einops 优雅地操作张量维度(基础操作+pytorch操作+网络设计)

转载自:PyTorch 70.einops:优雅地操作张量维度

einops 三大操作

from einops import rearrange, reduce, repeat

einops通过rearrange, reduce, repeat这3个方法,可以起到 stacking, reshape, transposition, squeeze/unsqueeze, repeat, tile, concatenate, view 以及各种reduction操作的效果,大大简化了原来复杂的高维张量操作,提高了代码可读性,支持 numpy、pytorch、tensorflow 等等。


# There are 6 images of shape 96x96 with 3 color channels packed into tensor
print(ims.shape, ims.dtype)
# (6, 96, 96, 3) float64
# (b,h,w,c)



y = x.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)


y = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b h w c')



rearrange(ims[0], 'h w c -> w h c') # 交换维度


rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> (b h) w c') # 压缩维度 (b和h)


# or compose a new dimension of batch and width
rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c') # 压缩维度 (b和w)
# length of newly composed axis is a product of components
# [6, 96, 96, 3] -> [96, (6 * 96), 3] -> [96, 576, 3]
rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c').shape


# decomposition is the inverse process - represent an axis as a combination of new axes
# several decompositions possible, so b1=2 is to decompose 6 to b1=2 and b2=3
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> b1 b2 h w c ', b1=2).shape  # 分解维度,原始b=6, 指定b1=2, b2自动计算=6/b1
# (2, 3, 96, 96, 3)
# finally, combine composition and decomposition:
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (b1 h) (b2 w) c ', b1=2) # 分解维度b,并将b1和h、b2和w进行压缩


rearrange(ims, 'b h (w w2) c -> (h w2) (b w) c', w2=2)  # 分解维度w(w1=w/2),将h和w2合并,即h*2,将b和w1合并,即6张图横向排列,宽为w1


rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c')

注意前面我们压缩维度时,只要涉及b都是b在前,如(b w)、(b h)、(b w1)等,括号里的顺序是有意义的

# 与上例做个对比, leftmost digit is the most significant
rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> h (w b) c')  # b在


# what if b1 and b2 are reordered before composing to width?
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> h (b1 b2 w) c ', b1=2) # 原始batch中图片顺序 'einops'
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> h (b2 b1 w) c ', b1=2) # 重排序为 'eoipns'



# average over batch
reduce(ims, 'b h w c -> h w c', 'mean')  # 对张量的b维度取平均值


# the previous is identical to familiar:
ims.mean(axis=0) # 使用老方法应该这么写
# but is so much more readable
# besides mean, there are also min, max, sum, prod
reduce(ims, 'b h w c -> h w', 'min') # 除了mean 还可以求min, max, sum, prod


# this is mean-pooling with 2x2 kernel
# image is split into 2x2 patches, each patch is averaged
reduce(ims, 'b (h h2) (w w2) c -> h (b w) c', 'mean', h2=2, w2=2) # 图像分割为2x2的patch,每个patch分别进行mean,并压缩b和w显示
# 效果就是变小了


# yet another example. Can you compute result shape?
reduce(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (b2 h) (b1 w)', 'mean', b1=2)


将张量放入list中,einops 会默认按batch划分,即6张图像,对该list操作效果等同于对原始张量操作

# rearrange can also take care of lists of arrays with the same shape
x = list(ims)
# that's how we can stack inputs
# "list axis" becomes first ("b" in this case), and we left it there
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> b h w c').shape
# (6, 96, 96, 3)
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> h w c b').shape
# (96, 96, 3, 6)
numpy.array_equal(rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> h w c b'), numpy.stack(x, axis=3)) # rearrange交换维度 等价于 numpy.stack
# True


x = rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> b 1 h w 1 c') # functionality of numpy.expand_dims
#(6, 1, 96, 96, 1, 3)

rearrange(x, 'b 1 h w 1 c -> b h w c').shape # functionality of numpy.squeeze
#(6, 96, 96, 3)
# compute max in each image individually, then show a difference 
x = reduce(ims, 'b h w c -> b () () c', 'max') - ims
rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> h (b w) c')


