目标检测: Camvid 语义标签转化为bbox标签


CamVid 数据集是由剑桥大学公开发布的城市道路场景的数据集,它包括 701 张精准标注的图片用于语义分割,如果要使用CamVid数据集做目标检测,就需要bbox标签,本文提供了根据 CamVid 语义标签提取 bbox 标签的代码,方便后续做目标检测模型训练。

图1 bbox提取效果

Camvid 数据集简介

CamVid 数据集是由剑桥大学公开发布的城市道路场景的数据集。CamVid全称:The Cambridge-driving Labeled Video Database,它是第一个具有目标类别语义标签的视频集合。数据集包括 701 张精准标注的图片用于语义分割模型训练,可分为训练集、验证集、测试集。

数据集官方下载地址:CamVid Dataset (cam.ac.uk)


图2 图片示例

类别标签链接:CamVid ClassLabel

数据库提供32个ground truth语义标签,各个类别占比如下图:

图3 CamVid 类别占比

Camvid 语义标签为RGB图片,各个类别对应的颜色name_color_dict如下:

name_color_dict={ 'Animal': [64, 128, 64], 
                  'Archway': [192, 0, 128], 
                  'Bicyclist': [0, 128, 192], 
                  'Bridge': [0, 128, 64],
                  'Building': [128, 0, 0], 
                  'Car': [64, 0, 128], 
                  'CartLuggagePram': [64, 0, 192], 
                  'Child': [192, 128, 64],
                  'Column_Pole': [192, 192, 128], 
                  'Fence': [64, 64, 128], 
                  'LaneMkgsDriv': [128, 0, 192],
                  'LaneMkgsNonDriv': [192, 0, 64], 
                  'Misc_Text': [128, 128, 64], 
                  'MotorcycleScooter': [192, 0, 192],
                  'OtherMoving': [128, 64, 64], 
                  'ParkingBlock': [64, 192, 128], 
                  'Pedestrian': [64, 64, 0], 
                  'Road': [128, 64, 128],
                  'RoadShoulder': [128, 128, 192], 
                  'Sidewalk': [0, 0, 192], 
                  'SignSymbol': [192, 128, 128], 
                  'Sky': [128, 128, 128],
                  'SUVPickupTruck': [64, 128, 192], 
                  'TrafficCone': [0, 0, 64], 
                  'TrafficLight': [0, 64, 64], 
                  'Train': [192, 64, 128],
                  'Tree': [128, 128, 0], 
                  'Truck_Bus': [192, 128, 192], 
                  'Tunnel': [64, 0, 64], 
                  'VegetationMisc': [192, 192, 0],
                  'Void': [0, 0, 0], 
                  'Wall': [64, 192, 0],


选择需要提取的类别 names = ['Pedestrian', 'Car', 'Truck_Bus'],根据 camvid 语义分割标签结果提取目标检测bbox标签的代码如下:

import cv2
import torch
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def mask_to_2D(label):
    """ return: semantic_map -> [H, W] """
    color_list = list(name_color_dict.values())
    semantic_map = np.zeros(label.shape[:-1])
    for index, color in enumerate(color_list):
        equality = np.equal(label, color)
        class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1)
        semantic_map[class_map] = index
    return semantic_map

def draw_box(img, boxes, colors):
    """ plots one bounding box on image img """
    for box, color in zip(boxes, colors):
        cv2.rectangle(img, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), color, thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

def get_bbox(label_file, names):
    """ get bbox from semantic label """
    # convert RGB mask to 2D mask
    mask = np.array(Image.open(label_file))
    mask_2D = mask_to_2D(mask)
    mask_to_save = np.zeros_like(mask_2D)
    # instances are encoded as different colors
    obj_ids = np.unique(mask_2D)
    # split the color-encoded mask into a set of binary masks
    masks = mask_2D == obj_ids[:, None, None]
    # get bounding box coordinates for each mask
    num_objs = len(obj_ids)
    boxes, colors = [], []
    for i in range(num_objs):
        id = obj_ids[i]
        name = list(name_color_dict.keys())[int(id)]
        if name in names:
            binary = masks[i].astype(np.int8)
            num_labels, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(binary, connectivity=8, ltype=cv2.CV_16U)
            for id_label in range(1, num_labels):
                temp_mask = labels == id_label
                pos = np.where(temp_mask)
                xmin = np.min(pos[1])
                xmax = np.max(pos[1])
                ymin = np.min(pos[0])
                ymax = np.max(pos[0])
                 # filter result by setting threshold of width and hegith: 20
                if (xmax - xmin) > 20 and (ymax - ymin) > 20:
                    boxes.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
                    color = list(name_color_dict.values())[int(id)]
                    mask_to_save[pos] = id_label

    # draw mask and bbox
    draw_box(mask, boxes, colors)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    names = ['Pedestrian', 'Car', 'Truck_Bus']
    label_file = "camvid/labels/0001TP_006690_L.png"
    label = np.array(Image.open(label_file))
    get_bbox(label_file, names)


图4 提取结果



(1) CamVid 官网: http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/VideoRec/CamVid/
(2) Segmentation and Recognition Using Structure from Motion Point Clouds, ECCV 2008
(3) Semantic Object Classes in Video: A High-Definition Ground Truth Database

