就是检查逻辑的方法

func poll(ctx context.Context, immediate bool, wait WaitWithContextFunc, condition ConditionWithContextFunc) error {
	if immediate {
		done, err := runConditionWithCrashProtectionWithContext(ctx, condition)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if done {
			return nil

	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		// returning ctx.Err() will break backward compatibility
		return ErrWaitTimeout
		return WaitForWithContext(ctx, wait, condition)
  • immediate为true,则直接调用runConditionWithCrashProtectionWithContext方法调用condition检查逻辑,返回done和错误信息。当有错误消息

  • 监听ctx.Done()的done通道,如果接到消息则表明到达超时时间,返回超时异常

  • 默认执行WaitForWithContext方法

      func WaitForWithContext(ctx context.Context, wait WaitWithContextFunc, fn ConditionWithContextFunc) error {
        waitCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
        defer cancel()
        c := wait(waitCtx)
        for {
            select {
            case _, open := <-c:
                ok, err := runConditionWithCrashProtectionWithContext(ctx, fn)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                if ok {
                    return nil
                if !open {
                    return ErrWaitTimeout
            case <-ctx.Done():
                // returning ctx.Err() will break backward compatibility
                return ErrWaitTimeout
    • 获取子context和cancel函数

    • 调用wait方法传入子context,并返回通道。在wait方法中将监听子context的Done通道,当接收到消息就退出

    • 循环监听获取的通道,每隔2秒将接收道通道消息,调用检查逻辑。返回ok及err,当有err信息,则返回错误信息;当ok为true,则直接返回,表示安装成功,如果通道关闭了,则表明超时,返回超时错误

    • 循环监听ctx的Done通道,当接收到消息,则表明超时,返回超时错误信息


func poller(interval, timeout time.Duration) WaitWithContextFunc {
	return WaitWithContextFunc(func(ctx context.Context) <-chan struct{} {
		ch := make(chan struct{})

		go func() {
			defer close(ch)

			tick := time.NewTicker(interval)
			defer tick.Stop()

			var after <-chan time.Time
			if timeout != 0 {
				// time.After is more convenient, but it
				// potentially leaves timers around much longer
				// than necessary if we exit early.
				timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
				after = timer.C
				defer timer.Stop()

			for {
				select {
				case <-tick.C:
					// If the consumer isn't ready for this signal drop it and
					// check the other channels.
					select {
					case ch <- struct{}{}:
				case <-after:
				case <-ctx.Done():

		return ch
  • 首先创建了一个通道ch

  • 并发执行匿名方法中的逻辑,在方法结束时执行close方法关闭ch

  • 调用time.NewTicker(interval)方法创建一个定时器tick,每隔2秒执行一次

  • 在方法执行结束时停止定时器

  • 如果设置超时时间,则设置一个定时器after

  • 循环监听tick每隔2秒会往ch通道发送消息

  • 循环监听after,到达超时时间将直接停止监听,如果没有设置超时时间将永远不会触发

  • 循环监听ctx的Done通道,接收到消息将直接退出









i.Wait = i.Wait || i.Atomic // 根据Atomic是否开启自动设置Wait参数


func (i *Install) failRelease(rel *release.Release, err error) (*release.Release, error) {
  rel.SetStatus(release.StatusFailed, fmt.Sprintf("Release %q failed: %s", i.ReleaseName, err.Error()))
  if i.Atomic {
      i.cfg.Log("Install failed and atomic is set, uninstalling release")
      uninstall := NewUninstall(i.cfg)
      uninstall.DisableHooks = i.DisableHooks
      uninstall.KeepHistory = false
      uninstall.Timeout = i.Timeout
      if _, uninstallErr := uninstall.Run(i.ReleaseName); uninstallErr != nil {
          return rel, errors.Wrapf(uninstallErr, "an error occurred while uninstalling the release. original install error: %s", err)
      return rel, errors.Wrapf(err, "release %s failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set", i.ReleaseName)
  i.recordRelease(rel) // Ignore the error, since we have another error to deal with.
  return rel, err



u.Wait = u.Wait || u.Atomic


if u.Atomic {
      u.cfg.Log("Upgrade failed and atomic is set, rolling back to last successful release")

      // As a protection, get the last successful release before rollback.
      // If there are no successful releases, bail out
      hist := NewHistory(u.cfg)
      fullHistory, herr := hist.Run(rel.Name)
      if herr != nil {
          return rel, errors.Wrapf(herr, "an error occurred while finding last successful release. original upgrade error: %s", err)

      // There isn't a way to tell if a previous release was successful, but
      // generally failed releases do not get superseded unless the next
      // release is successful, so this should be relatively safe
      filteredHistory := releaseutil.FilterFunc(func(r *release.Release) bool {
          return r.Info.Status == release.StatusSuperseded || r.Info.Status == release.StatusDeployed
      if len(filteredHistory) == 0 {
          return rel, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to find a previously successful release when attempting to rollback. original upgrade error")

      releaseutil.Reverse(filteredHistory, releaseutil.SortByRevision)

      rollin := NewRollback(u.cfg)
      rollin.Version = filteredHistory[0].Version
      rollin.Wait = true
      rollin.WaitForJobs = u.WaitForJobs
      rollin.DisableHooks = u.DisableHooks
      rollin.Recreate = u.Recreate
      rollin.Force = u.Force
      rollin.Timeout = u.Timeout
      if rollErr := rollin.Run(rel.Name); rollErr != nil {
          return rel, errors.Wrapf(rollErr, "an error occurred while rolling back the release. original upgrade error: %s", err)
      return rel, errors.Wrapf(err, "release %s failed, and has been rolled back due to atomic being set", rel.Name)



if u.CleanupOnFail && len(created) > 0 {
  u.cfg.Log("Cleanup on fail set, cleaning up %d resources", len(created))
  _, errs := u.cfg.KubeClient.Delete(created)
  if errs != nil {
      var errorList []string
      for _, e := range errs {
          errorList = append(errorList, e.Error())
      return rel, errors.Wrapf(fmt.Errorf("unable to cleanup resources: %s", strings.Join(errorList, ", ")), "an error occurred while cleaning up resources. original upgrade error: %s", err)
  u.cfg.Log("Resource cleanup complete")