# interweaving pixels of different pictures
# all letters are observable
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (h b1) (w b2) c ', b1=2)


# interweaving along vertical for couples of images
rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> (h b1) (b2 w) c', b1=2)


# disproportionate resize
reduce(ims, 'b (h 4) (w 3) c -> (h) (b w)', 'mean')


# interweaving lines for couples of images
# exercise: achieve the same result without einops in your favourite framework
reduce(ims, '(b1 b2) h w c -> h (b2 w) c', 'max', b1=2)


# spilt each image in two halves, compute mean of the two
reduce(ims, 'b (h1 h2) w c -> h2 (b w)', 'mean', h1=2)


# split in small patches and transpose each patch
rearrange(ims, 'b (h1 h2) (w1 w2) c -> (h1 w2) (b w1 h2) c', h2=8, w2=8)


rearrange(ims, '(b1 b2) (h1 h2) (w1 w2) c -> (h1 b1 h2) (w1 b2 w2) c', h1=3, w1=3, b2=3)



# pixelate: first downscale by averaging, then upscale back using the same pattern
averaged = reduce(ims, 'b (h h2) (w w2) c -> b h w c', 'mean', h2=6, w2=8)
repeat(averaged, 'b h w c -> (h h2) (b w w2) c', h2=6, w2=8)


rearrange(ims, 'b h w c -> w (b h) c')




from einops import rearrange, reduce
import numpy as np
x = np.random.RandomState(42).normal(size=[10, 32, 100, 200])
from utils import guess

# select one from 'chainer', 'gluon', 'tensorflow', 'pytorch' 

flavour = 'pytorch'

print('selected {} backend'.format(flavour))
if flavour == 'tensorflow':
    import tensorflow as tf
    tape = tf.GradientTape(persistent=True)
    x = tf.Variable(x) + 0
elif flavour == 'pytorch':
    import torch
    x = torch.from_numpy(x)
    x.requires_grad = True
elif flavour == 'chainer':
    import chainer
    x = chainer.Variable(x)
    assert flavour == 'gluon'
    import mxnet as mx
    x = mx.nd.array(x, dtype=x.dtype)
type(x), x.shape
# (torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32, 100, 200]))
y = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b h w c')
# (torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 100, 200, 32]))
y = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (c h w)')
# (torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 640000]))

y = rearrange(x, 'b c (h h1) (w w1) -> b (h1 w1 c) h w', h1=2, w1=2)
# (torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 128, 50, 100]))

y = rearrange(x, 'b (c h1 w1) h w -> b c (h h1) (w w1)', h1=2, w1=2)
# (torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 8, 200, 400]))


y0 = x
y1 = reduce(y0, 'b c h w -> b c', 'max')
y2 = rearrange(y1, 'b c -> c b')
y3 = reduce(y2, 'c b -> ', 'sum')

if flavour == 'tensorflow':
    print(reduce(tape.gradient(y3, x), 'b c h w -> ', 'sum'))
else:   # pytorch等
    print(reduce(x.grad, 'b c h w -> ', 'sum'))


from einops import asnumpy
y3_numpy = asnumpy(y3)

print(type(y3_numpy), y3_numpy.shape)
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'> 


Squeeze and unsqueeze (expand_dims):

# models typically work only with batches, 
# so to predict a single image ...
image = rearrange(x[0, :3], 'c h w -> h w c')
# ... create a dummy 1-element axis ...
y = rearrange(image, 'h w c -> () c h w')
# ... imagine you predicted this with a convolutional network for classification,
# we'll just flatten axes ...
predictions = rearrange(y, 'b c h w -> b (c h w)')
# ... finally, decompose (remove) dummy axis
predictions = rearrange(predictions, '() classes -> classes')

per-channel mean-normalization for each image:

y = x - reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c 1 1', 'mean')
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32, 100, 200]))

per-channel mean-normalization for whole batch:

y = x - reduce(y, 'b c h w -> 1 c 1 1', 'mean')
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32, 100, 200]))


concatenate over the first dimension:

tensors = rearrange(list_of_tensors, 'b c h w -> (b h) w c')
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([1000, 200, 32]))


channel shuffle:

y = rearrange(x, 'b (g1 g2 c) h w-> b (g2 g1 c) h w', g1=4, g2=4)
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32, 100, 200]))


