





会弹出一个库管理器,在搜索栏输入OneButton。会自动搜到库,然后点击more info,选择合适的版本安装它。




链接如下:mathertel/OneButton: An Arduino library for using a single button for multiple purpose input. (


  1. 放在arduino软件下面。








#include "OneButton.h"
#define PIN_INPUT 0
#define PIN_LED 2
OneButton button(PIN_INPUT, true);
int ledState = HIGH;

void setup()
  Serial.println("One Button Example with polling.");
  pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, ledState);

// main code here, to run repeatedly:
void loop()
  // keep watching the push button:

  // You can implement other code in here or just wait a while
} // loop

// 短时间内连按两下
void doubleClick()
  ledState = !ledState; // reverse the LED
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, ledState);





#include "OneButton.h"

#define PIN_INPUT 0
#define PIN_LED 2

// Setup a new OneButton on pin PIN_INPUT
// The 2. parameter activeLOW is true, because external wiring sets the button to LOW when pressed.
OneButton button(PIN_INPUT, true);

// current LED state, staring with LOW (0)
int ledState = LOW;

// save the millis when a press has started.
unsigned long pressStartTime;

void checkTicks()
  // include all buttons here to be checked
  button.tick(); // just call tick() to check the state.

// this function will be called when the button was pressed 1 time only.
void singleClick()
  Serial.println("singleClick() detected.");
} // singleClick

// this function will be called when the button was pressed 2 times in a short timeframe.
void doubleClick()
  Serial.println("doubleClick() detected.");

  ledState = !ledState; // reverse the LED
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, ledState);
} // doubleClick

// this function will be called when the button was pressed multiple times in a short timeframe.
void multiClick()
  Serial.println(") detected.");

  ledState = !ledState; // reverse the LED
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, ledState);
} // multiClick

// this function will be called when the button was held down for 1 second or more.
void pressStart()
  pressStartTime = millis() - 1000; // as set in setPressTicks()
} // pressStart()

// this function will be called when the button was released after a long hold.
void pressStop()
  Serial.print(millis() - pressStartTime);
  Serial.println(") detected.");
} // pressStop()

// setup code here, to run once:
void setup()
  Serial.println("One Button Example with interrupts.");

  // enable the led output.
  pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
  digitalWrite(PIN_LED, ledState);

  // setup interrupt routine
  // when not registering to the interrupt the sketch also works when the tick is called frequently.
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_INPUT), checkTicks, CHANGE);

  // link the xxxclick functions to be called on xxxclick event.

  button.setPressTicks(1000); // that is the time when LongPressStart is called

} // setup

// main code here, to run repeatedly:
void loop()
  // keep watching the push button, even when no interrupt happens:

  // You can implement other code in here or just wait a while
} // loop



 * @file OneButton.cpp
 * @brief Library for detecting button clicks, doubleclicks and long press
 * pattern on a single button.
 * @author Matthias Hertel,
 * @Copyright Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
 * This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
 * More information on:
 * Changelog: see OneButton.h

#include "OneButton.h"

// ----- Initialization and Default Values -----

 * @brief Construct a new OneButton object but not (yet) initialize the IO pin.
  _pin = -1;
  // further initialization has moved to OneButton.h

 * Initialize the OneButton library.
 * @param pin The pin to be used for input from a momentary button.
 * @param activeLow Set to true when the input level is LOW when the button is pressed, Default is true.
 * @param pullupActive Activate the internal pullup when available. Default is true.
OneButton::OneButton(const int pin, const boolean activeLow, const bool pullupActive)
  // OneButton();
  _pin = pin;

  if (activeLow) {
    // the button connects the input pin to GND when pressed.
    _buttonPressed = LOW;

  } else {
    // the button connects the input pin to VCC when pressed.
    _buttonPressed = HIGH;
  } // if

  if (pullupActive) {
    // use the given pin as input and activate internal PULLUP resistor.
    pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  } else {
    // use the given pin as input
    pinMode(pin, INPUT);
  } // if
} // OneButton

