ChatGPT的8 个高级提示,祝你获得更好的结果,附Prompt

ChatGPT已突破一亿用户,然而普通用户并没有写出完美的提示。复制粘贴这 8 个高级提示以获得更好的结果:

1️⃣ 比较和对比

Prompt: "Compare and contrast (concept1) and (concept2) to understand their similarities and differences better. Use examples to illustrate your points."


2️⃣ 总结复杂的文本

Prompt: "I need to read a complicated article related to (topic). Can you help me summarise the key points and takeaways from the text?"


3️⃣ 训练学习写作

Prompt: "Analyse the text below for style, voice, and tone. Create a prompt to write a new paragraph in the same style, voice, and tone: (interstate your text)."


4️⃣ 简化复杂信息

Prompt: "Break down the (topic) into smaller, easier-to-understand parts. Use analogies and real-life examples to simplify and make the con part more relatable."


5️⃣ 记住重要信息

Prompt: "What are the most important facts, dates, or formulas related to (topic)? Help me create a memorization technique to remember them easily."


6️⃣ 运用你的知识

Prompt: "Use your knowledge of (topic) to solve a real-world problem. Explain your thought process and share your solution."


7️⃣ 从错误中学习

Prompt: "I made a mistake while practicing (skill). Can you explain what went wrong and how I can avoid making the same mistake in the future?"


8️⃣ 与他人联系

Prompt: "Connect me with a community of learners and experts in (topic). How can I join a forum, social media group, or other online community to share my knowledge and learn from others?"


