雅思口语2023.6.5 新题准备(Healthy and Language)



1.How do you keep healthy?

To express the idea that you might be too absorbed in your own world,

To express the idea that you might be too absorbed in your own world,

2.What is your favourite sport?

3.Are there health classes in your school?

4.How do you maintain mental health?


1.What languages can you speak?

2.What languages would you like to learn in the future?

3.Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?

4.Do you think it's important to know more than one language?

5.What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?





1.How do you keep healthy?

About a year ago,I was not living a healthy lifestyle and my weight had skyrocketed to 100 kg,which was far too heavy for me.To improve my health,I researched ways to stay fit and developed a daily routine.I start my day with a cup of black coffee and then skip rope,which helps to i improve my cardiovascular system,increase my lung capacity,and maintain a healthy weight.

"I maintain my health by staying active through regular exercise like jogging and swimming. I focus on eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. I make sure to drink enough water and get around 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Managing stress through activities like meditation and engaging in hobbies also contributes to my overall well-being."


As a CS student with heavy academic workload, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can indeed be challenging. However, I have implemented certain measures to take care of my well-being. Firstly, I manage my eating schedule by allowing myself only 8 hours each day for meals. After that time, I stick to drinking water only. I also control my portion sizes and avoid overeating. Additionally, whenever I have some free time, I make it a point to go for a run or engage in physical activities. Despite the demands of my studies, I strive to strike a balance between my academic responsibilities and taking care of my health.

If I can make an appointment to a friend, we have a probability that we will play badminton


As a CS student, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to the heavy academic workload. However, I make efforts to prioritize my well-being. I have implemented a timed eating schedule, allowing myself 8 hours for meals each day, and only consuming water outside of that window. I also pay attention to portion control and avoid excessive eating. Additionally, I try to incorporate exercise into my routine whenever possible, such as going for occasional runs.If I can make an appointment to a friend, we have a probability that we will play badminton. Despite the academic demands, I recognize the importance of finding a balance between my studies and taking care of my health.


as a cs student, It is challenging to maintain health due to the heavy academic overloaded,I often feel like there is an never-ending journey of the computer knowledge to learn.

However, I make efforts to prioritize my well-being.

To express the idea that you might be too absorbed in your own world,

"It often feels like there is an endless amount of computer knowledge to learn. The rapid advancements in technology and the ever-expanding scope of the field make it seem like a never-ending journey. The more I delve into computer science, the more I realize how vast and complex it truly is. With new programming languages, frameworks, algorithms, and technologies emerging constantly, it can be overwhelming to keep up. However, this constant evolution is also what makes the field exciting and ensures that there is always something new to explore and learn."

To express the idea that you might be too absorbed in your own world,

"It seems that I have become deeply immersed in my own world, particularly when it comes to computer knowledge. The vastness and complexity of the subject have captivated me, leading me to devote a significant amount of time and energy to learning and exploring different aspects of computer science. Sometimes, I find myself so engrossed in this pursuit that I may inadvertently neglect or overlook other areas of my life. While my passion for computer knowledge is undeniable, I recognize the importance of maintaining a balance and ensuring that I also engage with the world beyond my computer studies."

2.What is your favourite sport?

Basketball is definitely my favourite sport.Growing up,I was inspired by Yao Ming,who played for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.As a fellow countryman, seeing him play at the highest level of basketball was truly inspiring.Even now,I still enjoy watching live games,such as the recent playoff series where LeBron James led his team to victory.LeBron is currently my favourite player.I find basketball to be an exciting and challenging sport,and it's a great way for me to stay active and healthy.

My favorite sport is badminton. I find it to be an exciting and dynamic sport that requires agility, strategy, and precision. I enjoy the fast-paced nature of the game and the challenge of trying to outmaneuver my opponent. Playing badminton not only helps me stay physically active but also allows me to improve my hand-eye coordination and reflexes. Moreover, I appreciate the social aspect of the sport, as I often play with friends and participate in friendly competitions. Overall, badminton is a sport that brings me joy and fulfillment.

"My favorite sport is badminton. I love the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the game. It requires agility and precision, which makes it both challenging and exciting. Playing badminton helps me stay active and improves my hand-eye coordination. I also enjoy the social aspect of the sport, as I often play with friends and have friendly competitions. Overall, badminton brings me a lot of joy and satisfaction."




3.Are there health classes in your school?

