

  • @author : lssffy

  • @Description : 复制对象

  • @date : 2023/5/29 10:33
    public class BeanCopy {

    public static T copy(Object source, Class target) {
    if(target == null){
    return null;
    try {
    T t = target.newInstance();
    return copy(source,t);
    }catch (Exception e){
    log.error(“Failed to copy:{}” , e);
    throw new BusinessException(CommonErrors.COPY_OBJ_FAIL,e);

    public static T copy(Object source, T target){
    if(target == null || source == null){
    return null;
    BeanCopier copier = BeanCopier.create(source.getClass(), target.getClass(),true);
    copier.copy(source, target, new Converter() {
    public Object convert(Object obj, Class cls, Object context) {
    if(obj == null){
    return null;
    * source is String,target is Date
    else if((obj instanceof String) && Date.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)){
    return DateUtils.parseDate((String) obj);
    * source is Date, target is String
    else if((obj instanceof Date) && String.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)){
    return DateFormatUtils.format((Date) obj);
    * source is not String, target is String
    else if(!(obj instanceof String) && String.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
    return String.valueOf(obj);
    * different custom objects, but with the same fields name
    else if(cls.toString().contains(“com.example”) && !cls.equals(obj.getClass())){
    return copy(obj, cls);
    return obj;
    return target;


    • if source、target is element to list,but both is object is not same as type。
    • @param source
    • @param target
    • @param properties
      public static void copyProperties(Object source,Object target,String… properties){

    public static T copyProperties(Object source,Class cls,String… properties){
    T target;
    try {
    target = cls.newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e){
    log.error(“Cannot copy properties:{}”, e);
    throw new BusinessException(CommonErrors.INSTANCE_OBJ_FAIL,e);
    return target;

    public static List copyList(List<?> source, Class cls){
    if(source == null){
    return null;
    return source.stream().map(s->copy(s,cls)).collect(Collectors.toList());