Example: when a network predicts several bboxes for each position

Assume we got 8 bboxes, 4 coordinates each. To get coordinated into 4 separate variables, you move corresponding dimension to front and unpack tuple.

bbox_x, bbox_y, bbox_w, bbox_h = \
    rearrange(x, 'b (coord bbox) h w -> coord b bbox h w', coord=4, bbox=8)
# now you can operate on individual variables
max_bbox_area = reduce(bbox_w * bbox_h, 'b bbox h w -> b h w', 'max')
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 8, 100, 200]))
(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 100, 200]))


Finally, how to convert any operation into a strided operation?
(like convolution with strides, aka dilated/atrous convolution)

# each image is split into subgrids, each is now a separate "image"
y = rearrange(x, 'b c (h hs) (w ws) -> (hs ws b) c h w', hs=2, ws=2)
y = convolve_2d(y)
# pack subgrids back to an image
y = rearrange(y, '(hs ws b) c h w -> b c (h hs) (w ws)', hs=2, ws=2)

assert y.shape == x.shape


Simple global average pooling:

y = reduce(x, 'b c h w -> b c', reduction='mean')
#(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32]))

max-poolingwith a kernel 2x2:

y = reduce(x, 'b c (h h1) (w w1) -> b c h w', reduction='max', h1=2, w1=2)
#(torch.Tensor, torch.Size([10, 32, 50, 100]))

1d, 2d and 3d pooling are defined in a similar way
for sequential 1-d models, you’ll probably want pooling over time

reduce(x, '(t 2) b c -> t b c', reduction='max')

reduce(x, 'b c (x 2) (y 2) (z 2) -> b c x y z', reduction='max')


For frameworks that prefer operating with layers, layers are available.

You’ll need to import a proper one depending on your backend:

from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange, Reduce

Einops layers are identical to operations, and have same parameters.

(for the exception of first argument, which should be passed during call):

# example given for pytorch, but code in other frameworks is almost identical
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, MaxPool2d, Linear, ReLU
from einops.layers.torch import Reduce

model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(3, 6, kernel_size=5),
    Conv2d(6, 16, kernel_size=5),
    # combined pooling and flattening in a single step
    Reduce('b c (h 2) (w 2) -> b (c h w)', 'max'), 
    Linear(16*5*5, 120), 
    Linear(120, 10), 


Simple ConvNet:


class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=5)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(10, 20, kernel_size=5)
        self.conv2_drop = nn.Dropout2d()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(320, 50)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(50, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv1(x), 2))
        x = F.relu(F.max_pool2d(self.conv2_drop(self.conv2(x)), 2))
        x = x.view(-1, 320)
        x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = F.dropout(x, training=self.training)
        x = self.fc2(x)
        return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)

conv_net_old = Net()


conv_net_new = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Conv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=5),
    nn.Conv2d(10, 20, kernel_size=5),
    Rearrange('b c h w -> b (c h w)'),
    nn.Linear(320, 50),
    nn.Linear(50, 10),

Channel shuffle (from shufflenet):


def channel_shuffle_old(x, groups):
    batchsize, num_channels, height, width = x.data.size()

    channels_per_group = num_channels // groups
    # reshape
    x = x.view(batchsize, groups, 
        channels_per_group, height, width)

    # transpose
    # - contiguous() required if transpose() is used before view().
    #   See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/764
    x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2).contiguous()

    # flatten
    x = x.view(batchsize, -1, height, width)

    return x


def channel_shuffle_new(x, groups):
    return rearrange(x, 'b (c1 c2) h w -> b (c2 c1) h w', c1=groups)

