最近火出圈的GPT-4 技术Report出来了,快进来看看逐文对照翻译!

近期OpenAI发布的GPT-4的效果好得让人惊艳!碾压了之前火到出圈的ChatGPT,通过同步发布的GPT-4 Technical Report一同看看到底发生了什么!



We report the development of GPT-4, a large-scale, multimodal model which can accept image and text inputs and produce text outputs. While less capable than humans in many real-world scenarios, GPT-4 exhibits human-level performance on various professional and academic benchmarks, including passing a simulated bar exam with a score around the top 10% of test takers. GPT-4 is a Transformerbased model pre-trained to predict the next token in a document. The post training alignment process results in improved performance on measures of factuality and adherence to desired behavior. A core component of this project was developing infrastructure and optimization methods that behave predictably across a wide range of scales. This allowed us to accurately predict some aspects of GPT-4’s performance based on models trained with no more than 1/1,000th the compute of GPT-4.




This technical report presents GPT-4, a large multimodal model capable of processing image and text inputs and producing text outputs.   Such models are an important area of study as they have the potential to be used in a wide range of applications, such as dialogue systems, text summarization, and machine translation.   As such, they have been the subject of substantial interest and progress in recent years [1–28].


One of the main goals of developing such models is to improve their ability to understand and generate natural language text, particularly in more complex and nuanced scenarios.   To test its capabilities in such scenarios, GPT-4 was evaluated on a variety of exams originally designed for humans.   In these evaluations it performs quite well and often outscores the vast majority of human test takers.For example, on a simulated bar exam, GPT-4 achieves a score that falls in the top 10% of test takers.  This contrasts with GPT-3.5, which scores in the bottom 10%.


On a suite of traditional NLP benchmarks, GPT-4 outperforms both previous large language models and most state-of-the-art systems (which often have benchmark-specific training or hand-engineering).On the MMLU benchmark [29, 30], an English-language suite of multiple-choice questions covering 57 subjects, GPT-4 not only outperforms existing models by a considerable margin in English, but also demonstrates strong performance in other languages.   On translated variants of MMLU, GPT-4 surpasses the English-language state-of-the-art in 24 of 26 languages considered.   We discuss these model capability results, as well as model safety improvements and results, in more detail in later sections.


This report also discusses a key challenge of the project, developing deep learning infrastructure and optimization methods that behave predictably across a wide range of scales.   This allowed us to make predictions about the expected performance of GPT-4 (based on small runs trained in similar ways) that were tested against the final run to increase confidence in our training.


Despite its capabilities, GPT-4 has similar limitations to earlier GPT models [1, 31, 32]: it is not fully reliable (e.g. can suffer from “hallucinations”), has a limited context window, and does not learn from experience.  Care should be taken when using the outputs of GPT-4, particularly in contexts  where reliability is important.


GPT-4’s capabilities and limitations create significant and novel safety challenges, and we believecareful study of these challenges is an important area of research given the potential societal impact.This report includes an extensive system card (after the Appendix) describing some of the risks weforesee around bias, disinformation, over-reliance, privacy, cybersecurity, proliferation, and more.It also describes interventions we made to mitigate potential harms from the deployment of GPT-4,including adversarial testing with domain experts, and a model-assisted safety pipeline.




This report focuses on the capabilities, limitations, and safety properties of GPT-4. GPT-4 is aTransformer-style model [33] pre-trained to predict the next token in a document, using both publiclyavailable data (such as internet data) and data licensed from third-party providers. The model wasthen fine-tuned using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) [34]. Given boththe competitive landscape and the safety implications of large-scale models like GPT-4, this reportcontains no further details about the architecture (including model size), hardware, training compute,dataset construction, training method, or similar.


We are committed to independent auditing of our technologies, and shared some initial steps andideas in this area in the system card accompanying this release.2 We plan to make further technicaldetails available to additional third parties who can advise us on how to weigh the competitive andsafety considerations above against the scientific value of further transparency.




A large focus of the GPT-4 project was building a deep learning stack that scales predictably. Theprimary reason is that for very large training runs like GPT-4, it is not feasible to do extensive model-specific tuning. To address this, we developed infrastructure and optimization methods that have very predictable behavior across multiple scales. These improvements allowed us to reliably predict some aspects of the performance of GPT-4 from smaller models trained using 1, 000× –10, 000× less compute.


