


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--<SecuritySettings provider="AD" apiKey="myKey">
    --><!-- Optional, these networks can see the overview dashboard without authentication --><!--
        <Network name="SE Internal" cidr="" />
<SecuritySettings provider="alladmin" />
Example of global access for everyone:
<SecuritySettings provider="alladmin" />

SQLSettings 配置连接SQL Server数据库

/* Configuration for the SQL Server dashboard */
  // The default connection string used unless specifically provided on a node
  // $ServerName$ gets replaces with the name property of the instance
  "defaultConnectionString": "Data Source=$ServerName$;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;",
  // How often to poll all servers (defaults to 60 seconds if not configured)
  "refreshIntervalSeconds": 30,
  // Always On Availability Group Clusters
  //"clusters": [
  //  {
  //    // Used purely for display
  //    "name": "NY-SQLCL03",
  //    // How often to poll the server
  //    "refreshIntervalSeconds": 20,
  //    // The list of nodes (servers) in this AG setup
  //    "nodes": [
  //      { "name": "NY-SQL01" },
  //      { "name": "NY-SQL02" },
  //      { "name": "CO-SQL01" }
  //    ]
  //  }
  // Standalone instances
  "instances": [
    // An example with all the options configured
      "name": "",
      "connectionString": "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=CheersLifeNew;User ID=lifescreen;Password=123456;",
      "refreshIntervalSeconds": 200
    // Some standalone servers (default instance) using default refresh and connection strings:
    //{ "name": "NY-DESQL01" },
    //{ "name": "NY-RESTORESQL01" },
    //{ "name": "NY-UTILSQL01" },
    // Example of a named instance
    { "name": "" }


/* Configuration for the Redis dashboard */
  /* If a server doesn't specify any instances, then these will be used as a fallback.
     For most simple setups, this is a single :6379 instance */
  "defaults": {
    "instances": [
        "name": "Default", // Name to use in the UI
        "port": 6379 // Port the instance runs on
  /* (DEPRECATED) - will remove this in favor of defaults in 2.0
     Instances that appear on *all* servers (even if they *also* specify their own)
     Useful for environments where most servers have the same setup, like a master + replica configuration.
     Or, in a simple setup you'd just declare the 6379 (redis default port) instance here. */
  "allServers": {
    "instances": [
        "name": "JYJ_Master",
        "port": 6379,
        /* Regexes to use in memory analysis
           Each key is evaluated against these and they're use for bucketing.
           This helps find out what the heavy key patterns are. */
        "analysisRegexes": {
          "**local**": "^local-",
          "**dev**": "^dev-",
          "**local:**": "^local:",
          "**dev:**": "^dev:"
      //  "name": "Careers",
      //  "port": 6380
      //  "name": "Gossip (Q&A)",
      //  "port": 6381
      //  "name": "Analytics (Careers)",
      //  "port": 6382
      //  "name": "CoreML (Q&A)",
      //  "port": 6383,
      //  "analysisRegexes": {
      //    "ltah-home-pred": "^ltah-home-pred-",
      //    "ltal-home-pred": "^ltal-home-pred-",
      //    "ml-ltap-cache": "^ml-ltap-cache-",
      //    "is-ml-elligible": "^is-ml-elligible-",
      //    "is-lowml-elligible": "^is-lowml-elligible-"
      //  }
  /* Individually specified servers (DNS entries or IPs)
     Each of these may specify their own instances. 
     If they don't, each will inherit the instances configured in allServers above. */
  "Servers": [
    // Simple server, inheriting the instances from allServers
    { "name": "" },
    //{ "name": "ny-redis02" },
    //{ "name": "co-redis01" },
    //{ "name": "co-redis02" },
    // Server specifying it's own instance list, NOT inheriting from allServers above
      "name": "",
      "instances": [
          "name": "",
          "port": 6379,
          //"password": "superSecret", // Instance has a password
          "useSSL": "true" // Connect via SSL (not built into redis itself - default is false)