// explicitly set the number of millisec that have to pass by before a click is assumed stable.
void OneButton::setDebounceTicks(const int ticks)
  _debounceTicks = ticks;
} // setDebounceTicks

// explicitly set the number of millisec that have to pass by before a click is detected.
void OneButton::setClickTicks(const int ticks)
  _clickTicks = ticks;
} // setClickTicks

// explicitly set the number of millisec that have to pass by before a long button press is detected.
void OneButton::setPressTicks(const int ticks)
  _pressTicks = ticks;
} // setPressTicks

// save function for click event
void OneButton::attachClick(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _clickFunc = newFunction;
} // attachClick

// save function for parameterized click event
void OneButton::attachClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramClickFunc = newFunction;
  _clickFuncParam = parameter;
} // attachClick

// save function for doubleClick event
void OneButton::attachDoubleClick(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _doubleClickFunc = newFunction;
  _maxClicks = max(_maxClicks, 2);
} // attachDoubleClick

// save function for parameterized doubleClick event
void OneButton::attachDoubleClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramDoubleClickFunc = newFunction;
  _doubleClickFuncParam = parameter;
  _maxClicks = max(_maxClicks, 2);
} // attachDoubleClick

// save function for multiClick event
void OneButton::attachMultiClick(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _multiClickFunc = newFunction;
  _maxClicks = max(_maxClicks, 100);
} // attachMultiClick

// save function for parameterized MultiClick event
void OneButton::attachMultiClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramMultiClickFunc = newFunction;
  _multiClickFuncParam = parameter;
  _maxClicks = max(_maxClicks, 100);
} // attachMultiClick

// save function for longPressStart event
void OneButton::attachLongPressStart(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _longPressStartFunc = newFunction;
} // attachLongPressStart

// save function for parameterized longPressStart event
void OneButton::attachLongPressStart(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramLongPressStartFunc = newFunction;
  _longPressStartFuncParam = parameter;
} // attachLongPressStart

// save function for longPressStop event
void OneButton::attachLongPressStop(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _longPressStopFunc = newFunction;
} // attachLongPressStop

// save function for parameterized longPressStop event
void OneButton::attachLongPressStop(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramLongPressStopFunc = newFunction;
  _longPressStopFuncParam = parameter;
} // attachLongPressStop

// save function for during longPress event
void OneButton::attachDuringLongPress(callbackFunction newFunction)
  _duringLongPressFunc = newFunction;
} // attachDuringLongPress

// save function for parameterized during longPress event
void OneButton::attachDuringLongPress(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter)
  _paramDuringLongPressFunc = newFunction;
  _duringLongPressFuncParam = parameter;
} // attachDuringLongPress

void OneButton::reset(void)
  _state = OneButton::OCS_INIT;
  _lastState = OneButton::OCS_INIT;
  _nClicks = 0;
  _startTime = 0;

// ShaggyDog ---- return number of clicks in any case: single or multiple clicks
int OneButton::getNumberClicks(void)
  return _nClicks;

 * @brief Check input of the configured pin and then advance the finite state
 * machine (FSM).
void OneButton::tick(void)
  if (_pin >= 0) {
    tick(digitalRead(_pin) == _buttonPressed);

 *  @brief Advance to a new state and save the last one to come back in cas of bouncing detection.
void OneButton::_newState(stateMachine_t nextState)
  _lastState = _state;
  _state = nextState;
} // _newState()

 * @brief Run the finite state machine (FSM) using the given level.
void OneButton::tick(bool activeLevel)
  unsigned long now = millis(); // current (relative) time in msecs.
  unsigned long waitTime = (now - _startTime);

  // Implementation of the state machine
  switch (_state) {
  case OneButton::OCS_INIT:
    // waiting for level to become active.
    if (activeLevel) {
      _startTime = now; // remember starting time
      _nClicks = 0;
    } // if

  case OneButton::OCS_DOWN:
    // waiting for level to become inactive.

    if ((!activeLevel) && (waitTime < _debounceTicks)) {
      // button was released to quickly so I assume some bouncing.