Simple attention:


class Attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Attention, self).__init__()
    def forward(self, K, V, Q):
        A = torch.bmm(K.transpose(1,2), Q) / np.sqrt(Q.shape[1])
        A = F.softmax(A, 1)
        R = torch.bmm(V, A)
        return torch.cat((R, Q), dim=1)


def attention(K, V, Q):
    _, n_channels, _ = K.shape
    A = torch.einsum('bct,bcl->btl', [K, Q])
    A = F.softmax(A * n_channels ** (-0.5), 1)
    R = torch.einsum('bct,btl->bcl', [V, A])
    return torch.cat((R, Q), dim=1)

Transformer’s attention needs more attention:


class ScaledDotProductAttention(nn.Module):
    ''' Scaled Dot-Product Attention '''

    def __init__(self, temperature, attn_dropout=0.1):
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(attn_dropout)
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=2)

    def forward(self, q, k, v, mask=None):

        attn = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(1, 2))
        attn = attn / self.temperature

        if mask is not None:
            attn = attn.masked_fill(mask, -np.inf)

        attn = self.softmax(attn)
        attn = self.dropout(attn)
        output = torch.bmm(attn, v)

        return output, attn

class MultiHeadAttentionOld(nn.Module):
    ''' Multi-Head Attention module '''

    def __init__(self, n_head, d_model, d_k, d_v, dropout=0.1):

        self.n_head = n_head
        self.d_k = d_k
        self.d_v = d_v

        self.w_qs = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_k)
        self.w_ks = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_k)
        self.w_vs = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_v)
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_qs.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_k)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_ks.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_k)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_vs.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_v)))

        self.attention = ScaledDotProductAttention(temperature=np.power(d_k, 0.5))
        self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)

        self.fc = nn.Linear(n_head * d_v, d_model)

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    def forward(self, q, k, v, mask=None):
        d_k, d_v, n_head = self.d_k, self.d_v, self.n_head
        sz_b, len_q, _ = q.size()
        sz_b, len_k, _ = k.size()
        sz_b, len_v, _ = v.size()
        residual = q
        q = self.w_qs(q).view(sz_b, len_q, n_head, d_k)
        k = self.w_ks(k).view(sz_b, len_k, n_head, d_k)
        v = self.w_vs(v).view(sz_b, len_v, n_head, d_v)
        q = q.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_q, d_k) # (n*b) x lq x dk
        k = k.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_k, d_k) # (n*b) x lk x dk
        v = v.permute(2, 0, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, len_v, d_v) # (n*b) x lv x dv
        mask = mask.repeat(n_head, 1, 1) # (n*b) x .. x ..
        output, attn = self.attention(q, k, v, mask=mask)
        output = output.view(n_head, sz_b, len_q, d_v)
        output = output.permute(1, 2, 0, 3).contiguous().view(sz_b, len_q, -1) # b x lq x (n*dv)
        output = self.dropout(self.fc(output))
        output = self.layer_norm(output + residual)
        return output, attn


class MultiHeadAttentionNew(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_head, d_model, d_k, d_v, dropout=0.1):
        self.n_head = n_head
        self.w_qs = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_k)
        self.w_ks = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_k)
        self.w_vs = nn.Linear(d_model, n_head * d_v)
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_qs.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_k)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_ks.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_k)))
        nn.init.normal_(self.w_vs.weight, mean=0, std=np.sqrt(2.0 / (d_model + d_v)))
        self.fc = nn.Linear(n_head * d_v, d_model)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)

    def forward(self, q, k, v, mask=None):
        residual = q
        q = rearrange(self.w_qs(q), 'b l (head k) -> head b l k', head=self.n_head)
        k = rearrange(self.w_ks(k), 'b t (head k) -> head b t k', head=self.n_head)
        v = rearrange(self.w_vs(v), 'b t (head v) -> head b t v', head=self.n_head)
        attn = torch.einsum('hblk,hbtk->hblt', [q, k]) / np.sqrt(q.shape[-1])
        if mask is not None:
            attn = attn.masked_fill(mask[None], -np.inf)
        attn = torch.softmax(attn, dim=3)
        output = torch.einsum('hblt,hbtv->hblv', [attn, v])
        output = rearrange(output, 'head b l v -> b l (head v)')
        output = self.dropout(self.fc(output))
        output = self.layer_norm(output + residual)
        return output, attn

