ALAC、FLAC、APE 这些无损格式都是把 WAV 无损压缩了而已,原始 WAV 文件相同,音质也都没区别,只是不同的压缩算法,压缩率会有不同。


1.ALAC (Apple lossless audio codec) is an audio coding format, which is developed by Apple Inc. and used for lossless data compression of digital music. 苹果在Apache v2.0许可证下开源了“苹果无损音频编解码器(Apple Lossless Audio Codec,缩写ALAC)”。

2.ALAC container 一般是M4a,后缀是.m4a or .alac,属于可逆压缩的一种格式,因此为无损音频格式。(也就是解码后的wav 文件跟原始wav 一样)。

可以使用工具将APE/FLAC/WAV 转为ALAC,比如itunes.

Supported Audio info:ALAC supports up to 8 audio channels at 16, 20, 24, and 32-bit depth, with a maximum sampling rate of 384kHz.

3.应用场景:起初主要是compatible with Apple's most popular portable music player,现在也有很多厂商支援。



1.FLAC, is an audio coding format for lossless compression of digital audio. It is very similar to MP3 files that are easier to recognize, but is compressed into a smaller file size without any quality loss or original audio data, thus making it "lossless".(lossless:将FLAC文件还原为WAV文件后,与压缩前的WAV文件内容相同.).后缀是.flac

FLAC is a musical file format that offers bit-perfect copies of CDs but at half the size. It is compatible with many phones, portable music players including the PonoPlayer and hi-fi components.

FLAC allows a maximum sampling rate and bit depth limitation ( 32 bit, 384 kHz).






1.APE即Monkey's Audio,是一种常见的无损音频压缩编码格式,扩展名为.ape,比Flac 出现早,应用比较广泛。APE作为传统无损,可以实现可逆转化,还原后的音乐文件与压缩前一模一样,文件比较大,packet size 也很大,一般的codec 32k 一下,APE 一个packet 会达到800K,1000K 这么大。

2.APE decoder的容错能力比较差,传输只要有bit 出错,就影响整个档案的播放,开发者可以优化后达到一个packet 内,当有bit 出错,只影响这一个packet 解码。


4.官方只有windows 版本,普及度不如FLAC.



未压缩的digital audio, 不作过多说明。

Reference:ALAC VS FLAC: What Are the Differences and How to Convert

