
Evaluation Metrics

1. Model Metrics

  1. Supervised learning : 使用训练误差作为一个简单地评估标准

  2. other metrics:

    • model specific : e.g. accuracy for classification ,mAP (分类的精度、召回)
    • buisness specific : e.g. revenue,inference latency(商业例子中需要很多的评估指标,进行不同的综合)

2. Metrics for Classification


说明:P/N 表示监测到的样本的样本状态,T/F表示监测是否有错误:

  • 以FP为例 :监测样本为Positive正样本,检查结果错误,因此此样本实际是negtive样本。


  1. 精度: correct predictions / examples
    A c c u r a c y = T P + T N T P + F N + F P + T N Accuracy = \frac{TP + TN}{TP+FN+FP+TN} Accuracy=TP+FN+FP+TNTP+TN
sum(y == y_hat) / y.size
  1. 准确率 : correctly predicted as class i /predicted as class i
    P r e c i s i o n = T P T P + F P Precision = \frac{TP}{TP+FP} Precision=TP+FPTP
sum((y_hat == 1) & (y==1)) / sum(y_hat == 1)
  1. 召回率 : correctly predicted as class i / examples in class i
    R e c a l l = T P T P + F N Recall = \frac{TP}{TP+FN} Recall=TP+FNTP
sum((y_hat == 1) & (y==1)) / sum(y == 1)
  1. F1 : balance precision and recall,the harmonic mean of precision and recall:
    F 1 − s c o r e = 2 p r / ( p + r ) F1-score = 2pr/(p+r) F1score=2pr/(p+r)

3. AUC & ROC

AUC : ROC曲线下面的面积

T P R / R e c a l l / S e n s i t i v i t y = T P T P + F N TPR/Recall/Sensitivity = \frac{TP}{TP+FN} TPR/Recall/Sensitivity=TP+FNTP

S p e c i f i c i t y = T N T N + F P Specificity = \frac{TN}{TN+FP} Specificity=TN+FPTN

F P R = 1 − S p e c i f i c i t y = F P T N + F P FPR = 1-Specificity = \frac{FP}{TN+FP} FPR=1Specificity=TN+FPFP

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ROC是概率曲线,分别绘制TN、TP的概率曲线如下,通过调整threshold θ \theta θ可以达到最佳地区分正负两类

  1. 理想情况下,两条曲线完全不重叠时,模型可以将正类和负类别完全分开

  2. 两个部分重叠时,根据阈值,可以最大化和最小化概率,当AUC=0.7时,表示模型有70%的概率能够区分negtive和positive类别

  3. 当AUC =0.5 时,表示模型将判断negtive 类和positive的概率相等

  4. 当AUC =0 时,表示模型将negtive 类预测为positive,反之亦然。(并非坏事


  1. 关心的是对于排名的预测,而不需要输出经过良好校准的概率。
  2. 样本不均衡
  3. 同样关心Positive samples 和 Negative samples

underfiting & overfiting

1. Training and generalization errors

  1. training error:模型在训练数据上的误差
  2. generalization error:在新的数据上的误差


2. Model complexity

  1. the ability to fit variety of functions:预测函数的复杂性

  2. it’s hard to compare between very different algorithms :不同算法的复杂度很难对比

  3. in an algorithm family. two factors matter : 参数量和每一个参数的取值范围

3. Data complexity

  1. Multiple factors matters (实例、每个实例中的特征、时间空间结构、数据多样性)

  2. Again,hard to compare among each dataset(无法对比不同的数据之间的复杂度)

Model Validation

1. Estimate Generalization Error

  1. approximated by the error on a test dataset,which can be only use once(test 数据集是只能使用一次的

  2. validation dataset : data can be used multiple times(Valid验证数据集可以反复重复使用)

2. Hold out validation

  1. split your data into “train” and “valid” set (将数据集划分为训练和验证)

  2. often randomly select %n examples as the valid dataset(随机划分数据集)

  3. random splitting may not work when:(一些不能随机划分的情况)

    • sequential data
    • examples belongs to group
    • in-balanced data

3. K-fold cross validation

  1. useful when not sufficient data
  2. algorithm :
    • partition the training data into K part
    • for i = 1:k
      • use the i-th part as the validation set,the rest for training
    • report the averaged the K validation errors
  3. popular choices : k = 5 /10

4. Common Mistakes

contaminated valid set (验证数据被污染了,就是过度地参与训练)

  1. valid set has examples from train set(原始样本中有重复的数据,Valid和train数据集中有相同数据)

  2. information leaking(信息泄漏)

