


  • 标题(title),类型:string | slot,默认 '提示'

  • 内容(content),类型:string | slot,默认 ''

  • 宽度(width),类型:number,默认 640px

  • 高度(height),类型:number,默认 480px

  • 是否允许切换全屏,允许后右上角会出现一个按钮(switchFullscreen),类型:boolean,默认 false

  • 取消按钮文字(cancelText),类型:string,默认 '取消'

  • 确认按钮文字(okText),类型:string,默认 '确认'

  • 是否显示底部按钮(footer),类型:boolean,默认 false

  • 是否水平垂直居中(center),类型:boolean,默认 true,(false时是固定高度水平居中)

  • 固定高度水平居中时,距顶部高度(top),类型:number,默认 100px

  • 加载中(loading),类型:boolean,默认 false

  • 对话框是否可见(visible),类型:boolean,默认 false

效果如下图:(整体样式模仿ant-design-vue Modal,同时阴影覆盖浏览器窗口)


<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed, watch } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps({
    title: { // 标题 string | slot
      type: String,
      default: '提示'
    content: { // 内容 string | slot
      type: String,
      default: ''
    width: { // 宽度,默认640
      type: Number,
      default: 640
    height: { // 高度,默认480
      type: Number,
      default: 480
    switchFullscreen: { // 是否允许切换全屏,允许后右上角会出现一个按钮
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    cancelText: { // 取消按钮文字
      type: String,
      default: '取消'
    okText: { // 确认按钮文字
      type: String,
      default: '确定'
    footer: { // 是否显示底部按钮,默认不显示
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    center: { // 水平垂直居中:true  固定高度水平居中:false
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    top: { // 固定高度水平居中时,距顶部高度
      type: Number,
      default: 100
    loading: { // 加载中
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    visible: { // 对话框是否可见
      type: Boolean,
      default: false

