


create database Stu;


use Stu;


create table if not exists students(

        id int unsigned primary key auto_increment not null,

        name varchar(20) default ' ',

        age tinyint unsigned default 0,

        height decimal(5,2),

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        gender enum('男','女','中性','保密')

        cls_id int unsigned default 0,

        is_delete bit default 0



create table if not exists(

        id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,

        name varchar(30) not null



insert into students values











                select * from students;

                select * from classes;


                select id,name from classes;

        --使用as 给字段起别名

                select  name as 姓名,age as 性别 from students;

        --select  表名.字段 ....from 表名;

                select students.name,students.age from students;

        --可以通过 as 给表起别名

                select stu.name,stu.age from students as stu;


                select distinct name,gender from students;

 --条件查询(and not or)



                select * from students where age>=18 and age<=28;


                select * from students where age >= 18 and gender = "女";

        --不在 18岁以上的女性 这个范围内的信息

                select * from students where not (age > 18 and gender = "女");

        --年龄不是小于或者等于18 并且是女性

                select * from students where not (age<=18) and gender = "女";



        --rlike 正则

        -- “%替换1个或多个”



        select name from students where name lie "小%";


        select name from students where name like "%小%";


        select name from students where name like "__”;


        select name from students where name like "___”;


        select name from students where name like "__%";

        --rlike 正则

        --查询以 周开始的名字

        select name from students where name rlike "^周.*";

        --查询 以周开始 伦结尾的名字

        select name from students where name rlike "^周.*伦$"




        select name from students where age = 18 or age = 34;

        select name from students where age in (18,24);


        select name from students where age not in (18,24);

        select name from students where age != 18 or age != 34;


        select * from students where age between 18 and 34;



        select name from students where age = 18 or age = 34;

        select name from students where age in (18,24);


        select name from students where age not in (18,24);

        select name from students where age != 18 or age != 34;


        select * from students where age between 18 and 34;



        select * from students where height is null;


        select * from students where height is not null;



        select * from students where (age between 18 and 34)  and gender = "男" order by age asc;


        select * from students where (age between 18 and 34)  and gender = "女" order by age desc;


        select * from students where (age between 18 and 34) and gender = "女" order by age asc,height asc;




        select count(*) from students where gender = "男";

        select count(*) from students where gender = "女";



        select  max(age) from students;



        select max(height) from students where gender="女";



        select avg(age) from students;

        select sum(age)/count(*) from students;

        --四舍五入 round(123.23,1) 保留一位小数


        select round(avg,2) from students;


        --group by


        seelct * from students group by gender;


        select gender,count(*) from students group by gender;


        select gender,count(*) from students group by gender having gender = "男";

        select gender,count(*) from students where gender = "男" group by gender;


        select gender,group_concat(name,"-",age," ",id) from students where gender =1 group by gender;


        --having 分组后筛选

        --查询平均年龄超过30的性别,以及姓名 having avg(age) > 30

        select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age) > 30;


        select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*) > 2;


        --limit start,count


        select * from students limit 5;

        select * from students limit 0,5;             (不包含0)

        --查询id6-10 的信息

        select * from students limit 5,5;           (不包含5)


        ---------------------limit (第N页-1)*每个页面的个数,每页的个数---------------


        select * from students limit 0,2;


        select * from students limit 2,2;


        select * from students limit 4,2;


        select * from students limit 6,2;   



select * from students inner join classes on student.cls_id = classes.id;

select * from students s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id = c.id;


select * from students s left join classes as c on s.cls_id = c.id;


select * from students s right join classes as c on s.cls_id = c.id;

