【办公-excel】VBA 统计考勤信息


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    AnalysisAttendance TextBoxDayFliter.Text
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub


Sub main1()

'MsgBox day(DateSerial(2018, 3, 0))
End Sub
Public Function AnalysisAttendance(dayfliter As String)
    Dim MyTime As Date
    Dim D, KqData
    Dim i
    Dim s As String
    Dim tmp
    Dim arrdata(1 To 10000, 1 To 10)
    Dim startTime As String
    Dim endtime As String
    Dim days As Integer
    Dim nameno As String
    Dim CurNameno As String
    Const ColumnIndexName = 2
    Const ColumnIndexNo = 3
    Const ColumnIndexKQT = 4
    Dim temp() As String
    Dim Date1 As Date
     Dim Date2 As Date
    Set D = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    KqData = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, ActiveSheet.Range("A:D"))
    For i = 2 To UBound(KqData, 1)
               CurNameno = KqData(i, ColumnIndexName) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexNo))
        If nameno <> CurNameno Then
            days = day(DateSerial(Year(Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "yyyy-mm-dd")), Month(Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "yyyy-mm-dd")) + 1, 0))
            nameno = CurNameno
            For ID = 1 To days
                 If SG_InArray(dayfliter, ID) = False Then
                    s = "'" & KqData(i, ColumnIndexName) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexNo)) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "yyyy-mm-") + Format(ID, "00")
                    If Not D.exists(s) Then
                        D(s) = ""
                        D(s) = ""
                    End If
                 End If
            Next ID
        End If
         s = "'" & KqData(i, ColumnIndexName) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexNo)) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "yyyy-mm-dd")

       ' If Not D.exists(s) Then
            'D(s) = Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "hh:mm:ss")
            'D(s) = D(s) & Space(1) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "hh:mm:ss")
        'End If
        If Not D.exists(s) Or D(s) = "" Then
            D(s) = Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "hh:mm:ss")
            D(s) = D(s) & Space(1) & Format(KqData(i, ColumnIndexKQT), "hh:mm:ss")
        End If
    Next i
    tmp = Application.Transpose(Array(D.keys, D.items))
    arrdata(1, 1) = "姓名+工号"
    arrdata(1, 2) = "日期"
    arrdata(1, 3) = "上午打开时间"
    arrdata(1, 4) = "下午打开时间"
    arrdata(1, 5) = "上午迟到"
    arrdata(1, 6) = "下午早退"
    arrdata(1, 7) = "累计上班时长"
    For i = 1 To UBound(tmp, 1)
        arrdata(i + 1, 1) = Mid(tmp(i, 1), 1, Len(tmp(i, 1)) - 10)
        arrdata(i + 1, 2) = "'" & Right(tmp(i, 1), 10)
        'arrdata(i, 3) = tmp(i, 2)
      temp = Split(tmp(i, 2), Space(1))
      Dim stra As String
      arrdata(i + 1, 3) = SG_GetFirst(tmp(i, 2), Space(1))
      arrdata(i + 1, 4) = SG_GetLast(tmp(i, 2), Space(1))
      If arrdata(i + 1, 3) = "" And arrdata(i + 1, 4) <> "" Then
        If SG_Compare(arrdata(i + 1, 4)) = "上午" Then
        arrdata(i + 1, 3) = arrdata(i + 1, 4)
         arrdata(i + 1, 4) = ""
        End If
      End If
      If arrdata(i + 1, 4) = "" And arrdata(i + 1, 3) <> "" Then
        If SG_Compare(arrdata(i + 1, 3)) = "下午" Then
        arrdata(i + 1, 4) = arrdata(i + 1, 3)
         arrdata(i + 1, 3) = ""
        End If
      End If
      arrdata(i + 1, 5) = SG_DiffTime(arrdata(i + 1, 3), "09:00:00")

      arrdata(i + 1, 6) = SG_DiffTime("18:30:00", arrdata(i + 1, 4))

      arrdata(i + 1, 7) = SG_DiffTime(arrdata(i + 1, 3), arrdata(i + 1, 4))

       ' arrdata(i, 4) = SG_GetLast(tmp(i, 2), Space(1))
    Next i
    ActiveSheet.[E1].Resize(D.Count, 7) = arrdata '根据实际需要设置数据位置
    SG_Statistics tmp, arrdata
End Function

Public Function SG_Statistics(ByVal temp, ByVal arrdata)
   Dim nameno As String
   Dim CurNameno As String
   Dim cidaocount As Integer
     Dim cidaosrting As String