    } else if (!activeLevel) {
      _startTime = now; // remember starting time

    } else if ((activeLevel) && (waitTime > _pressTicks)) {
      if (_longPressStartFunc) _longPressStartFunc();
      if (_paramLongPressStartFunc) _paramLongPressStartFunc(_longPressStartFuncParam);
    } // if

  case OneButton::OCS_UP:
    // level is inactive

    if ((activeLevel) && (waitTime < _debounceTicks)) {
      // button was pressed to quickly so I assume some bouncing.
      _newState(_lastState); // go back

    } else if (waitTime >= _debounceTicks) {
      // count as a short button down
    } // if

  case OneButton::OCS_COUNT:
    // dobounce time is over, count clicks

    if (activeLevel) {
      // button is down again
      _startTime = now; // remember starting time

    } else if ((waitTime > _clickTicks) || (_nClicks == _maxClicks)) {
      // now we know how many clicks have been made.

      if (_nClicks == 1) {
        // this was 1 click only.
        if (_clickFunc) _clickFunc();
        if (_paramClickFunc) _paramClickFunc(_clickFuncParam);

      } else if (_nClicks == 2) {
        // this was a 2 click sequence.
        if (_doubleClickFunc) _doubleClickFunc();
        if (_paramDoubleClickFunc) _paramDoubleClickFunc(_doubleClickFuncParam);

      } else {
        // this was a multi click sequence.
        if (_multiClickFunc) _multiClickFunc();
        if (_paramMultiClickFunc) _paramMultiClickFunc(_multiClickFuncParam);
      } // if

    } // if

  case OneButton::OCS_PRESS:
    // waiting for menu pin being release after long press.

    if (!activeLevel) {
      _startTime = now;

    } else {
      // still the button is pressed
      if (_duringLongPressFunc) _duringLongPressFunc();
      if (_paramDuringLongPressFunc) _paramDuringLongPressFunc(_duringLongPressFuncParam);
    } // if

  case OneButton::OCS_PRESSEND:
    // button was released.

    if ((activeLevel) && (waitTime < _debounceTicks)) {
      // button was released to quickly so I assume some bouncing.
      _newState(_lastState); // go back

    } else if (waitTime >= _debounceTicks) {
      if (_longPressStopFunc) _longPressStopFunc();
      if (_paramLongPressStopFunc) _paramLongPressStopFunc(_longPressStopFuncParam);

    // unknown state detected -> reset state machine
  } // if

} // OneButton.tick()

// end.


// -----
// OneButton.h - Library for detecting button clicks, doubleclicks and long
// press pattern on a single button. This class is implemented for use with the
// Arduino environment. Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// More information on:
// -----
// 02.10.2010 created by Matthias Hertel
// 21.04.2011 transformed into a library
// 01.12.2011 include file changed to work with the Arduino 1.0 environment
// 23.03.2014 Enhanced long press functionalities by adding longPressStart and
// longPressStop callbacks
// 21.09.2015 A simple way for debounce detection added.
// 14.05.2017 Debouncing improvements.
// 25.06.2018 Optional third parameter for deactivating pullup.
// 26.09.2018 Anatoli Arkhipenko: Included solution to use library with other
// sources of input.
// 26.09.2018 Initialization moved into class declaration.
// 26.09.2018 Jay M Ericsson: compiler warnings removed.
// 29.01.2020 improvements from ShaggyDog18
// -----

#ifndef OneButton_h
#define OneButton_h

#include "Arduino.h"

// ----- Callback function types -----

extern "C" {
typedef void (*callbackFunction)(void);
typedef void (*parameterizedCallbackFunction)(void *);

class OneButton
  // ----- Constructor -----

   * Initialize the OneButton library.
   * @param pin The pin to be used for input from a momentary button.
   * @param activeLow Set to true when the input level is LOW when the button is pressed, Default is true.
   * @param pullupActive Activate the internal pullup when available. Default is true.
  OneButton(const int pin, const boolean activeLow = true, const bool pullupActive = true);

