
参考:Firewalls and default ports

注:可执行 sudo netstat -tnlp 查看

端口 服务描述
22 SSH
3306 MariaDB(MySQL)
27017 MongoDB
5672、25672 RabbitMQ
4369 Erlang端口映射守护进程(Erlang Port Mapper Daemon)
11211 Memcached
35357 OpenStack Identity Service of Apache HTTP Server(Admin)
5000 OpenStack Identity Service of Apache HTTP Server(User)
9191 OpenStack Image Service of Glance Registry
9292 OpenStack Image Service of Glance API
8774、8775 OpenStack Compute Service of Nova API
6080 OpenStack Compute Service of Nova Proxy
9696 OpenStack Networking Service of Neutron Server
80 OpenStack Dashboard Service of Apache HTTP Server
8776 OpenStack Block Storage Service of Cinder API
8786 OpenStack Shared File Systems Service of Manila API
8080 OpenStack Object Storage Service of Swift Proxy
8000 OpenStack Orchestration Service of Heat API (CloudFormation)
8004 OpenStack Orchestration Service of Heat API
8777 OpenStack Telemetry Alarming Service of Ceilometer API
8042 OpenStack Telemetry Alarming Service of Aodh API
8779 OpenStack Database Service of Trove API
8386 OpenStack Data Processing Service of Sahara API
53 Libvirt Dnsmasq
3260 OpenStack Block Storage Service of Tgtd(iSCSI target后台服务)
873 OpenStack Object Storage Service of Remote Sync
6000 OpenStack Object Storage Service of Object
6001 OpenStack Object Storage Service of Container
6002 OpenStack Object Storage Service of Account
6379 redis-server
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/violet_echo_0908/article/details/53217328