3.1 损失预测

The final loss of properly-trained large language models is thought to be well approximated by powerlaws in the amount of compute used to train the model [35, 36, 2, 14, 15].


To verify the scalability of our optimization infrastructure, we predicted GPT-4’s final loss on ourinternal codebase (not part of the training set) by fitting a scaling law with an irreducible loss term(as in Henighan et al. [15]): L(C) = aCb + c, from models trained using the same methodologybut using at most 10,000x less compute than GPT-4. This prediction was made shortly after the runstarted, without use of any partial results. The fitted scaling law predicted GPT-4’s final loss withhigh accuracy (Figure 1).

为了验证我们优化基础设施的可伸缩性,我们通过拟合一个具有不可约损失项(如Henighan等人[15])的缩放定律来预测GPT-4在内部代码库(不属于训练集)上的最终损失:L(C) = aC^b + C,来自使用相同方法训练的模型,但使用的计算量最多比GPT-4少10,000倍。这个预测是在运行开始后不久做出的,没有使用任何部分结果。拟合的标度律对GPT-4的最终损耗进行了高精度预测(图1)。


Figure 1. Performance of GPT-4 and smaller models. The metric is final loss on a dataset derivedfrom our internal codebase. This is a convenient, large dataset of code tokens which is not contained inthe training set. We chose to look at loss because it tends to be less noisy than other measures acrossdifferent amounts of training compute. A power law fit to the smaller models (excluding GPT-4) isshown as the dotted line; this fit accurately predicts GPT-4’s final loss. The x-axis is training computenormalized so that GPT-4 is 1.


3.2 在HumanEval上的扩展能力

Having a sense of the capabilities of a model before training can improve decisions around alignment,safety, and deployment. In addition to predicting final loss, we developed methodology to predictmore interpretable metrics of capability. One such metric is pass rate on the HumanEval dataset [37],which measures the ability to synthesize Python functions of varying complexity. We successfullypredicted the pass rate on a subset of the HumanEval dataset by extrapolating from models trainedwith at most 1, 000× less compute (Figure 2).



Figure 2. Performance of GPT-4 and smaller models. The metric is mean log pass rate on a subset ofthe HumanEval dataset. A power law fit to the smaller models (excluding GPT-4) is shown as the dottedline; this fit accurately predicts GPT-4’s performance. The x-axis is training compute normalized so thatGPT-4 is 1.


For an individual problem in HumanEval, performance may occasionally worsen with scale.  Despite these challenges, we find an approximate power law relationship −EP [log(pass_rate(C))] = α∗C−k where k and α are positive constants, and P is a subset of problems in the dataset.  We hypothesize that this relationship holds for all problems in this dataset.  In practice, very low pass rates are difficult or impossible to estimate, so we restrict to problems P and models M such that given some large sample budget, every problem is solved at least once by every model.

对于HumanEval中的单个问题,性能有时会随着规模的扩大而恶化。尽管存在这些挑战,我们发现了一个近似的幂律关系−EP [log(pass_rate(C))] = α∗C−k,其中k和α是正常数,P是数据集中问题的子集。我们假设这种关系适用于这个数据集中的所有问题。在实践中,非常低的通过率是很难或不可能估计的,因此我们限制问题P和模型M,这样给定一些大的样本预算,每个问题至少被每个模型解决一次。

We registered predictions for GPT-4’s performance on HumanEval before training completed, using only information available prior to training.  All but the 15 hardest HumanEval problems were split into 6 difficulty buckets based on the performance of smaller models.  The results on the 3rd easiest bucket are shown in Figure 2, showing that the resulting predictions were very accurate for this subset of HumanEval problems where we can accurately estimate log(pass_rate) for several smaller models.  Predictions on the other five buckets performed almost as well, the main exception being GPT-4 underperforming our predictions on the easiest bucket.


Certain capabilities remain hard to predict. For example, the Inverse Scaling Prize [38] proposedseveral tasks for which model performance decreases as a function of scale. Similarly to a recentresult by Wei et al. [39], we find that GPT-4 reverses this trend, as shown on one of the tasks calledHindsight Neglect [40] in Figure 3.



Figure 3. Performance of GPT-4 and smaller models on the Hindsight Neglect task. Accuracy is shownon the y-axis, higher is better. ada, babbage, and curie refer to models available via the OpenAI API[41].