Yes,there are health classes in my school.These classes cover a wide range of topics related to health and wellness,such as nutrition,exercise,mental health,and disease prevention.I remember attending to those classes was great fun,especially when it came to understanding our body parts.I know,I know,I was being really childish and I realise it was quite stupid now hhh.

"In our school, unfortunately, we do not have health classes. While we have a strong focus on academic subjects, such as math and science, the curriculum does not include dedicated health classes. However, our school does emphasize the importance of health and well-being through occasional workshops or guest speakers who address topics like nutrition and physical activity. Additionally, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular sports and clubs that promote a healthy lifestyle. Although we don't have formal health classes, the school strives to create an environment where students can learn about and prioritize their health in other ways."

4.How do you maintain mental health?

"Maintaining good mental health is crucial to me, and I have developed several strategies to take care of it. Firstly, I prioritize self-care by setting aside time for activities that I enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing mindfulness. These activities help me relax and unwind, reducing stress and promoting a positive mindset. Secondly, I make sure to maintain a balanced lifestyle by managing my time effectively and setting realistic goals. This helps me avoid excessive pressure and maintain a sense of control. Additionally, I find it beneficial to connect with others, whether it's through spending time with friends and family or participating in social activities. Having a support network and engaging in meaningful relationships contribute to my overall well-being. Lastly, I recognize the importance of seeking professional help if needed. If I ever feel overwhelmed or experience persistent challenges, I am open to reaching out to a counselor or therapist for guidance and support. By implementing these strategies, I strive to maintain a healthy and balanced state of mind."

"To maintain my mental health, I prioritize self-care and relaxation. I make time for activities I enjoy, like reading or listening to music. I also try to maintain a balanced lifestyle by setting realistic goals and managing my time effectively. Connecting with friends and family, as well as participating in social activities, helps me feel supported and boosts my well-being. If I ever feel overwhelmed, I'm open to seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist. Overall, taking care of myself and finding ways to relax and unwind are key to maintaining good mental health." 

English Mastery


1.What languages can you speak?

Well,my native language is Chinese.But I have been learning English ever since I went to school.Plus,I am preparing for IELTS right now,and I am planning to study abroad,so I'm going to count English too.

"As a native Chinese speaker, I am fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I started learning English from a young age, and I am preparing for IELTS right now,and I am planning to study abroad. In addition to Chinese and English, I also have some knowledge of Russian and Japanese. While I wouldn't consider myself fully fluent in these languages, I can hold basic conversations and understand simple texts. Learning different languages has allowed me to appreciate diverse cultures and connect with people from various backgrounds. I continue to strive to improve my language skills and explore new languages as a way of broadening my horizons."

2.What languages would you like to learn in the future?

I mean,there are many languages I wish I can learn in the future, such as Korean,Japanese,Spanish,and French.But if I have to pick one,I would go for Spanish,not only because it sounds quite sexy but because it is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world.

"In the future, I would love to learn Korean, German, French, Spanish, and further enhance my Japanese skills. Additionally, if possible, I'm also interested in studying Hebrew and Arabic. As I plan to embark on a global journey in my life with the motto of 'always exploring,' learning multiple languages would be incredibly beneficial. Each language opens up doors to different cultures and allows me to connect with people from various backgrounds. It not only enhances my travel experiences but also fosters a deeper understanding of the world. I'm excited to challenge myself and expand my linguistic repertoire to make the most of my global adventures."

3.Would you say it's a difficult language to learn?

"I wouldn't say it's a difficult language to learn. As a native speaker of Chinese, I initially found English challenging during my childhood. However, after learning Russian, I realized that their difficulty levels are not in the same league. Russian not only has complex verb tenses and aspects but also requires declensions for every word. It feels like Russian is akin to Old English, still in the process of evolution. Comparatively, English appears much more straightforward. Every language presents its own unique challenges, but in my experience, Russian stands out as a particularly intricate language to master."

4.Do you think it's important to know more than one language?

Yes, it's important to know more than one language. It helps you communicate with diverse people, enhances job prospects, and broadens your perspective. Learning another language improves cognitive abilities and makes travel more meaningful. Overall, being multilingual is valuable in our global society.

5.What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?

In my opinion, the most challenging aspect of studying a foreign language is the extensive vocabulary memorization required. It can be overwhelming to learn and remember a large number of words, especially when they don't have direct equivalents in one's native language. Additionally, grasping the unique language expression logic of the foreign language can pose difficulties. It may have different sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances that require time and effort to understand and internalize. Despite these challenges, the rewards of language proficiency and the ability to connect with people from different cultures make the learning journey worthwhile.