  // ----- Set runtime parameters -----

   * set # millisec after safe click is assumed.
  void setDebounceTicks(const int ticks);

   * set # millisec after single click is assumed.
  void setClickTicks(const int ticks);

   * set # millisec after press is assumed.
  void setPressTicks(const int ticks);

   * Attach an event to be called when a single click is detected.
   * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected.
  void attachClick(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

   * Attach an event to be called after a double click is detected.
   * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected.
  void attachDoubleClick(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachDoubleClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

   * Attach an event to be called after a multi click is detected.
   * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected.
  void attachMultiClick(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachMultiClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

   * Attach an event to fire when the button is pressed and held down.
   * @param newFunction
  void attachLongPressStart(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachLongPressStart(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

   * Attach an event to fire as soon as the button is released after a long press.
   * @param newFunction
  void attachLongPressStop(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachLongPressStop(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

   * Attach an event to fire periodically while the button is held down.
   * @param newFunction
  void attachDuringLongPress(callbackFunction newFunction);
  void attachDuringLongPress(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter);

  // ----- State machine functions -----

   * @brief Call this function every some milliseconds for checking the input
   * level at the initialized digital pin.
  void tick(void);

   * @brief Call this function every time the input level has changed.
   * Using this function no digital input pin is checked because the current
   * level is given by the parameter.
  void tick(bool level);

   * Reset the button state machine.
  void reset(void);

   * return number of clicks in any case: single or multiple clicks
  int getNumberClicks(void);

   * @return true if we are currently handling button press flow
   * (This allows power sensitive applications to know when it is safe to power down the main CPU)
  bool isIdle() const { return _state == OCS_INIT; }

   * @return true when a long press is detected
  bool isLongPressed() const { return _state == OCS_PRESS; };

  int _pin;                         // hardware pin number.
  unsigned int _debounceTicks = 50; // number of ticks for debounce times.
  unsigned int _clickTicks = 400;   // number of msecs before a click is detected.
  unsigned int _pressTicks = 800;   // number of msecs before a long button press is detected

  int _buttonPressed;

  // These variables will hold functions acting as event source.
  callbackFunction _clickFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramClickFunc = NULL;
  void *_clickFuncParam = NULL;

  callbackFunction _doubleClickFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramDoubleClickFunc = NULL;
  void *_doubleClickFuncParam = NULL;

  callbackFunction _multiClickFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramMultiClickFunc = NULL;
  void *_multiClickFuncParam = NULL;

  callbackFunction _longPressStartFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramLongPressStartFunc = NULL;
  void *_longPressStartFuncParam = NULL;

  callbackFunction _longPressStopFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramLongPressStopFunc = NULL;
  void *_longPressStopFuncParam;

  callbackFunction _duringLongPressFunc = NULL;
  parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramDuringLongPressFunc = NULL;
  void *_duringLongPressFuncParam = NULL;

  // These variables that hold information across the upcoming tick calls.
  // They are initialized once on program start and are updated every time the
  // tick function is called.

  // define FiniteStateMachine
  enum stateMachine_t : int {
    OCS_INIT = 0,
    OCS_DOWN = 1,
    OCS_UP = 2,
    OCS_COUNT = 3,
    OCS_PRESS = 6,
    UNKNOWN = 99

   *  Advance to a new state and save the last one to come back in cas of bouncing detection.
  void _newState(stateMachine_t nextState);

  stateMachine_t _state = OCS_INIT;
  stateMachine_t _lastState = OCS_INIT; // used for debouncing

  unsigned long _startTime; // start of current input change to checking debouncing
  int _nClicks;             // count the number of clicks with this variable
  int _maxClicks = 1;       // max number (1, 2, multi=3) of clicks of interest by registration of event functions.