图3。GPT-4和较小模型在事后忽视任务中的表现。精度表示在y轴上,越高越好。ada, babbage和curie是通过OpenAI API[41]提供的模型。

We believe that accurately predicting future capabilities is important for safety. Going forward weplan to refine these methods and register performance predictions across various capabilities beforelarge model training begins, and we hope this becomes a common goal in the field.




We tested GPT-4 on a diverse set of benchmarks, including simulating exams that were originallydesigned for humans.3 We did no specific training for these exams. A minority of the problems in theexams were seen by the model during training; for each exam we run a variant with these questions removed and report the lower score of the two. We believe the results to be representative. For further details on contamination (methodology and per-exam statistics), see Appendix C.


Exams were sourced from publicly-available materials. Exam questions included both multiple-choice and free-response questions; we designed separate prompts for each format, and images wereincluded in the input for questions which required it. The evaluation setup was designed basedon performance on a validation set of exams, and we report final results on held-out test exams.Overall scores were determined by combining multiple-choice and free-response question scoresusing publicly available methodologies for each exam. See Appendix A for further details on theexam evaluation methodology.



Table1. GPT performance on academic and professional exams. In each case, we simulate theconditions and scoring of the real exam. We report GPT-4’s final score graded according to exam-specific rubrics, as well as the percentile of test-takers achieving GPT-4’s score.

表1 GPT在学术和专业考试中的表现。在每种情况下,我们都模拟了真实考试的条件和分数。我们报告GPT-4的最终分数评分根据考试特定的规则,以及考生达到GPT-4的分数的百分比。


Figure 4. GPT performance on academic and professional exams. In each case, we simulate the conditions and scoring of the real exam. Exams are ordered from low to high based on GPT-3.5 performance. GPT-4 outperforms GPT-3.5 on most exams tested. To be conservative we report the lower end of the range of percentiles, but this creates some artifacts on the AP exams which have very wide scoring bins. For example although GPT-4 attains the highest possible score on AP Biology (5/5), this is only shown in the plot as 85th percentile because 15 percent of test-takers achieve that score.


GPT-4 exhibits human-level performance on the majority of these professional and academic exams. Notably, it passes a simulated version of the Uniform Bar Examination with a score in the top 10% of test takers (Table 1, Figure 4).


The model’s capabilities on exams appear to stem primarily from the pre-training process and are not significantly affected by RLHF.  On multiple choice questions, both the base GPT-4 model and the RLHF model perform equally well on average across the exams we tested (see Appendix B).


We also evaluated the pre-trained base GPT-4 model on traditional benchmarks designed for evaluating language models.  For each benchmark we report, we ran contamination checks for test data appearing in the training set (see Appendix D for full details on per-benchmark contamination).4  We used few-shot prompting [1] for all benchmarks when evaluating GPT-4.


GPT-4 considerably outperforms existing language models, as well as previously state-of-the-art (SOTA) systems which often have benchmark-specific crafting or additional training protocols (Table 2).



Table 2. Performance of GPT-4 on academic benchmarks. We compare GPT-4 alongside the bestSOTA (with benchmark-specific training) and the best SOTA for an LM evaluated few-shot. GPT-4outperforms existing LMs on all benchmarks, and beats SOTA with benchmark-specific training on alldatasets except DROP. For each task we report GPT-4’s performance along with the few-shot methodused to evaluate. For GSM-8K, we included part of the training set in the GPT-4 pre-training mix(see Appendix E), and we use chain-of-thought prompting [11] when evaluating. For multiple-choicequestions, we present all answers (ABCD) to the model and ask it to choose the letter of the answer,similarly to how a human would solve such a problem.

表2。GPT-4在学术基准上的表现。我们将GPT-4与最佳SOTA(基准特定训练)和最佳SOTA用于LM评估。gpt -4在所有基准测试上都优于现有的lm,并在除DROP之外的所有数据集上通过基准特定训练击败SOTA。对于每一项任务,我们报告GPT-4的性能以及用于评估的few-shot方法。对于GSM-8K,我们在GPT-4预训练组合中包含了部分训练集(见附录E),并且在评估时使用了思维链提示[11]。对于多项选择题,我们将所有答案(ABCD)呈现给模型,并要求它选择答案的字母,类似于人类如何解决这样的问题。

Many existing ML benchmarks are written in English.  To gain an initial understanding of GPT-4’s capabilities in other languages, we translated the MMLU benchmark [29, 30] – a suite of multiple- choice problems spanning 57 subjects – into a variety of languages using Azure Translate (see Appendix F for example translations and prompts).  We find that GPT-4 outperforms the English- language performance of GPT 3.5 and existing language models (Chinchilla [2] and PaLM [3]) for the majority of languages we tested, including low-resource languages such as Latvian, Welsh, and Swahili (Figure 5).

