edp 基本信号-参数及命令





1)source device 即 显卡的显示控制部分

2) sink device 即 显示屏


1) HPD 即热插拔,通过sink device 传递给source device。虽然有此信号,但是我们采用intel i915驱动支持的显卡,在实际测试过程中,热插拔edp后,connector的链接状态并没有发生变化,而且热插入后,通过modetest命令并不能查询到对应connector的信息。

2) aux channel,通过此通道可以控制背光、读取DPCD 信息以进行main-link的速率协商。

3) main-link ,即图像数据传输通道,支持的速率有:

• 1.62Gbps/lane (RBR)

• 2.7Gbps/lane (HBR)

• 5.4Gbps/lane (HBR2)

• 8.1Gbps/lane (HBR3)

支持的lane数目为x1 x2 x4

图1 EDP 框图


图2 为某款显示屏的信号.

  1. x2 lane 信号lane0 lan1

  1. aux channel

  1. HPD 信号

  1. PWM 背光控制

此外这里除了EDID,还有timing-controller 通常缩写为TCON。

LINK Traing

Link Training is used to determine the number of lanes supported, link rate, link voltage swing, and pre-emphasis needed to send raw data at the target symbol-error-rate floor of 10-9, over a given cable to a given Sink device

在一个特定的 连接线、显示屏的环境中,决定 link 速率、lane的数目、电压摆幅及预加重值。


eDP defines a Training Table to be used as part of training. VdiffP-P values are mapped into the

Training Table. This enables eDP to use DP Link Training algorithms, while also supporting lower

TX voltage swing and customized voltage swings

Vdiff Training Table

The Source device transmitter implements differential signal voltages (VTX-DIFFP-P) that map into

entries that are logically described in a “training table” format.

The Sink device uses the table structure to request particular adjustments during the training process.




/sys/module/i915/parameters# cat edp_vswing


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.enable_psr=0 i915.edp_vswing=2"

修改完 /etc/default/grub , 需要执行 sudo update-grub 生成 /boot/grub/grub.cfg,重启后生效

The parameter settings (after = sign) can be:

  • 0=default, to do nothing

  • 1=not sure, haven't found answer yet

  • 2=control flicker, which OP used

debug 节点



cat i915_frequency_info

Video Turbo Mode: yes (CPU有turbo mode,这里看起来GPU也存在

HW control enabled: yes

SW control enabled: no

PM IER=0x00000000 IMR=0xffffffcf, MASK=0x00003ffe

PM ISR=0x00000000 IIR=0x00000000

pm_intrmsk_mbz: 0x80000000

GT_PERF_STATUS: 0x00000000

Render p-state ratio: 0

Render p-state VID: 0

Render p-state limit: 255

RPSTAT1: 0x0a808006

RPMODECTL: 0x00000d92

RPINCLIMIT: 0x00001bd5

RPDECLIMIT: 0x00004fb0


CAGF: 350MHz

RP CUR UP EI: 99 (132000ns)

RP CUR UP: 73 (97334un)

RP PREV UP: 0 (0ns)

Up threshold: 95%

RP CUR DOWN EI: 101 (134667ns)

RP CUR DOWN: 74 (98667ns)

RP PREV DOWN: 0 (0ns)

Down threshold: 85%

Lowest (RPN) frequency: 350MHz

Nominal (RP1) frequency: 350MHz

Max non-overclocked (RP0) frequency: 950MHz

Max overclocked frequency: 950MHz

Current freq: 350 MHz

Actual freq: 350 MHz

Idle freq: 350 MHz

Min freq: 350 MHz

Boost freq: 950 MHz

Max freq: 950 MHz

efficient (RPe) frequency: 350 MHz

Current CD clock frequency: 337500 kHz

Max CD clock frequency: 675000 kHz

Max pixel clock frequency: 675000 kHz




apt download edid-decode

dpkg -x edid-decode_0.1~git20191209.e719d04-1build1_amd64.deb ./


cat /sys/class/drm/card0-eDP-1/edid |./edid-decode

edid-decode (hex):