   Dim zaotuicount As Integer
   Dim zaotuisrting As String
   Dim queqingCount As Integer
   Dim queqingString As String
   Dim amdkCount As Integer
   Dim amdkString As String
   Dim pmdkCount As Integer
   Dim pmdkString As String
   Dim arrdataStatistics(1 To 200, 1 To 11)
    Dim D
    Dim tmpx
    Set D = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
   nameno = ""
   For i = 2 To UBound(temp, 1) + 1
   CurNameno = arrdata(i, 1)
   If nameno <> CurNameno Then
      If nameno <> "" Then
    If Not D.exists(nameno) Or D(nameno) = "" Then
        If zaotuisrting = "" Then
        zaotuisrting = "none"
        End If
        If cidaosrting = "" Then
        cidaosrting = "none"
        End If
        If queqingString = "" Then
        queqingString = "none"
        End If
        If amdkString = "" Then
        amdkString = "none"
        End If
        If pmdkString = "" Then
        pmdkString = "none"
        End If
        D(nameno) = cidaocount & "=" & cidaosrting & "=" & zaotuicount & "="
        D(nameno) = D(nameno) & zaotuisrting & "=" & queqingCount & "=" & queqingString & "=" & amdkCount & "=" & amdkString & "=" & pmdkCount & "=" & pmdkString
      D(nameno) = cidaocount & "=" & cidaosrting & "=" & zaotuicount & "="
        D(nameno) = D(nameno) & zaotuisrting & "=" & queqingCount & "=" & queqingString & "=" & amdkCount & "=" & amdkString & "=" & pmdkCount & "=" & pmdkString

    End If
      End If
     nameno = CurNameno
     cidaocount = 0
     cidaosrting = ""
     zaotuicount = 0
     zaotuisrting = ""
     queqingCount = 0
     queqingString = ""
     amdkCount = 0
     amdkString = ""
     pmdkCount = 0
     pmdkString = ""
     End If
     If InStr(arrdata(i, 5), "-") > 0 Then
        cidaocount = cidaocount + 1
        cidaosrting = cidaosrting & arrdata(i, 2) & " " & arrdata(i, 3) & "、"
     End If
     If InStr(arrdata(i, 6), "-") > 0 Then
        zaotuicount = zaotuicount + 1
        zaotuisrting = zaotuisrting & arrdata(i, 2) & " " & arrdata(i, 4) & "、"
     End If
      If arrdata(i, 3) = "" And arrdata(i, 4) <> "" Then
        amdkCount = amdkCount + 1
        amdkString = amdkString & arrdata(i, 2) & "、"
     End If
      If arrdata(i, 3) <> "" And arrdata(i, 4) = "" Then
        pmdkCount = pmdkCount + 1
        pmdkString = pmdkString & arrdata(i, 2) & "、"
     End If
     If arrdata(i, 3) = "" Or arrdata(i, 4) = "" Then
        queqingCount = queqingCount + 1
        queqingString = queqingString & arrdata(i, 2) & "、"
     End If
   Next i
      If nameno <> "" Then
    If Not D.exists(nameno) Or D(nameno) = "" Then
        D(nameno) = cidaocount & "=" & cidaosrting & "=" & zaotuicount & "="
        D(nameno) = D(nameno) & zaotuisrting & "=" & queqingCount & "=" & queqingString & "=" & amdkCount & "=" & amdkString & "=" & pmdkCount & "=" & pmdkString
      D(nameno) = cidaocount & "=" & cidaosrting & "=" & zaotuicount & "="
        D(nameno) = D(nameno) & zaotuisrting & "=" & queqingCount & "=" & queqingString & "=" & amdkCount & "=" & amdkString & "=" & pmdkCount & "=" & pmdkString

    End If
    End If
   tmpx = Application.Transpose(Array(D.keys, D.items))
    arrdata(1, 1) = "姓名+工号"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 2) = "迟到次数"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 3) = "迟到信息"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 4) = "早退次数"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 5) = "早退信息"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 6) = "缺勤次数"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 7) = "缺勤信息"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 8) = "上午没打卡次数"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 9) = "上午没打卡信息"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 10) = "下午没打卡次数"
    arrdataStatistics(1, 11) = "下午没打卡信息"
   For i = 1 To UBound(tmpx, 1)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 1) = tmpx(i, 1)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 2) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 0)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 3) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 1)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 4) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 2)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 5) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 3)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 6) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 4)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 7) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 5)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 8) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 6)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 9) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 7)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 10) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 8)
        arrdataStatistics(i + 1, 11) = SG_GetSub(tmpx(i, 2), "=", 9)
    Next i
    ActiveSheet.[L1].Resize(D.Count, 11) = arrdataStatistics '根据实际需要设置数据位置
End Function