许多现有的ML基准测试都是用英语编写的。为了初步了解GPT-4在其他语言中的功能,我们使用Azure Translate将MMLU基准测试[29,30]——一套涵盖57个主题的多项选择题——翻译成各种语言(参见附录F的示例翻译和提示)。我们发现,对于我们测试的大多数语言,包括低资源语言,如拉脱维亚语、威尔士语和斯瓦希里语,GPT-4的英语语言性能优于GPT 3.5和现有语言模型(Chinchilla[2]和PaLM[3])(图5)。

GPT-4 substantially improves over previous models in the ability to follow user intent [57].  On a dataset of 5,214 prompts submitted to ChatGPT [58] and the OpenAI API [41], the responses generated by GPT-4 were preferred over the responses generated by GPT-3.5 on 70.2% of prompts.

GPT-4在跟踪用户意图[57]的能力方面大大改进了以前的模型。在提交给ChatGPT[58]和OpenAI API[41]的5214个提示的数据集中,GPT-4生成的响应在70.2%的提示上优于GPT-3.5生成的响应。


Figure 5. Performance of GPT-4 in a variety of languages compared to prior models in English onMMLU. GPT-4 outperforms the English-language performance of existing language models [2, 3] forthe vast majority of languages tested, including low-resource languages such as Latvian, Welsh, andSwahili.


We are open-sourcing OpenAI Evals7, our framework for creating and running benchmarks for evaluating models like GPT-4 while inspecting performance sample by sample.  Evals is compatible with existing benchmarks, and can be used to track performance of models in deployment.  We plan to increase the diversity of these benchmarks over time to represent a wider set of failure modes and a harder set of tasks.

我们正在开源OpenAI Evals7,这是我们的框架,用于创建和运行评估GPT-4等模型的基准,同时逐个样本检查性能样本。评估与现有的基准测试兼容,并可用于跟踪部署中模型的性能。我们计划随着时间的推移增加这些基准的多样性,以代表更广泛的故障模式和更难的任务集。

4.1 可视化输入

GPT-4 accepts prompts consisting of both images and text, which—parallel to the text-only set-ting—lets the user specify any vision or language task. Specifically, the model generates text outputsgiven inputs consisting of arbitrarily interlaced text and images. Over a range of domains—includingdocuments with text and photographs, diagrams, or screenshots—GPT-4 exhibits similar capabilitiesas it does on text-only inputs. An example of GPT-4’s visual input can be found in Table 3. The stan-dard test-time techniques developed for language models (e.g. few-shot prompting, chain-of-thought,etc) are similarly effective when using both images and text - see Appendix G for examples.

GPT-4接受由图像和文本组成的提示,这与纯文本设置并行,允许用户指定任何视觉或语言任务。具体来说,该模型在给定由任意交错的文本和图像组成的输入时生成文本输出。gpt -4在一系列域中(包括带有文本和照片、图表或屏幕截图的文档)显示出与纯文本输入类似的功能。在表3中可以找到GPT-4可视化输入的示例。为语言模型开发的标准测试时间技术(例如,少镜头提示,思维链等)在使用图像和文本时同样有效——参见附录G的例子。


Table 3. Example prompt demonstrating GPT-4’s visual input capability. The prompt consists of aquestion about an image with multiple panels which GPT-4 is able to answer.


Preliminary results on a narrow set of academic vision benchmarks can be found in the GPT-4 blogpost [59]. We plan to release more information about GPT-4’s visual capabilities in follow-up work.




Despite its capabilities, GPT-4 has similar limitations as earlier GPT models.  Most importantly, it still is not fully reliable (it “hallucinates” facts and makes reasoning errors).  Great care should be taken when using language model outputs, particularly in high-stakes contexts, with the exact protocol (such as human review, grounding with additional context, or avoiding high-stakes uses altogether) matching the needs of specific applications.  See our System Card for details.