00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 09 d1 40 7b 36 02 00 00

23 1a 01 03 60 34 1d 78 2e 4e c0 a6 55 50 9c 26

11 50 54 af cf 00 d1 c0 b3 00 95 00 81 80 81 40

81 00 81 c0 71 40 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c

45 00 09 25 21 00 00 1e 00 00 00 fd 00 38 4b 1e

51 11 00 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 fc 00 42

65 6e 51 20 56 5a 32 34 41 30 48 0a 00 00 00 ff

00 45 54 53 38 47 30 30 36 30 30 30 33 48 00 f5

EDID version: 1.3

Manufacturer: BNQ Model 31552 Serial Number 566

Made in week 35 of 2016

Analog display, Input voltage level: 0.7/0.7 V


Maximum image size: 52 cm x 29 cm

Gamma: 2.20

DPMS levels: Off

RGB color display

Default (sRGB) color space is primary color space

First detailed timing is preferred timing

Color Characteristics

Red: 0.6494, 0.3320

Green: 0.3154, 0.6113

Blue: 0.1513, 0.0664

White: 0.3125, 0.3281

Established Timings I & II “Established Timings”(内建时序)表示显示器是否支持一些通用时序。

720x400 70.082 Hz 9:5 31.467 kHz 28.320 MHz (IBM)

640x480 59.940 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 25.175 MHz (DMT)

640x480 72.809 Hz 4:3 37.861 kHz 31.500 MHz (DMT)

640x480 75.000 Hz 4:3 37.500 kHz 31.500 MHz (DMT)

800x600 56.250 Hz 4:3 35.156 kHz 36.000 MHz (DMT)

800x600 60.317 Hz 4:3 37.879 kHz 40.000 MHz (DMT)

800x600 72.188 Hz 4:3 48.077 kHz 50.000 MHz (DMT)

800x600 75.000 Hz 4:3 46.875 kHz 49.500 MHz (DMT)

1024x768 60.004 Hz 4:3 48.363 kHz 65.000 MHz (DMT)

1024x768 70.069 Hz 4:3 56.476 kHz 75.000 MHz (DMT)

1024x768 75.029 Hz 4:3 60.023 kHz 78.750 MHz (DMT)

1280x1024 75.025 Hz 5:4 79.976 kHz 135.000 MHz (DMT)

Standard Timings

1920x1080 60.000 Hz 16:9 67.500 kHz 148.500 MHz (DMT)

1680x1050 59.954 Hz 16:10 65.290 kHz 146.250 MHz (DMT)

1440x900 59.887 Hz 16:10 55.935 kHz 106.500 MHz (DMT)

1280x1024 60.020 Hz 5:4 63.981 kHz 108.000 MHz (DMT)

1280x960 60.000 Hz 4:3 60.000 kHz 108.000 MHz (DMT)

1280x800 59.810 Hz 16:10 49.702 kHz 83.500 MHz (DMT)

1280x720 60.000 Hz 16:9 45.000 kHz 74.250 MHz (DMT)

1152x864 60.000 Hz 4:3 53.700 kHz 81.624 MHz (GTF)

Detailed mode: Clock 148.500 MHz, 521 mm x 293 mm

1920 2008 2052 2200 ( 88 44 148)

1080 1084 1089 1125 ( 4 5 36)

+hsync +vsync

VertFreq: 60.000 Hz, HorFreq: 67.500 kHz

Display Range Limits

Monitor ranges (GTF): 56-75 Hz V, 30-81 kHz H, max dotclock 170 MHz

Display Product Name: BenQ VZ24A0H

Display Product Serial Number: ETS8G0060003H

Checksum: 0xf5



1920 2008 2052 2200 ( 88 44 148) 水平

1080 1084 1089 1125 ( 4 5 36) 垂直

Horizontal: Active Time : 1920 Pixels Blanking Time : 280 Pixels Sync Offset : 88 Pixels Sync Pulse Width: 44 Pixels Border : 0 Pixels Frequency : 67 kHz Vertical: Active Time : 1080 Lines Blanking Time : 45 Lines Sync Offset : 4 Lines Sync Pulse Width: 5 Lines Border : 0 Lines