Public Function SG_InArray(ByVal tmp As String, ByVal va As String)
     Dim temp() As String
    temp = Split(tmp, ",")
     For i = 0 To UBound(temp) - LBound(temp)
     If temp(i) = va Then
     GoTo a
     End If
     Next i
     GoTo b
    SG_InArray = True
    GoTo ed
    SG_InArray = False
End Function

Public Function SG_DiffTime(ByVal time1 As String, ByVal time2 As String)
    Dim SS As Long
    Dim temp() As String
    If time1 <> "" And time2 <> "" Then
        Date1 = Format(time1, "hh:mm:ss")
        Date2 = Format(time2, "hh:mm:ss")
        SS = DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2)

        If SS >= 0 Then
        SG_DiffTime = (SS \ 3600) & ":" & ((SS Mod 3600) \ 60) & ":" & (SS Mod 60)
         SG_DiffTime = "- " & (-SS \ 3600) & ":" & ((-SS Mod 3600) \ 60) & ":" & (-SS Mod 60)
        End If
        End If
End Function

Public Function SG_DiffTime2(ByVal time1 As String, ByVal time2 As String)
    Dim SS As Long
    Dim temp() As String
    If time1 <> "" And time2 <> "" Then
        Date1 = Format(time1, "hh:mm:ss")
        Date2 = Format(time2, "hh:mm:ss")
        SS = DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2)

        If SS >= 0 Then
        SG_DiffTime2 = "- " & (SS \ 3600) & ":" & ((SS Mod 3600) \ 60) & ":" & (SS Mod 60)
         SG_DiffTime2 = (-SS \ 3600) & ":" & ((-SS Mod 3600) \ 60) & ":" & (-SS Mod 60)
        End If
        End If
End Function

Public Function SG_Compare(ByVal time1 As String)
    Dim SS As Long
    Dim temp() As String
    If time1 <> "" Then
        Date1 = Format(time1, "hh:mm:ss")
        Date2 = Format("12:00:00", "hh:mm:ss")
        SS = DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2)

        If SS >= 0 Then
            SG_Compare = "上午"
            SG_Compare = "下午"
        End If
    End If
End Function

Public Function SG_GetSub(ByVal tmp As String, ByVal splitstr, ByVal index As Integer)
    Dim temp() As String
    temp = Split(tmp, splitstr)
    If UBound(temp) - LBound(temp) + 1 > index Then
        SG_GetSub = temp(index)
        SG_GetSub = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function SG_GetFirst(ByVal tmp As String, ByVal splitstr)
    Dim temp() As String
    temp = Split(tmp, splitstr)
    If UBound(temp) - LBound(temp) + 1 > 0 Then
        SG_GetFirst = temp(0)
        SG_GetFirst = ""
    End If
End Function

Public Function SG_GetLast(ByVal tmp As String, ByVal splitstr)
    Dim temp() As String
    temp = Split(tmp, splitstr)
    If UBound(temp) - LBound(temp) + 1 > 1 Then
        SG_GetLast = temp(UBound(temp) - LBound(temp))
        SG_GetLast = ""
    End If
End Function


部门 姓名 工号 日期时间
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017/5/5 18:43
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-6 8:49:04
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-6 16:41:55
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-8 8:56:16
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-8 18:52:52
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017/5/9 8:45
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-9 18:47:56
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-10 8:54:24
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-10 18:38:29
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-11 18:50:18
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-12 8:50:29
总公司 藏阿加 38 2017-5-12 18:44:59
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-2 8:56:13
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-2 18:32:45
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-3 8:53:43
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-3 18:33:05
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-4 8:50:58
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-4 18:32:42
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-5 8:54:16
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-5 18:31:50
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-6 8:53:42
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-6 16:35:46
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-8 8:58:50
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-8 18:32:10
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-9 8:56:42
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-9 18:32:30
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-10 8:56:43
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-10 18:32:41
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-11 8:53:35
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-11 18:31:22
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-12 8:55:53
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-12 18:33:32
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-13 8:54:28
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-13 16:34:03
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-15 8:58:56
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-15 18:31:22
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-16 8:57:33
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-16 18:31:25
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-17 8:55:57
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-17 18:33:11
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-18 8:55:45
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-18 18:32:48
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-19 8:55:45
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-19 18:32:33
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-22 8:55:17
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-22 18:30:48
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-23 8:57:03
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-23 18:32:03
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-24 8:58:19
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-24 18:32:58
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-25 8:58:50
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-25 18:34:08
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-26 8:53:45
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-26 18:31:15
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-27 8:54:38
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-27 17:02:15
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-31 8:51:33
总公司 秋季换 80 2017-5-31 18:31:02