GPT-4 significantly reduces hallucinations relative to previous GPT-3.5 models (which have them- selves been improving with continued iteration).  GPT-4 scores 19 percentage points higher than our latest GPT-3.5 on our internal, adversarially-designed factuality evaluations (Figure 6).



Figure 6. Performance of GPT-4 on nine internal adversarially-designed factuality evaluations. Accuracyis shown on the y-axis, higher is better. An accuracy of 1.0 means the model’s answers are judged tobe in agreement with human ideal responses for all questions in the eval. We compare GPT-4 to threeearlier versions of ChatGPT [58] based on GPT-3.5; GPT-4 improves on the latest GPT-3.5 model by 19percentage points, with significant gains across all topics.


GPT-4 makes progress on public benchmarks like TruthfulQA [60], which tests the model’s ability to separate fact from an adversarially-selected set of incorrect statements (Figure 7). These questions are paired with factually incorrect answers that are statistically appealing.  The GPT-4 base model is only slightly better at this task than GPT-3.5;  however, after RLHF post-training we observe large improvements over GPT-3.5.8 Table 4 shows both a correct and an incorrect answer.  GPT-4 resists selecting common sayings (you can’t teach an old dog new tricks), however it still can miss subtle details (Elvis Presley was not the son of an actor, so Perkins is the correct answer).



Figure 7. Performance of GPT-4 on TruthfulQA. Accuracy is shown on the y-axis, higher is better. Wecompare GPT-4 under zero-shot prompting, few-shot prompting, and after RLHF fine-tuning. GPT-4significantly outperforms both GPT-3.5 and Anthropic-LM from Bai et al. [61].



Table 4: Example of GPT-4 giving correct and incorrect responses on TruthfulQA


GPT-4 generally lacks knowledge of events that have occurred after the vast majority of its pre-training data cuts off in September 20219, and does not learn from its experience.  It can sometimes make simple reasoning errors which do not seem to comport with competence across so many domains, or be overly gullible in accepting obviously false statements from a user.  It can fail at hard problems the same way humans do, such as introducing security vulnerabilities into code it produces.


GPT-4 can also be confidently wrong in its predictions, not taking care to double-check work when it’s likely to make a mistake.  Interestingly, the pre-trained model is highly calibrated (its predicted confidence in an answer generally matches the probability of being correct).  However, after the post-training process, the calibration is reduced (Figure 8).



Figure 8. Left: Calibration plot of the pre-trained GPT-4 model on a subset of the MMLU dataset.The model’s confidence in its prediction closely matches the probability of being correct. The dotteddiagonal line represents perfect calibration. Right: Calibration plot of the post-trained GPT-4 model onthe same subset of MMLU. The post-training hurts calibration significantly.


GPT-4 has various biases in its outputs that we have taken efforts to correct but which will take some time to fully characterize and manage.  We aim to make GPT-4 and other systems we build have reasonable default behaviors that reflect a wide swath of users’ values, allow those systems to be customized within some broad bounds, and get public input on what those bounds should be.  See OpenAI [62] for more details.




We invested significant effort towards improving the safety and alignment of GPT-4.  Here we highlight our use of domain experts for adversarial testing and red-teaming, and our model-assisted safety pipeline [63] and the improvement in safety metrics over prior models.


Adversarial Testing via Domain Experts: GPT-4 poses similar risks as smaller language models, such as generating harmful advice, buggy code, or inaccurate information.  However, the additional capabilities of GPT-4 lead to new risk surfaces.  To understand the extent of these risks, we engaged over 50 experts from domains such as long-term AI alignment risks, cybersecurity, biorisk, and international security to adversarially test the model.  Their findings specifically enabled us to test model behavior in high-risk areas which require niche expertise to evaluate, as well as assess risks that will become relevant for very advanced AIs such as power seeking [64].  Recommendations and training data gathered from these experts fed into our mitigations and improvements for the model;for example, we’ve collected additional data to improve GPT-4’s ability to refuse requests on how to synthesize dangerous chemicals (Table 5).



Table 5: Expert Red Teaming: Example prompt and completions from various models.