下角的Timing部分描述了时序的主要参数,含义见下表(软件显示有问题,参数名称显示不完整,表格中的参数也仅对应其在软件中的位置)。H Image、H Border、V Image、V Border几个参数一般用不到,表格中没有列出









H Active


V Active


H Blank


V Blank


H sync


V sync


H sync


V sync



apt install intel-gpu-tools

intel_vbt_decode /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_vbt

VBT header:

VBT signature: "$VBT SKYLAKE "

VBT version: 0x0064 (1.0)

VBT header size: 0x0030 (48)

VBT size: 0x10cc (4300)

VBT checksum: 0xfd

BDB offset: 0x00000030 (48)

BDB header:

BDB signature: "BIOS_DATA_BLOCK "

BDB version: 209

BDB header size: 0x0016 (22)

BDB size: 0x109c (4252)

BDB blocks present:

1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 17 18 20 26 27 28


cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/eDP-1/i915_dpcd

ubuntu 20.4上这个节点不支持

采用intel 工具包中的命令:


0x0000: 11 0a 82 01 00 03 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00

0x0070: 00 00

0x0080: 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0x0100: 0a 82 00 11 11 00 00 00 01 00 00

0x0200: 01 00 77 00 01 01 99 00

0x0600: 01

0x0700: 00

0x0701: 02 00 00 00

0x0720: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 14 00 00 00 00 00

0x0732: 00 00

0x2008: 00


intel_gpu_frequency --help

intel_gpu_frequency A program to manipulate Intel GPU frequencies.

Usage: intel_gpu_frequency [-e] [--min | --max] [--get] [--set frequency_mhz]

  -e            Lock frequency to the most efficient frequency
  -g, --get     Get all the frequency settings
  -s, --set     Lock frequency to an absolute value (MHz)
  -c, --custom  Set a min, or max frequency "min=X | max=Y"
  -m  --max     Lock frequency to max frequency
  -i  --min     Lock frequency to min (never a good idea, DEBUG ONLY)
  -d  --defaults  Return the system to hardware defaults
  -h  --help    Returns this
  -v  --version Version

   intel_gpu_frequency --get            Get the current and minimum frequency
   intel_gpu_frequency --set 400        Lock frequency to 400Mhz
   intel_gpu_frequency --custom max=750 Set the max frequency to 750MHz

Report bugs to <bugs.freedesktop.org>

  • 获取GPU工作频率

intel_gpu_frequency -g

cur: 350 MHz

min: 350 MHz

RP1: 350 MHz (RP1 是什么意思?

max: 950 MHz

  • 设置GPU固定工作频率

intel_gpu_frequency -s 500

root@user-Default-string:/home/user# intel_gpu_frequency -g

cur: 500 MHz

min: 500 MHz

RP1: 350 MHz (这个没被修改

max: 500 MHz

  • 锁定工作频率到有效的频率

intel_gpu_frequency -e

root@user-Default-string:/home/user# intel_gpu_frequency -g

cur: 350 MHz

min: 350 MHz

RP1: 350 MHz

max: 350 MHz



- 156/ 160 MHz; 72% RC6; 0.19 Watts; 556 irqs/s

IMC reads: 804 MiB/s

IMC writes: 119 MiB/s


Render/3D/0 8.83% |████████▍ | 0% 0%

Blitter/0 0.00% | | 0% 0%

Video/0 0.00% | | 0% 0%

VideoEnhance/0 0.00% | | 0% 0%

RC6 : 定义




  • pipe A \B \C

  • transcoder A B C

  • Timing

  • DDI



  • plane 3个plane的应用? 怎么确定是否已经启用三个plane

  • scaler pool scale Mux 缩放

  • color corection DPST

  • dither clip 裁剪 不在此次考虑范围内。

CD clock

核心显示时钟--包括 1x和2x

目前系统中采用的337.5MHz 和675MHZ这一组。

Current CD clock frequency: 337500 kHz

Max CD clock frequency: 675000 kHz

Max pixel clock frequency: 675000 kHz





上面cd clk /5 即和屏的时钟要对应。 tc是关键词。屏 --symbol tc; 控制器 tcedp clock 、tcA clk等。


pixel rate

Pixel rate refers to the number of pixels that a GPU can render onto a screen every second.

