

Keras examples directory


VisVision models examplesion models examples


mnist_mlp.py Trains a simple deep multi-layer perceptron on the MNIST dataset.


mnist_cnn.py Trains a simple convnet on the MNIST dataset.


cifar10_cnn.py Trains a simple deep CNN on the CIFAR10 small images dataset.

                         基于CIFAR10(较少图片)数据集训练简单深度卷积神经网络(deep CNN

cifar10_resnet.py Trains a ResNet on the CIFAR10 small images dataset.


conv_lstm.py Demonstrates the use of a convolutional LSTM network.

                         卷积LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory,长短期记忆网络)网络的使用演示

image_ocr.py Trains a convolutional stack followed by a recurrent stack and a CTC logloss function to perform optical character recognition (OCR).


                         CTC模型(Connectionist temporal classification)接在RNN网络的最后一层用于序列学习所用;对于一段长度为T的序列来说,每个样本点 t 在RNN网络的最后一层都会输出一个softmax向量,表示预测概率;接上CTC模型之后,就可以正确预测出序列的标签;

                       OCR (Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)是指电子设备(例如扫描仪或数码相机)检查纸上打印的字符,通过检测暗、亮的模式确定其形状,然后用字符识别方法将形状翻译成计算机文字的过程;即,针对印刷体字符,采用光学的方式将纸质文档中的文字转换成为黑白点阵的图像文件,并通过识别软件将图像中的文字转换成文本格式,供文字处理软件进一步编辑加工的技术。

mnist_acgan.py Implementation of AC-GAN (Auxiliary Classifier GAN) on the MNIST dataset


                         GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks ,生成式对抗网络)是一种深度学习模型,是近年来复杂分布上无监督学习最具前景的方法之一。模型通过框架中(至少)两个模块:生成模型(Generative Model)和判别模型(Discriminative Model)的互相博弈学习产生相当好的输出。原始 GAN 理论中,并不要求 G 和 D 都是神经网络,只需要是能拟合相应生成和判别的函数即可。但实用中一般均使用深度神经网络作为 G 和 D 。一个优秀的GAN应用需要有良好的训练方法,否则可能由于神经网络模型的自由性而导致输出不理想。

mnist_hierarchical_rnn.py Trains a Hierarchical RNN (HRNN) to classify MNIST digits.


mnist_siamese.py Trains a Siamese multi-layer perceptron on pairs of digits from the MNIST dataset.


mnist_swwae.py Trains a Stacked What-Where AutoEncoder built on residual blocks on the MNIST dataset.


mnist_transfer_cnn.py Transfer learning toy example.


Text & sequences examples


addition_rnn.py Implementation of sequence to sequence learning for performing addition of two numbers (as strings).


babi_rnn.py Trains a two-branch recurrent network on the bAbI dataset for reading comprehension.


babi_memnn.py Trains a memory network on the bAbI dataset for reading comprehension.


imdb_bidirectional_lstm.py Trains a Bidirectional LSTM on the IMDB sentiment classification task.

                         基于IMDB(Internet Movie Database,互联网电影资料库。亚马逊旗下,一个关于电影演员、电影、电视节目、电视明星和电影制作的在线数据库)训练双向LSTM实现情感分类任务

imdb_cnn.py Demonstrates the use of Convolution1D for text classification.


imdb_cnn_lstm.py Trains a convolutional stack followed by a recurrent stack network on the IMDB sentiment classification task.


imdb_fasttext.py Trains a FastText model on the IMDB sentiment classification task.


imdb_lstm.py Trains an LSTM model on the IMDB sentiment classification task.


lstm_stateful.py Demonstrates how to use stateful RNNs to model long sequences efficiently.


pretrained_word_embeddings.py Loads pre-trained word embeddings (GloVe embeddings) into a frozen Keras Embedding layer, and uses it to train a text classification model on the 20 Newsgroup dataset.



reuters_mlp.py Trains and evaluate a simple MLP on the Reuters newswire topic classification task.


                         Reuters路透社(Reuters,LSE:RTR,NASDAQ: RTRSY)是世界上最早创办的通讯社之一,也是目前英国最大的通讯社和西方四大通讯社之一。路透社是世界前三大的多媒体新闻通讯社,提供各类新闻和金融数据,在128个国家运行。

Generative models examples


lstm_text_generation.py Generates text from Nietzsche's writings.


conv_filter_visualization.py Visualization of the filters of VGG16, via gradient ascent in input space.


deep_dream.py Deep Dreams in Keras.


neural_doodle.py Neural doodle.


neural_style_transfer.py Neural style transfer.


variational_autoencoder.py Demonstrates how to build a variational autoencoder.


variational_autoencoder_deconv.py Demonstrates how to build a variational autoencoder with Keras using deconvolution layers.


Examples demonstrating specific Keras functionality


antirectifier.py Demonstrates how to write custom layers for Keras.


mnist_sklearn_wrapper.py Demonstrates how to use the sklearn wrapper.


mnist_irnn.py Reproduction of the IRNN experiment with pixel-by-pixel sequential MNIST in "A Simple Way to Initialize Recurrent Networks of Rectified Linear Units" by Le et al.

                         根据“A Simple Way to Initialize Recurrent Networks of Rectified Linear Units”(用RLU初始化RNN的简单方法)论文,基于MINIST数据集进行IRNN(Implementing Recurrent Neural Net using chainer,链表实现递归神经网络)实验

mnist_net2net.py Reproduction of the Net2Net experiment with MNIST in "Net2Net: Accelerating Learning via Knowledge Transfer".

                         根据“Net2Net: Accelerating Learning via Knowledge Transfe”(知识迁移加速学习)论文,基于MINIST数据集进行实验

reuters_mlp_relu_vs_selu.py Compares self-normalizing MLPs with regular MLPs.


mnist_tfrecord.py MNIST dataset with TFRecords, the standard TensorFlow data format.


mnist_dataset_api.py MNIST dataset with TensorFlow's Dataset API.