Model-Assisted Safety Pipeline: As with prior GPT models, we fine-tune the model’s behavior using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) [34, 57] to produce responses better aligned with the user’s intent. However, after RLHF, our models can still be brittle on unsafe inputs as well as sometimes exhibit undesired behaviors on both safe and unsafe inputs. These undesired behaviors can arise when instructions to labelers were underspecified during reward model data collection portion of the RLHF pipeline. When given unsafe inputs, the model may generate undesirable content, such as giving advice on committing crimes. Furthermore, the model may also become overly cautious on safe inputs, refusing innocuous requests or excessively hedging. To steer our models towards appropriate behaviour at a more fine-grained level, we rely heavily on our models themselves as tools. Our approach to safety consists of two main components, an additional set of safety-relevant RLHF training prompts, and rule-based reward models (RBRMs).


Our rule-based reward models (RBRMs) are a set of zero-shot GPT-4 classifiers. These classifiers provide an additional reward signal to the GPT-4 policy model during RLHF fine-tuning that targets correct behavior, such as refusing to generate harmful content or not refusing innocuous requests. The RBRM takes three inputs: the prompt (optional), the output from the policy model, and a human-written rubric (e.g., a set of rules in multiple-choice style) for how this output should be evaluated. Then, the RBRM classifies the output based on the rubric. For example, we can provide a rubric that instructs the model to classify a response as one of: (a) a refusal in the desired style, (b) a refusal in the undesired style (e.g., evasive or rambling), (c) containing disallowed content, or (d) a safe non-refusal response. Then on the set of safety-relevant training prompts, which request harmful content such as illicit advice, we can reward GPT-4 for refusing these requests. Conversely, we can reward GPT-4 for not refusing requests on a subset of prompts guaranteed to be safe and answerable. This technique is related to work by Glaese et al. [65] and Perez et al. [66]. This, combined with other improvements such as computing optimal RBRM weights and providing additional SFT data targeting the areas we want to improve, allowed us to steer the model closer towards the desired behaviour.


Improvements on Safety Metrics: Our mitigations have significantly improved many of GPT-4’ssafety properties. We’ve decreased the model’s tendency to respond to requests for disallowed content(Table 6) by 82% compared to GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 responds to sensitive requests (e.g., medicaladvice and self-harm, Table 7) in accordance with our policies 29% more often (Figure 9). On theRealToxicityPrompts dataset [67], GPT-4 produces toxic generations only 0.73% of the time, whileGPT-3.5 generates toxic content 6.48% of time.



Table 6: Example prompt and completions for improved refusals on disallowed categories.



Table 7. Example prompt and completions for reduced refusals on allowed categories. Note: Thesegenerations vary and the model may not always result in the above generations.



Figure 9. Rate of incorrect behavior on sensitive and disallowed prompts. Lower values are better.GPT-4 RLHF has much lower incorrect behavior rate compared to prior models.

图9。敏感提示和不允许提示的错误行为率。值越低越好。与现有模型相比,GPT-4 RLHF具有更低的错误行为率。

Overall, our model-level interventions increase the difficulty of eliciting bad behavior but doing so is still possible. For example, there still exist “jailbreaks” (e.g., adversarial system messages, see Figure 10 in the System Card for more details) to generate content which violate our usage guidelines. So long as these limitations exist, it’s important to complement them with deployment-time safety techniques like monitoring for abuse as well as a pipeline for fast iterative model improvement.


GPT-4 and successor models have the potential to significantly influence society in both beneficial and harmful ways. We are collaborating with external researchers to improve how we understand and assess potential impacts, as well as to build evaluations for dangerous capabilities that may emerge in future systems. We will soon publish recommendations on steps society can take to prepare for AI’s effects and initial ideas for projecting AI’s possible economic impacts.




We characterized GPT-4, a large multimodal model with human-level performance on certain difficultprofessional and academic benchmarks. GPT-4 outperforms existing large language models on acollection of NLP tasks, and exceeds the vast majority of reported state-of-the-art systems (whichoften include task-specific fine-tuning). We find that improved capabilities, whilst usually measuredin English, can be demonstrated in many different languages. We highlighted how predictable scalingallowed us to make accurate predictions on the loss and capabilities of GPT-4.


GPT-4 presents new risks due to increased capability, and we discussed some of the methods andresults taken to understand and improve its safety and alignment. Though there remains much work tobe done, GPT-4 represents a significant step towards broadly useful and safely deployed AI systems.