即GPU 每秒渲染到频率的像素个数。每个像素可能是24位 32位等。

Example pipe pixel rate:

Plane 1 enabled at 32bpp, plane 2 enabled at 16bpp, pipe scaling enabled and down scale amount 1.12,

and CDCLK 450 MHz:

Plane 1 ratio = 1

Plane 2 ratio = 1

Pipe ratio = Minimum[1, 1] = 1

Pipe ratio = 1/1.12 = 0.89

Pipe maximum pixel rate = 450 MHz * 0.89 = 400.5 MHz


Example memory bandwidth:

System memory bandwidth available for display = 4000 MB/s

Pipe A - Plane 1 enabled at 32bpp, plane 2 enabled at 16bpp, scaling disabled, pixel rate 148.5 MHz

Pipe B - Plane 1 enabled at 32bpp, scaling disabled, pixel rate 148.5 MHz

Pipe C - Plane 1 enabled at 32bpp, scaling disabled, pixel rate 148.5 MHz

Pipe A - Plane 1 bandwidth = 148.5 * 4 bytes = 594 MB/s

Pipe A - Plane 2 bandwidth = 148.5 * 2 bytes = 297 MB/s

Pipe B - Plane 1 bandwidth = 148.5 * 4 bytes = 594 MB/s

Pipe C - Plane 1 bandwidth = 148.5 * 4 bytes = 594 MB/s

Total display bandwidth = 594 + 297 + 594 + 594 = 2079 MB/s

System memory bandwidth available for display not exceeded


I_boost increases the I/O current, boosting the swing level. There are three I_boost values, in order of increasing boost; 0x1, 0x3, and 0x7.

I_boost can be configured separately for each port and can be enabled or disabled separately for each voltage swing level.

增加IO 电流,提高摆幅水平。有三个1 3 7 ,效果依次递增,即越大的值 增加电流和摆幅越大。

Video BIOS Table (VBT)

The Video BIOS Table, or VBT, provides platform and board specific configuration information to the driver that is not discoverable or available through other means. By other means the most used method here is to read EDID table from the attached monitor, over Display Data Channel (DDC) using two pin I2C serial interface.

The VBT configuration is related to display hardware. The VBT is available via the ACPI OpRegion or, on older systems, in the PCI ROM (Option ROM).

The VBT consists of a VBT Header, a BIOS Data Block (BDB) Header, and a number of BIOS Data Blocks (BDBs) that contain the actual configuration information (supposed to replace the absence of EDID structure with the older monitors). The VBT Header, and thus the VBT, begins with “$VBT” signature. The VBT Header contains the offset of the BDB Header. The BDB header starts with the “BIOS_DATA_BLOCK” signature. The data blocks are concatenated after the BDB Header (not always in exact order, and certain BDBs might be missing, not implemented for such type of HW platforms). The data blocks have a 1-byte Block ID, 2-byte Block Size, and Block Size bytes of data (Block 53, the MIPI Sequence Block is an exception).

The GFX driver parses the VBT during load. The relevant information is stored in GFX driver private data for ease of use, and the actual VBT is not read after that.

为什么 在这里我们单独提及这个表呢? 这个表本身并不是针对EDP的,而是一个通用的配置,解决针对特定的硬件,需要调整的特定参数,例如v-swing及pre-emphasis 的调整都可以通过此表进行配置。


Video BIOS Table (VBT) - L (liujunming.top)

Dive into VBT - L (liujunming.top) sky lake vbt表

109651 – APL: eDP not recognized at power on (bugs.freedesktop.org)

Intel GOP 简介 - WWW.LAB-Z.COM

Intel® Integrated Graphics Device - Opregion Specification intel官方显卡编程手册

https://versus.com/en/glossary/pixel-rate pixel-rate的概念

