20221222 Coppeliasim的视频导出功能


Video exporter

CoppeliaSim的视频记录器可以对the page, scene hierarchy and model browser areas进行录屏,保存成视频文件。Dialogs, menu bar, toolbars and popup menus (对话框、菜单栏、工具栏和弹出菜单)不会被录进去. 默认情况下,视频记录器将记录每个渲染帧,并生成每秒30帧的电影。请记住,根据使用的编解码器,录制过程可能会大大降低模拟速度。可以使用[Menu bar --> Tools --> Video recorder]([菜单栏–>工具–>录像机])或单击以下工具栏按钮访问录像机对话框:



  • Launch at next simulation start: will launch a recording process next time the simulation start button is hit.
  • Record now!: starts recording a video file immediately. Press Stop recording! to end the recording process.
  • Record window content: records exclusively the content of the main CoppeliaSim window (no dialogs will be recorded).
  • Record desktop content: records the content of the desktop. With systems with several monitors, you can specify the desktop index via variable desktopRecordingIndex in file system/usrset.txt.
  • Show cursor: if enabled, then the cursor will be visible in the video file.
  • Show button states: if enabled, then the mouse button states, as well as the ctrl- and shift-key states will be visible in the video file.
  • Hide information text: if enabled, then the overlay text at the top of the main view will not be visible.
  • Select: allows selecting the video file location.
  • Output type: the encoder/container that will be used for the video. The offered selection depends on the encoders on your system. It often helps to install a video player (e.g. such as VLC), which will automatically install a few additional encoders.
  • X displayed frames result in 1 recorded frame: allows specifying what frames should be recorded.
  • Automatic frame rate: the frame rate will be adjusted in a way so that x simulation seconds correspond to x video seconds.
  • Frame rate: indicates the number of frames the video file will display in one second.