const fullScreen = ref(false)
const dialogWidth = computed(() => {
  if (fullScreen.value) {
      return '100%'
    } else {
      return props.width + 'px'
const dialogHeight = computed(() => {
    if (fullScreen.value) {
      return '100vh'
    } else {
      return props.height + 'px'
  () => props.visible, (to) => {
    if (!to) { // 重置全屏显示
      fullScreen.value = false
const emits = defineEmits(['close', 'cancel', 'ok'])
function onBlur () {
  if (!props.loading) {
function onFullScreen () {
  fullScreen.value = !fullScreen.value
function onClose () {
function onCancel () {
function onConfirm () {
    <div class="m-dialog-mask" v-show="visible" @click.self="onBlur">
      <div :class="['m-dialog', center ? 'relative-hv-center' : 'top-center']" :style="`width: ${dialogWidth}; height: ${dialogHeight}; top: ${!center ? top + 'px':'50%'}`">
        <div class="m-dialog-content" :class="{loading: loading}">
          <div class="m-spin-dot" v-show="loading">
            <span class="u-dot-item"></span>
            <span class="u-dot-item"></span>
            <span class="u-dot-item"></span>
            <span class="u-dot-item"></span>
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          <svg @click="onFullScreen" v-show="fullScreen&&switchFullscreen" class="u-screen" viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="fullscreen-exit" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><path d="M391 240.9c-.8-6.6-8.9-9.4-13.6-4.7l-43.7 43.7L200 146.3a8.03 8.03 0 0 0-11.3 0l-42.4 42.3a8.03 8.03 0 0 0 0 11.3L280 333.6l-43.9 43.9a8.01 8.01 0 0 0 4.7 13.6L401 410c5.1.6 9.5-3.7 8.9-8.9L391 240.9zm10.1 373.2L240.8 633c-6.6.8-9.4 8.9-4.7 13.6l43.9 43.9L146.3 824a8.03 8.03 0 0 0 0 11.3l42.4 42.3c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0L333.7 744l43.7 43.7A8.01 8.01 0 0 0 391 783l18.9-160.1c.6-5.1-3.7-9.4-8.8-8.8zm221.8-204.2L783.2 391c6.6-.8 9.4-8.9 4.7-13.6L744 333.6 877.7 200c3.1-3.1 3.1-8.2 0-11.3l-42.4-42.3a8.03 8.03 0 0 0-11.3 0L690.3 279.9l-43.7-43.7a8.01 8.01 0 0 0-13.6 4.7L614.1 401c-.6 5.2 3.7 9.5 8.8 8.9zM744 690.4l43.9-43.9a8.01 8.01 0 0 0-4.7-13.6L623 614c-5.1-.6-9.5 3.7-8.9 8.9L633 783.1c.8 6.6 8.9 9.4 13.6 4.7l43.7-43.7L824 877.7c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l42.4-42.3c3.1-3.1 3.1-8.2 0-11.3L744 690.4z"></path></svg>
          <svg @click="onClose" class="u-close" viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="close" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><path d="M563.8 512l262.5-312.9c4.4-5.2.7-13.1-6.1-13.1h-79.8c-4.7 0-9.2 2.1-12.3 5.7L511.6 449.8 295.1 191.7c-3-3.6-7.5-5.7-12.3-5.7H203c-6.8 0-10.5 7.9-6.1 13.1L459.4 512 196.9 824.9A7.95 7.95 0 0 0 203 838h79.8c4.7 0 9.2-2.1 12.3-5.7l216.5-258.1 216.5 258.1c3 3.6 7.5 5.7 12.3 5.7h79.8c6.8 0 10.5-7.9 6.1-13.1L563.8 512z"></path></svg>
          <div class="m-dialog-header">
            <slot name="title">
              <div class="u-head">{
   { title }}</div>
          <div class="m-dialog-body" :style="`height: calc(${dialogHeight} - ${footer ? '158px':'103px'});`">
   { content }}</slot>
          <div class="m-dialog-footer" v-show="footer">
            <button class="u-cancel" @click="onCancel">{
   { cancelText }}</button>
            <button class="u-confirm" @click="onConfirm">{
   { okText }}</button>
<style lang="less" scoped>
.v-enter-active, .v-leave-active {
  transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
.v-enter-from, .v-leave-to {
  opacity: 0;
.flex-hv-center { // 水平垂直居中方法①:弹性布局,随内容增大高度,并自适应水平垂直居中
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
.relative-hv-center { // 水平垂直居中方法②:相对定位,随内容增大高度,并自适应水平垂直居中
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  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  -ms-transform: translateY(-50%);; /* IE 9 */
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.top-center { // 相对定位,固定高度,始终距离视图顶端100px
  position: relative;
  // top: 100px;
.m-dialog-mask {
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  top: 0;
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  width: 100%;
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  z-index: 10000;
  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.45);
  .m-dialog {
    margin: 0 auto;
    transition: all .3s ease;
    .m-spin-dot { // 绝对定位,并设置水平垂直居中
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      display: inline-block;
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      margin: auto;
      width: 24px;
      height: 24px;
      transform: rotate(45deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); /* Internet Explorer */
      -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); /* Firefox */
      -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); /* Safari 和 Chrome */
      -o-transform: rotate(45deg); /* Opera */
      animation: rotate 1.2s linear infinite;
      -webkit-animation: rotate 1.2s linear infinite;
      @keyframes rotate {
        100% {transform: rotate(405deg);}
      .u-dot-item { // 单个圆点样式
        position: absolute;
        width: 8px;
        height: 8px;
        background: @themeColor;
        border-radius: 50%;
        opacity: .3;
        animation: spinMove 1s linear infinite alternate;
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      .u-dot-item:last-child {
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        left: 0;
        animation-delay: 1.2s;
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    .loading { // 加载过程背景虚化
      background: rgb(248, 248, 248) !important;
      pointer-events: none; // 屏蔽鼠标事件
    .m-dialog-content {
      position: relative;
      background: #fff;
      border-radius: 4px;
      box-shadow: 0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.1);
      .u-screen {
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      .u-close {
        width: 16px;
        height: 16px;
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        right: 24px;
        fill: rgba(0,0,0,.45);
        cursor: pointer;
        transition: fill .3s;
        &:hover {
          fill: rgba(0,0,0,.75);
      .m-dialog-header {
        height: 22px;
        padding: 16px 24px;
        color: rgba(0,0,0,.65);
        border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
        .u-head {
          margin: 0;
          color: rgba(0,0,0,.85);
          font-weight: 500;
          font-size: 16px;
          line-height: 22px;
          word-wrap: break-word;
      .m-dialog-body {
        padding: 24px;
        font-size: 16px;
        line-height: 1.5;
        word-wrap: break-word;
        overflow: auto;
        transition: all .3s;
      .m-dialog-footer {
        padding: 10px 16px;
        text-align: right;
        border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
        .u-cancel {
          height: 32px;
          line-height: 32px;
          padding: 0 15px;
          font-size: 16px;
          border-radius: 4px;
          color: rgba(0,0,0,.65);
          background: #fff;
          border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
          cursor: pointer;
          transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1);
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            color: fade(@themeColor, 80%);
            border-color: fade(@themeColor, 80%);
          &:focus {
            color: shade(@themeColor, 12%);
            border-color: shade(@themeColor, 12%);
        .u-confirm {
          margin-left: 8px;
          height: 32px;
          line-height: 32px;
          padding: 0 15px;
          font-size: 16px;
          border-radius: 4px;
          background: @themeColor;
          border: 1px solid @themeColor;
          color: #fff;
          transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1);
          cursor: pointer;
          &:hover {
            background: fade(@themeColor, 80%);
            border-color: fade(@themeColor, 80%);
          &:focus {
            background: shade(@themeColor, 12%);
            border-color: shade(@themeColor, 12%);


<script setup lang="ts">
import { Dialog } from './Dialog.vue'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { rafTimeout } from '../../packages'

const center = ref(true)
const footer = ref(false)
const loading = ref(false)
const visible = ref(false)
const title = ref('Dialog Title')
const content = ref('Content of the modal ...')
function showDialog (info: string) {
  footer.value = false
  center.value = true
  content.value = info
  visible.value = true
function showFooterDialog (info: string) {
  footer.value = true
  center.value = true
  content.value = info
  visible.value = true
function showCenterDialog (info: string) {
  center.value = true
  content.value = info
  visible.value = true
function showFixDialog (info: string) {
  center.value = false
  content.value = info
  visible.value = true
function onClose () { // 关闭回调
  visible.value = false
function onCancel () { // “取消”按钮回调
  visible.value = false
function onConfirm () { // “确定”,“知道了”按钮回调
  loading.value = true // 开启加载状态
  rafTimeout(() => {
    visible.value = false
    loading.value = false
  }, 500)
    <h2 class="mb10">Dialog 对话框基本使用</h2>
    <Button class="mr30" @click="showDialog('Some descriptions ...')">默认对话框</Button>
    <Button class="mr30" @click="showFooterDialog('Some descriptions ...')">有底部按钮的对话框</Button>
    <Button class="mr30" @click="showCenterDialog('Some descriptions ...')">水平垂直居中对话框</Button>
    <Button class="mr30" @click="showFixDialog('Some descriptions ...')">高度固定对话框</Button>
      <template #title>
        <p class="u-title">Title</p>
      <p>Bla bla ...</p>
      <p>Bla bla ...</p>
      <p>Bla bla ...</p>
<style lang="less" scoped>
.u-title {
  font-size: 16px;

